Substantive commitments form a significant portion of the Constitution (Part I).
Determing what improves and what obstructs process requires an understanding of the substantive goals to be achieved. (Part II)
Identifying procedurally (process) disadvantaged groups requires a value based determination of which identifiable groups are to be recognized and protected. (Part III)

See also: Democracy and Distrust Ackerman, Bruce The Substance of Process 1981 (PDF)
Ortiz, Daniel Pursuing a Perfect Politics: The Allure and Failure of Process Theory 1991 (PDF)
Ely at the Altar: Political Process Theory through the Lens of the Marriage DebateMarriage Debate 2011
Sex and Marriage, Gay Marriage: Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) written 2023-04-17 (Full opinion, dissents.)

2023-10-09: Tribe, Laurence The Puzzling Persistence of Process-Based Constitutional Theories 1980

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