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Kevin Boothbay's Costs for One Year
- $7,000 Boat Gear
- $4,500 Groceries
- $3,500 Clothing/Gear/Books (included $3,000 for Fatty Knees dinghy to replace destroyed Nutshell Pram)
- $1,500 Boatyard
- $1,000 Dockage
- $ 900 Communications
- $ 700 Cash
- $ 500 Dinner/Travel/Entertainment
- $ 150 Fuel (no internal engine)
- $19,500 Total
- $16,750 Adjusted Total (dinghy)
- Source: What it Cost to Sail for One Year video
- "Seven years that I spent in the corporate world ... five years at Arthur Anderson in Chicago ... two years at Merrill Lynch Commodities down in Houston" "Graduate student in Chicago" "Stipend $14,000 a year" "Still managed to put $2,000 a year in my IRA" Stopped working due to the 2008 sub-prime mortgage meltdown. Living on the boat for the decade since on the returns from equity mutual funds.