Strong winds with predictions of gust into force 6. Started with a reef. Head downwind on a broad reach out towards the Bay. Returned back to the area of the Naval Academy. Headed back to the Bay and bback to the Academy.

Winds in the mid to high teens commonly, gusts hitting 22+kts over the masthead as reported by the wind instrument. With the jib fully deployed and the main reefed and flattened, the boat was still overpowered in the gusts. Would have had to flog the mainsail to keep the boat well on her feet. Instead of flogging, keep heading up, even as far as 30d apparent wind angle. When gusts hit would bury the rrail, and at times even have water flowing onto the leeward jib winch. Whitecaps in the river. Saw 18kts a bit downstream of AYC. Used the lee of the large boats at AYC to lower and furl the main.

Thinking that I need a #2 jib.

Talked with TC, he recommended:

GPX formatted Track distance: 9.67nm, average speed: 4.5kts, duration: 2.08