Good winds blowing down the river, force 4.

Three races, two a single lap from a drop mark one mile upwind to the Annapolis weather buoy Y"AN", and one from the same drop mark to Y"AN", round Hacketts, back to Y"AN" and downwind to the finish.

Worked bow. After skippering for several years, I am completely rusty on bow. In addition, Pat does things a bit different from TC. No prefeed, hoist the spinnaker, then the bowman is expected to "elp it around". Messed up the topping lift and downhaul a couple times. During the second race, had disconnected the topping lift while sorting lines, and Shane sky'ed the lift. Used the jib halyard as a replacement topping lift. During the break between the second and third races, stood on the spinnaker pole while Shane supported my against the mast and recovered the topping lift using a boat hook.Finally started getting things right on the third race.

Pat got three good starts. He declared the rest of the fleet as too anxious, and made the starboard tack run for the line from beyond the boat Pat had Lisa playing the traveller throughout the upwind legs.

Pat had Lisa playing the traveler throught the upwind legs. Made a measureable difference in performance.