Sick. Fell ill after the remarkable sweat fest that was last Friday. That day sweated to such and extent that my khaki shorts were a single color -- wet khaki. Been moving slowly since then.
- Removed painter's tape from the starboard side flats of the v-berth.
- Removed painter's tape from the vertical surface just aft the integral water tank in the v-berth.
- Verifed that the seawater Navy style pump in the galley does not pump. May just be shot.
- Spliced the 50 feet of 5/16" New England Ropes
for the reefing line from Bacons
around the pin in the Ronstan
RF1379 1/2" curved base cheek block that was mounted near the aft end of the boom on the starboard side. The reefing line will pass from the pin under the boom, through the reef cringle, down the block, through a couple guides, to the block hung under the gooseneck, to the base of the mast, through the deck organizer, and finally through the line clutch on the port side of the companionway.
- Re-attached Ronstan
RF1379 1/2" curved base cheek block to the aft end of the boom on the starboard side using Tef-Gel
on the fasteners and under the feet at the four corners of the block. When removing the cheek block, it was evident that some surface corrosion had taken place where the four feet were in contact with the boom.