Pandora mainsail, EP Sails genoa and spinnaker.

Late to the start. Arrived in Oxford at 8:00, then had to empty trash and perform several other chores before we could leave the dock. When I got back after dumping the trash, Skybird had left and Windswept was just leaving, forcing Christian to leave the dock first. He had to circle back twice to pick me up, having missed me on the first attempt.

TAYC did not place a committee boat on station, choosing to start folks from the dock instead. No audible sound/horn signals for the starts. No radio calls for the starts. A number of boats calling the race committee to clarify what was going on.

Upwind start about 4 or 5 minutes late. No Albergs in sight. Significant wave action bouncing the boat and pushing us around, tiring. Backwinding the main considerably. Again using the #2 was rejected by the fleet, lest the wind drop a bit and be left with the wrong sail up. We had not time to consider changing sail. Saw Actaea while in the Tred Avon, perhaps on the starboard tack board passing Batchelor Pt. Photos from Skoot (below) are from the next starboard board while passing the Choptank River light. The multihull in the background, with the float at the masthead, rounded R "14" with us. We crossed the multihull, while on starboard, immediately before tacking to the mark.

Arrived at the first mark, R "14", considerably ahead of Skybird who was much closer to the Island Neck shore and slower. Have no idea how this came to be. Misjudged the mark and had to double tack to clear it. During the long port tack run out the river, we were able to sail a bit freer at times, perhaps as low as 60* apparent. Far more often sailing close hauled or just freer. Called jib trim to Meredith during this board. Main backwinded; long batten in a S curve at times. Was able to get the boat well balanced at times so that she was sailing herself or even had a touch of lee helm. Perhaps a mile ahead of Skybird now, they were quite far aft in the distance. Word has it that Skybird started at the 8:30 warning signal rather than the 8:35 start and had to re-start.

Nearly sailed past mark R "10", to be left to port. Christian alerted us to the issue when we were abreast of the mark. Hard turn to starboard and a 3-1/2 minute, 0.3nm, board reach to leave R "10 to port. Back to bouncing our way of the Choptank on port tack towards G "7". Onto starboard tack to be able to leave G "7" to starboard. Much better ride on starboard tack, not bashing into waves any longer.

Reached out into the Bay some to get clear of the fish havens and of Popular Island. Not truly necessary, did make the spinnaker run to the finish easier as we could sail a bit freer. Skybird rounded G "7" must more closely, immediately set spinnaker and kept towards the shore. Skybird gbyed a couple times to gain ground to the west in order to make the finish line. Crossed the finish line comfortably ahead of Skybird having given up earlier distance at R "10" and by standing into the Bay.

Set the chute and cruised up the Bay towards the finish at R "84" seeing apparent winds of force 2 while making five and half to six knots, with the breeze softening towards the end of the race.

After finishing the race, set the spinnaker for easy sailing, pole a bit farther forward than warranted by conditions, and steered to match the kite rather than trimming to match course. Eased our way up the Bay in slightly lighter winds, about 10 knots. Winds picked up sharply between Thomas and Tolly Points as did the "Annapolis Bounce". The contrast to the condiions on the Choptank showed how much the water is churned by powerboats on a nice Sunday afternoon in September.

Rolled the Pandora mainsail onto the boom. Removed, rolled and brought the EP Sails genoa home.

Lack of well placed NOAA weather stations. One in Cambridge, but that is on the south side of the Choptank, deeper in and sheltered from the south and southwest. Gooses Reef is south of the Choptank and too far out into the Bay.

Finishing order: Laughing Gull, Windswept, Constance, Skybird Race finished at R "84" at 12:40:26.

GPX formatted Track distance: 21.46nm, average speed: 5.57kts, duration: 3:51
GPX formatted Track distance: 15.18nm, average speed: 5.04kts, duration: 3:00