Trying to learn not to oversheet the main and press the boat down. Trying to keep the boat flatter in hope of reducing leeway, but without much success in these breezes. Wishing to ascribe the wide tacking angles to leeway rather than other causes.

Single reef in the main throughout. Consistent eighteen knots at the masthead. Highest gust that I saw was 23 knots. Whitecaps on many of the wave, not all. When well trimmed nearing six knots upwind, poorly trimmed about four and a half. Split a pairn of Etchells that were running under spinnaker.

Flying back towards Annapolis, with surges hitting seven knots quite often and occasionally eight. Saw a Beneteau Figaro 3 sailing to windward pass by as I was headed back in.

GPX formatted Track distance: 7.98nm, average speed: 5.23kts, duration: 1:31