Sails: Interrupt mainsail and new 135P genoa

Lots of Opti's and C420's sailing in today's good conditions. Motored out to Triton Point to get beyond them before raising sail.

After raising the main, the Woodwind was below and ahead of us. Rolled out the genoa and gave chase. The Woodwind tacked first to port but was significantly closer to the Naval Academy moorings off Carr Point. Tacked somewhat later than the Woodwind and below her line so as to not interfere with her commerce. Chased towards Horn Point. Again the Woodwind tacked first to starboard followed by Constance. Two more tacks saw us back on starboard tack, the Woodwind having gained on each board. This time the Woodwind tacked short of the channel as there was an inbound YP required to remain within the channel. Being behind Constance was able to point higher, tightening from about 42 degrees apparent to about 35, and cross the channel while passing behind the YP with several of our boatlengths to spare. Tacked just short of R"4" and headed out into the Bay.

Constance sailed higher than the Woodwind, though not faster, so we moved from being to leeward to about a dozen boatlengths to windward before the Woodwind caught up to us.

Continued on into the Bay a bit after the Woodwind turned for home. Chased a Catalina ?? for a bit and headed back to dock myself.

Sailed fast. Matched and at times exceeded the polars, assuming that the anemometer is accurate as to apparent wind angle.

GPX formatted track . Estimate distance: 8.24nm, estimated average speed: 5.3kts, estimated duration: 1:33