A high pressure system has been parked over the mid-Atlantic since 10 July. The high pressure, heat, and humidity has shutdown the winds. Readings at the Annapolis weather buoy have often been Force 1 and 2. No more. Consequently, little sailing this week. 2017 Wednesday Night Races
were cancelled this week due to a lack of wind. At the end of the day today, finally got the thunderstorms and low pressure front required to break the heat.
- Third and final coat of paint on the forward, aft, and inboard edges of the starboard side v-berth.
- Third and final coat of paint on the vertical surface just aft the integral water tank in the v-berth.
- Third and final coat of paint on the cleats to support the access panels for the v-berth and the holding tank.
- Removed the alcohol stove which was held in place by three short (3/4"?).
- Removed heat protection woven cloth from the perimeter of the galley counter cutout for the alcohol stove.
- Pulled the nails that held the protection woven cloth.
- Vacuumed the shelf below the alcohol stove.
- Vacummed the inner surface of the hull under the galley.
- Removed the two faucets and the base from the galley counter. The base was attached to the galley counter with a layer of silicone.
- Scrubbed out the sink with ScotchBrite.
- Scrubbed the galley counter with ScotchBrite.
- Filled the integral fresh water tank and drained it into the bilge. Fifth rinse of the tank.