Interrupt genoa and Interrupt mainsail.

Removed Interrupt genoa and bent on the 135LP. Very good decision. Weather helm was light to moderate, never heavy. Even with the 135LP, at times the boat was heeled 30 degrees, rail near the water, and making 6.3 or more per the GPS.

Saw John Budington out sailing Nimble Alberg 30 #67 headed towards Annapolis as Constance was headed out past R'2'.

Crossed the Severn River on starboard tack while another boat passed to leeward of me, outbound. Perhaps a Catalina of some type. Larger than Constance. At G'13', tacked onto port and began to chase. A bit after A'1', an Alerion Express 28 #203 had joined us. The Catalina(?) and the Alerion 28 were well to leeward and about a quarter mile ahead, with the Catalina(?) trailing. Sailed fast, racing the other two. Caught the Catalina(?) easily. Took till nearing Tolly Point to catch the Alerion. The Alerion tried sailing higher, but I was able to hang with them on the higher point of sail. When the fell off a bit, continued to parallel them. Pulled well ahead, about 100 yards, while remaining about 100 yards to windward.

Having past R'2' and the other two boats, decided to head for home. Angled down onto the Alerion, past ahead at a distance of about 30 yards, planning to speak them but that did not happen. Lost a used Lewmar 10" winch handle overboard. First one lost on Constance. Took 5 years ;). Should not have been able to catch the Alerion which has a PHRF rating of 174 vs the Alberg 30's 231. Alerion #203 is not a member of CBYRA or PHRF of the Chesapeake.

Trim details:

GPX formatted Track . Estimate distance: 7.46nm, estimated average speed: 5.7kts, estimated duration: 1:18