Set out for the second the Annapolis Yacht Club 2017 Wednesday Night Races of 2017 after TC completed working on the carburator to smooth out the engine.

Course A3. Spinnaker start. Not bad, not great, in company with Laughing Gull. Tim, per his wont, started at the pin and proceeded down the left side of the course establishing a commanding lead. Virtually everyone else was closer to the center of the course. We ended up behind Skybird, Wicked with Laughing Gull nearby to windward, Asylum and Second-2-Nun were off the port side. Order around the turning mark: LinGin, Wicked, Laughing Gull, Argo, Skybird, and then either Second-2-Nun or Asylum.

Sailed decently upwind, helped by lifts that brought us onto the layline for the next turning mark at R "8". Order at the mark: LinGin, Wicked, Argo, Laughing Gull, Skybird, and then either Second-2-Nun or Asylum. Laughing Gull and Skybird turned immediately for Spa Creek; Wicked and Argo continued on port tack up the river in hopes of making the SC "1" mark. In the end, Wicked made the mark and we did not. Two tacks required and Laughing Gull got ahead of us.

Finishing order: Lingin, Laughing Gull, Wicked, Argo, Skybird, Second-2-Nun, and Asylum.