Light winds blowing, when blowing, down the river. Easy, lazy sailing with Azriel driving and I trimming. Generally, seeing five knots of breeze. At the end, the wind died and we motored back to dock. This might be a good model ... have the new person drive. Driving allows them to participate, has the challenges of learning that the tiller moves the opposite direction and that there is some lag in the boat's repsonse, mistakes happen more slowly and can be corrected before there is a problem, their contribution to the sailing of the boat is clear and essential. Much easier than teaching them to trim. Its so easy to trim, look away, get distracted, and neglect the duty of trimming. Driving keeps them engaged and feeling that their actions are meaningful and productive.

GPX formatted Track distance: 4.28nm, average speed: 2.9kts, duration: 1:29