Cast off from the dock. The wind coming into the "alley" between the Chart House and the slips worked to turn the stern as needed to clear the 40 to 50 foot Cruise Annapolis boats, as well as the Duffy Boats. Very little work needed to clear the slip. Headed out from Yacht Haven Annapolis. Running at only 5.6 to 5.7 knots at 3,000 rpm...attributing this to a foul bottom since the obat has been out in over two weeks and has not had the bottom scrubbed.

Cleared the area where SSA was setting up for TESOD. With no engine and no sails, the boat will lie with the wind coming straight over the beam...dangerous attitude. Must have some sail or engine to head up either up or off. Raised sail and headed down river and into the Bay. Often sailing at 60d apparent over the port side, passing close aboard R "4". Hitting mid to upper 5 knots. Mostly mid 5 knots. As we cleared the land to the north, the wind picked up to Force 5. Harded up course to 45d apparent wind. Boat heeled well over with rail immersed at times.

Came about around 19:30 in the area of R "2" and AH "1". Started as a beam reach at high 6 knots, later broadening and raising speeds to as much as 7.2 or so coming down the face of what little waves there were. Heeling was far reduced to perhaps 10d. The boat would tend to head up or fall off as the waves hit from starboard quarter. Significant amount of weather helm when trying to head up. Found myself steering a scalloped course and the boat alternately headed up and fell off with the waves. Traveller all the way down and mainsheet eased till part of the sail was visibly against the spreaders. Still a good bit of weather helm as the stern lifted to what waves there were.

In the vicinity of G "5", furled the jib. Came in very tightly with significant jib sheet left over about three feet more than usual due to the force of the wind on the sail as it was furled. At dock, refurled to relieve the pressure and tightness. With main sheeted in hard on starboard tack and the tiller free, the boat would sent to sit close hauled, moving slowly. Wind in the river at Force 5 now, 18, 19 knots. Mailsail furling a bit of a handful. Settled for dropping all at once, bundling as best I could and tying in place with four sail ties. Refurled at dock. Whitecaps in the river by now. TESOD ended and boats headed back to SSA.

Tied up the boat, restowed the mainsail, and put all items away. While restowing the maih, replaced all four telltales with new ones. Easy end to the day.

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