Started recording the track after making sail. Kept recording till we reached the dock.

Left Yacht Haven Annapolis with the intention of getting in a bit of a longer sail. Decided to head for Sandy Point Shoal Light . The course out to R "4" required heading downwind, at times dead downwind. We spoke of apparent wind speed for a while after my wife remarked on how much more wind there was while we were headed into the wind to raise the main. After passing R "4", we were able to head up for the main span of the Bay Bridge. Wind gusting at times, so that I feathered the boat upwind to reduce heel while gaining more ground to windward.

Upon nearing the Bay Bridge, the Bay became lumpier with crossing wavetrains, the air was disturbed. These may be effects of the bridge, as we encountered similar conditions last Tuesday on the way to Bay Bridge Marina . Numerous fishing boats in each span of the bridge. Had wished to cross away from the main channel, but was blocked from doing so by the number of fishing boats.

After gaining some ground to weather above the bridge, reefed the main and rolled in the jib a bit. Just before heading back downwind, shook out the reefs. While head to wind, shaking out the mainsail reef, encountered a couple waves that lifted the stern and dipped the stemhead into the water. Quite a bit of lumpiness!

Motored back to Yacht Haven after passing under the Bay Bridge southbound. The find had shutdown, the Bay was lumpy, Lead was tired. Time to get back. Used 2,200 RPM or about 5.5 knots. Distrubing that Leah fell leaving the boat while carrying the cooler. Fortunately, she landed on John Beyerlein's boat in the next slip. Not good when one needs to be lucky.

GPX formatted Track distance: 14.10nm, average speed: 4.2kts, duration: 3:21