Arrived at Mike Lehman's before 0845. Mike had six lengths of black walnut/locust from trees that stood on Bob Leigh's property some number of years ago. Happy to get rid of the wood for a good purpose. Selected two flitches of about five quarters thickness. Ran them through a planer several times to bring the wood to sandable condition thereby reducing one to one inch and the other to fifteen-sixtheenths.

About 1145 began the second coat of cutting in the head and hanging locker with Rustoleum High Gloss White . Same paint as used in the v-berth that has held up since the Winter of 2016 - 2017. Did not cut in the overhead, as the previous paint on the overhead has flaked somewhat since it was last scraped and sanded. I'll paint the head and v-berth but for the overhead, then scape and sand the overhead before painting. Painting the overhead will proceed quickly, the only item there to slow me down is the steel brace of the under mast arch/support. About an hour and a half to cut in the head and hanging locker.

Cut in the dish storage area of the galley...first coat.

Wore the Full Face Respirator with organic vapor very well.

Bent on the 135LP head sail and the Interrupt main.

Replaced all the Davis Instruments Air-Flow Tels on the main.