2017 Bruce Rankin Memorial Regatta. Held north of G "1" and east of Whitehall Bay. Two races.

This year, the Rankin Regatta and Tzom Gedalyah fell on the same day. Fasted throughout the race and till we returned to the dock. By then the majority of the day had passed plus another hour. Broke the fast at that point under "rubo k'kulo".

Close races against LinGin both times. Each time, TC started at the pin end, the less favored end of the line, and relied upon his ability to sail higher and a bit faster to win back the distance sacrificed at the start. Flew both spinnakers, as there was not enough time to pack, comfortably, between spinnaker sets.

First Race: Finishing order: Argo, Lingin, Latika, Skybird, Laughing Gull, Wicked (DNC)

Second Race: By now the ebbing current had filled in, estimated as much as 2 knots. The effect of the current can been seen by comparing the GPX files. Most likely somewhat less than that but clearly visible and setting the boats down the bay.
Finishing order: Argo, Lingin, Skybird, Latika, Laughing Gull (DNF), Wicked (DNC)

Returned to Muller Marine under power.

GPX formatted First Race distance: 2.79, average speed: 4.0kts, duration: 0.42
GPX formatted Second Race distance: 3.59, average speed: 3.8kts, duration: 0:56

Photos from both days of the regatta.

Team Results:
1st with 25 points: Argo and Wicked
2nd with 26 points: Lingin and Latika
3rd with 36 points: Laughing Gull and Skybird

Individual Results:
1st with 6 points: Argo 1-3-1-1
2nd with 7 points: Lingin 2-1-2-2
3rd with 17 points: Skybird 5-5-4-3
4th with 19 points: Laughing Gull 4-4-5-6(DNF)
4th with 19 points: Latika 6-6-3-4
4th with 19 points: Wicked 3-2-7(DNC)-7(DNC)