Spent two hours longboarding the fairing done yesterday: starboard side from bow to cockpit scupper and keel to rudder, port side bow to forward jackstand.
If too little TotalFair
is applied, the low spot on the hull is not filled. There are two ways in which the low spot can show, either the filler did not reach the edge of the shallow spot and a ridge is left inside the shallow at the edge of the filler, or the filler reaches past all the edges of the shallow, but there is not enough material in the middle of the shallow. Both problems are current evident in various locations on the hull.
The first photo below illustrates all three situations: well faired edges at top left, insufficent filler at center right and voids, hard edge at bottom.
If too much TotalFair
is applied, an excessive amount of sanding is required.
As I was putting items away to wash the hull before filling, the rain that had been forecast for 1500 began to fall softly.
Rinsed the hull throughly and called it a day.
Fairing Issues:
The filler was applied thickly to build up surface to match height of thruhull and thinly over the exposed surface of the thruhull to fair in the edge of the thruhull.
Bright bronze shows the effects of sanding away the thin cover of filler, exposing fresh, untarnished bronze.
After first application of filler and initial sanding (photos taken 2022-03-24 showing damp from the rains):
Head outlet and intake.
Port and starboard scuppers.
Engine cooling water.
Galley outlet.