Sails: Pandora mainsail, 135 genoa.

Position Constance for the Sunday racing in the Rankin Regatta. Drove to PSA, arriving at 0835. Met Barbara Vosbury as she was tying up Carnival Lady. Barbara gave me a ride to Yacht Haven Annapolis. Left me car at PSA.

Motored away from the dock, heading for PSA...directly into the wind. Wind stayed out of the north or northeast the entire time going up the Bay. Later dropping out completely. Spent nearly the entire time with the Windex pointed at the bow, sometimes a bit to one side, never as much as 30*.

Tried sailing for a period of time. Between the wind on the nose and the current flowing down the Bay, chose to motor for all but one hour of the trip. The current was such that it dragged some crab port buoys below the surface of the water. While sailing the current was so bad that tacking angles were ~155*. Was swept in a short distance from passing well to windward of the barge with bridge debris buoy moored at 38* 58.8' x -076* 24.5' to leeward of the barge. The current alone slowed progress by ~2+kts vs the 5.5kts the boat was making on the run from Magothy River R"10", perpendicular to any current flowingout of the river and down the Bay, to the entrance to PSA, before I throttled back for the approach to the very narrow entrance to Blackhole Creek.

GPX formatted track. Estimated Distance: 15.62nm, etimated average speed: 4.1kts, estimated duration: 3:49