TC brought the repaired spinnaker back, reinstalled the tiller, and we headed out to the course. Light winds, smooth water, bit of rippling but rather more smooth than might be expected for what wind there was.

Spent time at the pin end, while Wicked and Second-2-Nun were at the boat. In the final approached, sailed somewhat behind the line on port tack, while Second-2-Nun and Wicked approached us on starboard sailing down the line. Passed to leeward of Second-2-Nun. Hardened up to close hauled at the gun and passed about a boat length behind Wicked. When time came to tack from port onto starboard to fetch the R "A", we had the choice of splitting two PRHF A0 boats or passing behind both. TC chose to split. Upon tacking to make the R "A", found ourselves about three boat lengths behind Wicked. The current pushed us about half a boat length below the mark, forcing us to shoot the mark, which TC did very well. Came round the mark quite slowly as a result of the loss of momentum.

Up the spinnaker, with the halyard over the lifeline and the sheet and guy below the lifeline. My first mistake. Down comes the spin onto the deck, moved the halyard below the lifeline. Up it goes...alone. Sky'ed the spin halyard. My second mistake. Down comes the jib, switch the halyard over the spinnaker and up she goes, both halyard and spinnaker this time. At this point, we are seven boats behind Wicked.

Course was shortened to finish at R "8" despite reasonable breeze. Shortest course, shortened. AYC might have considered longer course ending at R "8" given the solid and slightly building breeze.

Gybed quite near the finish has TC had been aiming to pass the second boat northeast of R "8", in place of the race committee boat which as closer to R "8".

Returned to dock. Went up the mast to retrieve the spin halyard.

Finishing order: Wicked, Argo, and Second-2-Nun

GPX formatted Track distance: 4.42nm, average speed: 3.4kts, duration: 1:17