Tried lashing the 170LP from Interrupt to the bail of the drum snap shackle and the bail of the top swivel snap shackle. Lashes up well. Nearly makes it full hoist. Slight amount of softness in the luff. Certainly would be useable based upon consideration of hoist alone. However, its may all be for naught, as the roller furler will not furler in this configuration. The top swivel is so high that it contacts the spinnaker halyard and drags it around the headstay creating a problem. In order to get the furler to furler, one has to pull unreasonably hard on the furling line to pop the top swivel round. Not workable.

Went up the mast to make sure that everything is okay at the masthead and re-reeve the jib halyard behind the deflection pulley just below and a bit to starboard of the slot for the main halyard. While up there, removed the strap eyes securing the lazy jacks. Reinstalled the three slotted machine screws that secured the strapn eyes using Tef-Gel .

Could consider lashing the 170LP to the drum and the top swivel, dropping it on deck at the windward mark and hoisting at the leeward. The roller furler does not hoist as easily as a hank-on sail. The luff tape tends to turn and bind at times. Does not seem that this would be a workable method when racing.

In the photos below, one can see the extensions at the top of the headstay. Were the headstay the correct length, no extensions at the masthead and no extra toggle at the stem, the 170LP might fit. In order to do this, would need to replace the headstay with a longer one and install another section of foil. In that instance, would be worth considering moving the existing lower section of foil above the gate and attaching it to the lowest full section of foil, and installing a short section of foil below the gate to reach the drum.