Got the dock to find little breeze. CBOFS reported more than 6 knots at the Annapolis weather buoy. Decided to go out and find the breeze. Motored past Horn Point to somewhere around R "4" where we found breeze. Shutdown the motor. Raised the sails. Reached out into the Bay for about an hour, not quite to anchor freighters, but well beyond G "AH1" and north of R "2". Bright moon illuminating the sails and allowing me to see, dimly, the telltales on the genoa.

Tacked around and headed back in. Moon so bright, now behind us, that our shadows were visible on the cabin bulkhead. Sailed back in, as the wind rose to high force 3, at times just cracking force 4, past Horn Point and a three sailboats anchored close by. Rolled the genoa at Horn Point. Started the engine. Dropped and flaked the main. Returned to dock.

Leah quite impressed with the difference between day and night sailing. She mentioned that its a memorable experience.