Feeling rather ill. Heavy allergies due to pollen generated congestion which has gotten into my chest making me quite lethargic. Was not feeling up to racing actually.

Vacuumed out the main cabin throughly. Still need to wash down all surfaces to be ready for the season.

Blowing strongly out of the northwest directly down the Severn River. Pointed out to the crew the small white caps on the Severn from Triton Point to the Naval Academy bridge. Did not have the first reef line rigged. Not good. Certainly needed it. Would have been a good night for comparing the performance of LinGin with #1 and single reef in the main to Constance has we flown the 135LP and full main. Woodwinds were sailing with inner jib, forestaysail, and main, no foresail. Seeing 16 to 20+ knots on the meter and 12kts on the meter while running downwind under main alone.

Received an email from the Annapolis Yacht Club explaining their cancellation policy. Forwarded the same to the crew with a not that it is "NOT a statement regarding tonight’s race". Nonetheless, the message was misinterrepted as a cancellation of tonight's race; rather the recipient opened the policy (PDF attachment) without reading my note and interpreted the policy as a notice of cancellation. That idea was communicated back to me and the rest of the crew, so we did not race but rather sailed to refamiliarize everyone with the boat. An indication of my condition, everyone's energy level, and AYC's history of cancelling that we accepted the idea without question despite the race committee boat remaining on station. The VHF was off, bad error, so we did not hear the starting signals.

Used the evening to knock of some of the rust and to show Zack the boat. Started with learning some basic terminology (port, starboard, take up, ease, hoist), to move from side to side as we tack, to breaking the genoa as we tack.

The T2P.tv video of the evening shows numerous mistakes. Most commonly, boats arriving at the leeward mark with the spinnaker still flying. The ill effects of the winter's hiatus in full display.

GPX formatted track . Estimate distance: 6.31nm, estimated average speed: 4.7, estimated duration: 1:20