Applied a third coat of Trinidad SR to the locations that were below the jackstands.

Burnished hull, by hand, no longboard, no sanding block, with 330grit from first set of jackstands aft, both sides. The burnished area ends in a diagonal from just forward the midpoint of the hull to about two-thirds of the distance from the forefoot to the rudder shoe. Foward of the line are the knotmeter and head discharge.

Vacuumed up the sanding dust from off the EPA dust matt below Constance.

Heavy rain on Friday night and Saturday. Pumped out the bilge by running the pump about 125 seconds (counted, not timed). Water in the aft batter box as well. Forward battery box quite dry. Possible that the water in the battery box is from companionway hatch leaking while the water in the bilge is from another source, such as the bridge deck access to the icebox.