Bill of Materials
- Erased the 64GB SD micro card and reformatted for FAT32 which is the only supported disk format.
- Downloaded Openplotter ZIP file from using the recommended link.
- Check the SHA checksum of the ZIP file -- matches.
- Opened the ZIP file. Expands into "~/Downloads/NOOBS_v2_8_1".
- Copied the contents of "~/Downloads/NOOBS_v2_8_1" to the newly formatted SD micro card.
- Inserted the SD micro card into the Raspberry Pi 3B+
- Booted and waited for install to complete.
- Rebooted for possible change in screen resolution. No improvement in screen resolution.
- Same warnings as before:
- default password for Signal K server
- default password for "pi" user
- default WiFi Access Point password
- Icon at the top of the screen shows WiFi disabled ... have to set country.
- Openplotter reports "not possible to connect to Github".
- Changed the "Network" configuration from "RPI3+: AP + client" to "client".
- Reboot to make the network changes take effect.
- System reverted to previous settings.
- Per First Settings of Openplotter.
- Change the "Preferences -> Raspberry Pi Configuration -> System" password -- Done.
- Enable "SSH" in "Preferences -> Raspberry Pi Configuration -> Interfaces" -- Done.
- Change "Locale -> Country" in "Preferences -> Raspberry Pi Configuration -> Localisation" to "US (United States)" -- Done.
- Change "Keyboard" in "Preferences -> Raspberry Pi Configuration -> Localisation" to "English (US))" -- Done.
- Change "WiFi Country" in "Preferences -> Raspberry Pi Configuration -> Localisation" to "US United States" -- Done.
- Rebooted to make changes take effect.
- The only warning displayed concerns the default password for Signal K server and "not possible to connect to Github".
- Added WiFi password using the icon in the top panel. WiFi works now -- Done.
- Rebooted. Notified that there is a major update to Openplotter 1.0.0 alpha -> 1.2.0 alpha.
- Openplotter "Network -> Network mode" configuration now shows "client"
- Able to login to the system via ssh pi@
Upgrading Openplotter and OpenCPN
- Attempted to update from 1.0.0 alpha to 1.2.0 alpha -- failed.
- Reformatted the SD micro card using diskutil list to find the device for the external disk and sudo diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 OPENPLOTTER MBRFormat /dev/disk2 to reformat.
- Reinstalled Openplotter, changed the localization and changed the network as detailed above.
- Attempted to update from 1.0.0 alpha to 1.2.0 alpha -- failed with an error from dpkg regarding hostapd.
- Connected the Raspberry Pi 3B+ to the TPLink via eth0 and set the "Network" configuration to "RPI3+: AP + client".
- Restarted Openplotter update from 1.0.0 alpha to 1.2.0 alpha.
- Update of Openplotter from 1.0.0 alpha to 1.2.0 alpha -- succeeded.
- Update of OpenCPN -- succeeded.
Configuring for the GPS/GNSS Recevier
- Edited /etc/default/gpsd: USBAUTO="true", DEVICES="/dev/ttyACM0", GPSD_SOCKET="/var/run/gpsd.sock"
- No joy. No GPS data received.
- Edited /etc/rc.local: /bin/systemctl stop gpsd.socket; /bin/sleep 1; /usr/sbin/gpsd /dev/ttyACM0 -n -G -F /var/run/gpsd.sock; /bin/sleep 1; /usr/sbin/service ntp restart
- Success -- cgps shows a 3D fix.
Updating Passwords
- Changed the "pi" user password.
- Changed the Signal K password.
- Changed the Openplotter access point password.
Final Steps
- Shutdown.
- Unplugged the keyboard, mouse, and screen.
- Rebooted.
- Success able to connect to the Raspberry Pi using UNIX login credentials for user "pi" without keyboard, mouse, or screen connected.
- Fail: gpsd running but no fix and no data in cgps.
- Needed to define a data connection in OpenCPN: Options -> Connections -> Data Connections: Type: Network; Direction: Input; Protocol: GPSD; Network Address:; Network Port: 2947; Priority: 1.
- Downloaded VNC Viewer from vnc. Success able to connect to the Raspberry Pi using UNIX login credentials for user "pi".
- Fail: display resolution in VNC Viewer is unacceptable. Far too few pixels on the screen.
- Changed /boot/config.txt: framebuffer_width=1280 framebuffer_height=720 which are the commented out "default" values. See
- Reboot and reconnect using VNC Viewer
- Success able to connect to the Raspberry Pi using UNIX login credentials for user "pi" without keyboard, mouse, or screen connected and improved display resolution.
- Downloaded from NOAA, RNC and ENC charts for USCG region 05 and Pilot Charts.
Sample Output of the VK-162
pi@openplotter:~ $ gpsmon -a
gpsmon: tcp://localhost:2947
(84) {"class":"VERSION","release":"3.16","rev":"3.16-4","proto_major":3,"proto_minor":11}
(288) {"class":"DEVICES","devices":[{"class":"DEVICE","path":"/dev/ttyACM0","driver":"u-blox","subtype":"SW 1.00 (59842),HW 00070000,PROTVER 14.00,GPS;SBAS;GLO;QZSS","activated":"2019-07-21T18:40:26.064Z","flags":1,"native":0,"bps":9600,"parity":"N","stopbits":1,"cycle":1.00,"mincycle":0.25}]}
(122) {"class":"WATCH","enable":true,"json":false,"nmea":false,"raw":2,"scaled":false,"timing":false,"split24":false,"pps":true}
TOFF=1563734427.061011988 real=1563734427.000000000
(60) b56201063400c81302044c3ff9ff0f0803ddb0d2a206ac6130e381ccd11734090000fffffffffdfffffffcffffff6e0000003f01030784d3010051fb
(196) b5620130bc00c81302040f03000001020d0413392301edffffff0c050d04141ccd00ecfeffff10060d04173e21007401000000090d041a155b007afdffff030c0d07212f22013c00000002110d0417277000060000000b130d041b3565009bffffff09170404120c3400000000000619040411103f0100000000058510010028d30000000000128710010011f70000000000078a10010023df000000000004c3100100a500000000000008c4100100a50000000000000ac5100100a500000000000018b2
(26) b56201041200c813020479013f01ca001b01940083004400f3fa
(24) b56201201000c81302044c3ff9ff0f08120725000000ea4a
(20) b56201320c00c81302040000000000000000200f
(68) $GPRMC,184027.00,A,3902.70135,N,07701.75817,W,0.098,,210719,,,A*62
(35) $GPVTG,,T,,M,0.098,N,0.181,K,A*2A
(76) $GPGGA,184027.00,3902.70135,N,07701.75817,W,1,07,1.48,119.3,M,-34.6,M,,*6F
(56) $GPGSA,A,3,02,19,05,09,12,06,17,,,,,,3.19,1.48,2.83*08
(70) $GPGSV,3,1,09,02,57,291,19,05,28,205,20,06,62,033,23,09,21,091,26*7F
(70) $GPGSV,3,2,09,12,47,290,33,17,39,112,23,19,53,101,27,23,12,052,18*72
(31) $GPGSV,3,3,09,25,16,319,17*4D
(52) $GPGLL,3902.70135,N,07701.75817,W,184027.00,A,A*76
- u-Blox 7 Receiver Description and Protocol Specification (PDF)
- Raspberry Pi Manual 2016 (PDF)
- Introducing the Raspberry Pi Model 3B+ (PDF)