Antenna Tuners
- Elecraft T1 Miniture 20W autotuner, 160-6M, 9V, 5oz, ~$160 assembled.
- MFJ-971 200W, 1.8-30MHz, cross meters, 6 x 6 x 2½ inches, 12V, ~$130
- MFJ-949E mobile antenna tuner, 200W, 1.8-30MHz, cross meters, 12V or 120AVC, ~$190 video of internals from VK6CS showing the T-match
- The GQRP Club "Limerick Sudden" ATU Kit
- VK6CS video tuning an MFJ-949E and comparing starting with mid-range capacitor settings vs starting fully meshed. Easier starting mid-range. Difference is quite modest.