Headed out from Yacht Haven Annapolis. Spent about a quarter of an hour turning round G "13" and Y "B" under engine while Leah drove to consolidate knowledge of steering. My hat was taken by the wind and dropped in the Bay. Executed a Man-Overboard-Drill, first one, and Leah recovered the hat on the first try....head up hard on the wind, tack over, run down, gybe to a beam reach, turn up and burn off speed while arriving at the target.

Made sail and headed out, past Y "A" close to port, past G "1" and R "2". Winds as high as 16 knots. Boat speed hitting 6.1 knots close hauled. Heeling 30d to 35d. Even buried the rail from time to time. Tacked to port and formed course rather towards R "2". After reaching area north of R "2" fell off to a beam reach which became broader as we sailing up the Severn.

Leeward side rigging slack when sailing on a beam reach...too little tension in the rig. Must be addressed.

Need additional telltales farther forward on the luff of the jib.