- Checked engine oil--clean and clear.
- Reconnected the raw water system intake to the Bay.
- Connected a 5/8" from the raw water outlet of the heat exchanger and lead the hose through the cockpit sole access plate into the cockpit.
- Started the engine. Water flows out the 5/8" outlet hose onto the cockpit sole.
- Revved engine to 3000rpm, increased water flow.
- Ran engine at 2400rpm for a minute to give any problems a change to show up. Mixing elbow at 91*, exhaust elbow 105*.
- Shutdown the engine.
- Engine oil appears "tainted" (see photo below).
- Engine oil does not cause Gasoila to change color from brownish to red.
- Checked that the same sample of Gasoila does change to red when exposed to Bay water.
- Tried to get the bubbles in the oil to form larger bubbles, but they don't coalese, just pop. Could it be air?!!
- Connected raw water system as designed...raw water output of heat exchanger to mixing elbow.
- Restarted engine and allowed to idle for 4 minutes.
- Ran engine at 2800rpm for a bit more than 10 minutes.
- Shutdown engine.
- Engine oil no more "tainted" than before, less actually.
- Engine at base of injectors: 158*.
- Coolant hoses on input and output side of coolant pump: 88* and 138*.
- Raw water hoses at input to heat exchanger and output: 61* and 95*
- Main halyard sheave slot: 6-15/16" x 3/4", full width of flat on the aft side of the mast.
- Mast section thickness: 3/8"
- Mast section size: 6-1/16" x 3-17/32" at the base. Could be that the base is a bit (1/16") enlarged vs the rest of the mast.