Sanding the cockpit moved the project from "OMG, its worse than before I started" to "Wow, this will look better when I'm done."
- Sanded down the QuikFair
applied to the cockpit. Used 80 grit with gentle pressure on the quarter sheet sander. Appears to have worked very well to remove the excess material without removing too much.
- Washed the cockpit with hot water.
- Washed the cabin aft bulkhead that had been prep'ed with hot water.
- Washed the foredeck with hot water. It was quite dirty.
- Beware: QuikFair with insufficient hardener does not harden, becomes a thick mass that does not sand but rather forms small pellets of material leaving behind an unacceptably rough surface.
- Next steps:
- Second fairing of cockpit.
- Fill diamond patter areas with QuikFair
prior to applying KiwiGrip
- Fill, sand, and paint indent cover and winch bases to determine how the finished project may look.
- Sand cockpit locker lids.
- Paint cabin aft interior bulkhead, first coat with High Gloss White
?? Might be best to wait to see how the Brightside
looks in the cockpit.
- Remove the access plate in the cockpit floor and fill diamond pattern below access plate flange.
- Need to decide whether or not to remove the cockpit drains for this project.
- Need to decide whether or not to remove cabin top winches to refinish inside cabin there as well.
Note: the photos below were taken the next day after masking the diamond pattern before filling with QuikFair