Late to the boat, as was everyone else. TC had to attached the tiller, which he had taken home to be refinished. Arrived at the course with fifteen minutes to the start.

Downwind start. TC placed the boat well. Crossed the line just seconds after the gun. Raised the "new" spinnaker, black and white check in the center. Tear in the center bottom white panel from top to bottom which had been taped, but the tape failed, leaving the hole gaping open. Led all boats to WNR "A". Made the turn to port, from a run to upwind, about a boat ahead of Wicked (#262), yet Wicked ended up to windward and ahead. Must have had a miserably slow takedown and transistion.

Headed for WNR "B", clearing Y "A" in the process without the need to adjust our course. Caught and past Wicked on the way, reaching WNR "B" about boat lengths ahead. Did not close the mark. Had to tack to leave the mark to port. In doing so, Wicked rounded inside us, again, and immediately bore away for Y "A". We kept the jib up, in place of changing to spinnaker, and sailed a higher course most of the way back to Y "A". In doing so, Wicked was able to open a lead.

Rounded Y "A" to starboard. Tight spinnaker carry to R "4". Dropped the chute at R "4" and headed up close hauled to the finish at R "8". Closed Wicked throughout the leg, finishing just behind Wicked.

Finishing order: Wicked, Argo, Lingin, Laughing Gull, and Second-2-Nun

GPX formatted Track distance: 6.13nm, average speed: 3.2kts, duration: 1:54