Gotta rig a proper outhaul. Needed to adjust the outhaul today in stronger winds. Not easy. The boat would not stay head to wind, so had to try to adjust it quickly as the boat tacked from starboard to port. Starboard to port only, as I wanted to be inboard of the boom while adjusting the outhaul.

Light winds in the river. Once past Y "A", the winds picked up, gusting to 16 knots in area south of Whitehall Bay. The gusts would last a bit then drop to 12 or 13, playing back and forth across the need to reef and no need to reef. In the end, did not reef. Good tacking angles going to windward.

Track started upon shuttig down the engine and ended when starting the engine. GPX formatted Track distance: 7.30nm average speed: 4.1kts, duration: 1:47