Interrupt main and Tatus II 150LP genoa.

Fast sailing today. Three tacks to clear the river, first to the area between Greenbury Point and R"4", second to the area of G"1E", third straight out to towards the shipping channel. Hitting 5.4 knots at times. Fully powered up boat on the beat. Bubbled main.

Somewhat after clear Y"A", spotted a J boat to leeward beating down the Bay on starboard tack headed toward Annapolis. The boat tacked and so began a race, at least in my mind. The J boat was about 10 lengths to leeward and on a parallel course of between 120 and 135 degrees. Kept up with the J boat handily, at times moving ahead some, but not consistently. Happy to be able to maintain position and improve a bit from time to time.

As we neared the shipping channel, headed off the wind a bit, playing with angles to the wind and angle of heel. Hitting 6.3 knots and more at times. The boat would move faster, heeled harder. A barge was ahead of us in the shipping channel, and so I decided to wear, close the J boat and see what kind it was. The J boat tacked back to port and so I began to chase again, as my lead was now a deficit. Chased the J/80 Dasher from J World back towards Annapolis, keeping the GPS speed at 6 knots or more. Easily passed Dasher and opened a substantial gap. When passing near Y"A" on the way back, a Pearson 35 crossed our bow headed towards Lake Ogleton. Boat was moving fast, doubt that we could have matched her.

NO GPX formatted track. Recording stopped after 26 seconds. Estimate distance: 7.5nm, estimated average speed: 5.0kts, estimated duration: 1:25