Sailed out with a moderate breeze downwind. Turned to fetch the main span of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Along the way, reefed the main from #367 Interrupt for the first time close to North Shoal south of Hackett Point. Once again, it was difficult to clear the Bay Bridge, speeds per GPS dropping from more than five knots to less than four knots. The Chesapeake Channel LLB 92 station reporting ebbing currents peaking at just over one knot heading 232 degrees as of 2018/08/23 11:33 EDT.

Shook out the reef after passing G "1C" while approaching the Magothy River. Strange behavior off Podickery Creek. Wind driven swell pushing the boat towards shore while the wind was very soft, a light air even. Motored away from the shallows and the breeze picked back up to a gentle breeze. Sailed back under the Bay Bridge, then gave up sailing the the boat was moving just somewhat more than three knots.

While motoring back, circled the USCG Eagle which was anchored at 38.96147°/-76.41018°.

GPX formatted Track distance: 16.6nm, average speed: 4.1kts, duration: 4:03