Motored to Whitehall Bay (-76d 26.290' 38d 58.750') and dropped anchor for the first time. A bit of a anchor roller, had to feed the anchor, chain, and rode over the side and under the pulpit. Was possible due to the weather and sea state. Would not want to do this in a real breeze. Used Drag Queen to monitor the anchor position worked well, but uses a LOT of power from the iPhone battery. Constance sat at 120d to the wind. Expect that this was due to the combination of wind and current.

Fired up the grill with 1 lb. Camping Gas Cylinder . Cooked flounder for eleven minutes on medium and the salmon for fifteen minutes in the closed grill. Worked wonderfully. Ate dinner. Returned to Yacht Haven Annapolis. Attempted to boil water in a pot on the open grill. No go. The grill either must be closed or a wind shield must be fitted. Used 80 grams of propane. A 16 oz cannister weighs 886 grams.