- Sanded cockpit, winch bases, and indent cover with 400 grit.
- Vacuumed cockpit, winch bases, and indent cover.
- Washed cockpit, winch bases, and indent cover and allowed to dry before proceeding.
- Wiped down the item to speed drying. So far 90 minutes into the day.
- Pulled a bit of the tape. Came off easily and cleanly leaving a definite line separating the painted smooth section and the non-skid.
- First coat of High Gloss White
inside the cabin around the penetrations of the aft bulkheaad.
- Passed a tack rag lightly over all.
- Applied the second coat of Pre-Kote
to the port winch base.
- Applied second coat of Brightside
on the cockpit, the startboard winch base, and the indent. Used about four or five ounce, just enough to complete the cockpit. Used a 1" slant cut brush in place of foam brushes. Much better for controlling the amount of paint being applied. Came up with a specific order of painting:
- Cut in the aft starboard coaming smooth area, working forward coating the bit of side deck, the shelf that supports the coaming, and the turn of the seat to the backrest/coaming supports.
- Cut in the side of the cabin where the return blocks land and the turn from the seat to the aft side of the cabin.
- Continue around the port side and the aft side to the beginning.
- Cut in the areas around the non-skid on the seats, starboard side followed by fore and then port, including the indent in the bridgedeck, the companionway, and the turn down to the foot well all around.
- Paint the gutters for the seat lockers and the inside lip of the lockers, starboard side followed by port.
- Switch to a roller to coat the aft deck, aft end of the foot well, starboard, port, and fore end.
- Roll the sides of cabin under and above the return blocks and the aft end of the cabin.
- Next steps:
- Sand second topcoat with 400 grit.
- Wash and tack cloth.
- Apply third coat of Brightside
- Need to get back to work on the cockpit locker seat lids and companionway trim. First item is to sand, then prime for Awlwood
- Need to Cetol the coamings, companionway hatch, and companionway boards.