Asked to serve as committee boat for the Cal 25 Boo Hoo Hoo race. Got out to the start about 1030 and set an anchor...second time setting an anchor in eight years of ownership. Anchor dug in quite well. Stiff to pull from the bottom. Allowed the bouncing due to powerboat wakes to pull the anchor from the bottom once I had pulled in enough rode to place the boat above the anchor. Used somewhat more than 60' of rode and less than 90' in depth of 17' to 20'...not a lot of rode yet still the Bruce 7.5kg anchor dug in well.

Set the course into the wind from the start line at G"9" to G"13" to R"4", back to G"13" back to R"4" and finish at G"9" making a race of 4.4nm, sufficient to qualify for CBYRA High Point on distance. Intended R"6" when thinking about the course. When looking at my prepared table of distances and compass courses, R"6" was not on the list and R"6" did not provide a long enough leg to qualify for High Point, so measured and calculated distance using R"4".

Took the lead boat, Pat Seidel and Lisa Finney, about 12 minutes to reach G"13" and about 35 minutes more to reach R"6", which they rounded in place of R"4"!. Rounded R"6" about 1145, some 15 in advance of the next boat. This shortened the course for the fleet to R"6" in place of R"4".

Abandoned the race about 1245 due to lack of wind. Not a fair competition.

Bounced around a good bit by various powerboat wakes while anchored. Felt a bit unwell at the end. Imagine that an unprotected anchorage might be much worse or perhaps the more regular nature of the swell would allow one to adjust to the motion.