fuel="1/4 tank"

Course: B3
Sails: EP Sails 169LPgenoa and Interrupt main. EP Sails spinnaker.

Started about twenty seconds late at the boat end behind LinGin. Worked up on both LinGin and Skybird on the first leg, starboard tack, till we tacked port. Tacking to port worked wonderfully, as LinGin and Skybird both sailed into a hole in the wind while we kept moving well. At the starboard layline tacked back to starboard tack for the first mark "A". Another boat, sail number 34570, a Catalina 38 PHRF rated at 135, tacked slowly from port to starboard within half a boatlength of us, despite repeated hails. Forced us to alter course to avoid possible collision. Crossed both LinGin and Skybird, well ahead.

Rounded mark "A" ahead of both LinGin and Skybird. At mark "A" raised the spinnaker. Not good. Rick had to disconnect the tack bring it aft the clew of the genoa, take the tack back forward outside the genoa and reattach the guy. In doing so we lost more than ten boatlengths on LinGin and Skybird. Caught up a bit on the beam reach to mark "B", but still far behind.

After rounding mark "B", sailed a little bit low for the advantage of speed. Cut the lead of LinGin and Skybird by about half. Tacked over to port first, followed by LinGin and Skybird. Gained on both LinGin and Skybird upwind. Rounded mark "E" within one boatlength of Skybird. Given that it took 25.5 minutes to get from mark "B" to mark "E", for every ten boatlengths that Constance made up on the other boats, Constance was sailing 0.12kts faster. Bottom work and EP Sails 169LP genoa?

Raised the spinnaker sideways. The head was attached to the guy. Lost another ten plus boatlengths, effectively ending the race and securing second in the series for Skybird. As usual, the wind softened markedly as the sun set.

Course shortened to the red nun "8".

T2P.tv video. No Alberg footage.

GPX formatted track. Estimate distance: 7.22nm, estimated average speed: 3.7kts, estimated duration: 1:56