- Spinnaker Twings: 16' of Robline
5.5mm COPPA5000
attached to AllenBrothers
snatch blocks and held by Nautos
40mm Fairlead and Small Cam Cleat. Just under $200 at VelaSailing Supply
- Water Filter: Nature-Pure QC2 as detailed in PracticalSailor article
- Hookah setup for cleaning the hull. See this Sailing Brothers video. Gear in the description.
Portlights from Gebo Marine Glazing installed by Jeff Lemma aboard
Genco Marine the original supplier of A30 dodgers and canvas
Optimus 45 on Sea Swing (HTML) See a, b, c
Raspberry Pi NMEA multiplexer
2018 Golden Globe Race Dismasting report by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston FRIN
Circumnavigating DelMarVa.
- Prior to Cruising
- Prior to Voyaging
- 2025 Sailing xx outings, at least xxxnm in xx tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage xx.x hours (459.6 - xxx.x). The following Winter.
- 2024 Sailing xx outings, at least xxxnm in xx tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage xx.x hours (419.8 - 459.6). The following Winter.
- 2023 Sailing 50 outings, at least xxxnm in 37 tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage 45.7 hours (374.1 - 419.8). The following Winter Additional fairing of the hull particularly forward of the turn of the keel; remove, inspect, and re-install rudder shoe; refinish topsides(?).
- 2022 Sailing 51 outings, at least 258nm in 37 tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage 35.7 hours (338.4 - 374.1). The following Winter
- 2021 Sailing 59 outings, at least 265nm in 31 tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage 40.1 hours (294.7 - 334.8). The following Winter remove ablative paint from the hull, fair bow, apply hard paint, and burnish (details of preparing hull for racing). Replace propeller.
- 2020 Sailing 54 outings, at least 240nm in 38 tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage 47.8 hours (294.4 - 246.6). The following Winter sanded and primed main cabin overhead and racing upgrades.
- 2019 Sailing 56 outings, at least 346nm in 46 tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage 58.2 hours (246.6 - 188.4). The following Winter replaced standing rigging, lights, antenna, and wiring in mast.
- 2018 Sailing 54 outings, at least 380nm in 42 tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage 52.2 hours (188.4 - 136.2). The following Winter of Awlwood more exterior wood surfaces, replace head discharge thruhull valve, and fiberglass bilge. The following Winter applied bottom paint.
- 2017 Sailing 68 outings, at least 500nm in 53 tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage 61.8 hours (136.2 - 74.4). The following Winter of refinish cockpit and install ceiling in v-berth.
- 2016 Sailing 45 outings, at least 190nm in 21 tracks. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage 24.9 hours (74.4 - 49.5). The following Winter of chainplates, paint v-berth, and close unused openings.
- 2015 Sailing 41 outings. Maintenance during the season. Engine usage 33.5 hours (4.95 - 16). The following Winter of thru-hulls and bottom paint.
- The Common Sense of Yacht Design ebook by L Francis Herreshoff, online only, no download?
- Rig an slutter stay using a FM1-31-10A connected via 1/4" wire to the aftmost hole in the stemhead fitting.
- Rig an inner forestay from the upper shrouds mast thru-bolt to the aftmost hole in the stemhead fitting?? Store the stay using a Johnson Marine inner forestay storage bridle
- Westview Sailing Tutorial Videos
- Review: "Cleats and chocks must be sized for the required line size, which for storm-mooring a 35-foot yacht requires 7/8-inch line and 14-inch cleats." from 2018 May
- Consider Souaki 100W panel and Mohoo controller per 2018 May
- AIVDM/AIVDO protocol decoding. HX870 can output DSC, DSE, GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, and RMC at 9600baud via NMEA 0183. GX2200 can output DSC, DSE, GGA, GLL, GNS, GSV, RMC at 4800 baud and VDM at 38400 OR all the above at 38400 via NMEA 0183. Common method seems to be to use a NMEA to WiFi bridge.
- Various Improvements
Alberg 30 Reviews
- Install new WEFCO Square Hollow Rubber Gasket - 1/4" in portlights.
- marinebeam 12" or 18" LED touch activated LED lighting strips.
- Legun table systems table leg with second set of mounting hardware.
- Siless Sound deadening mat.
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Remove and fill hole for the head overboard discharge.
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Replace lower fiddle block with a Triple Block. Center for boom vang and outer two for reefing lines. Will result in a 3:1 purchase on the boom vang and 1:1 on the reefing lines. Mount check blocks on both sides of the boom to direct the reefing lines down to the triple block. Need check blocks on the boom to direct the reefing lines forward after descending from the reef cringles.
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Move 3/4" automatic bilge pump thruhull to forward wall of cockpit AFTER addressing the material in the bottom of the bilge.
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Attach two single loop teak handrails inside companion way, one on each side
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Remove Drive-Saver, and zinc from prop shaft. Replace zinc with shaft end model.
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Install a fairing block behind the Navigator Bulkhead Mount compass
so that the compass is vertical.
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Install backing plates for winches
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Replace 1" Marelon port cockpit scupper thruhull
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Valves on bilge outputs ??
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Connect GPS to VHF
- Lead the boom topping lift aft, to match halyard and future reefing line. See Leading halyards aft
- YYYY-MM-DD Winter Projects: Remove aluminum fresh water tank and build integral tank under v-berth. Another possibility is to install a Plastimo flexible 31 gallon tank inside the existing tank as done on Triteia #55.
- Decontaminating a Tainted Water Tank at Practical Sailor
- Replace fresh water lines
- Replace fresh water fill line: 1-1/2"
- Replace fresh water vent line
- Hot water. Sailing Uma installed a Stiebel Eltron 4 gallon, 1300W, 120V SHC 4 Mini-Tank Electric Water Heater 229729. See the Step 210
- Replace cabin sole with iroko strips and black poly sulfide. Video by James Baldwin
Winter Projects
- Measure rudder heel pin thickness from several directions to assess wear and roundness.
- Install manual bilge pump.
- Create access panel to space under cockpit in starboard, port, or both cockpit lockers.
- Install fiberglass stern tube
- Remove wad of material inside the boat around the stern tube
- Remove existing stern tube
- Remove propeller
- Remove existing cutlass bearing housing
- Buy replacement cutlass bearing
- Buy fiberglass stern tube with large enough internal diameter to house the cutlass bearing and long enough to reach engine
- Enlarge hole in deadwood to take the new fiberglass stern tube
- Cut fiberglass stern tube to fit from engine to somewhat outside boat
- Insert spare half cutlass bearing into one end of fiberglass stern tube
- Insert new cutlass bearing into the other end
- Drill holes in either side of the fiberglass stern tube for set screws to hold the cutlass bearing in the deadwood
- Slide stern tube into place so that one end is nearly touching the shaft coupling and the other protrudes out of the deadwood
- Align engine to stern tube and cutlass bearings
- Fiberglass the fiberglass stern tube into place
- Pull propeller shaft
- Cut fiberglass stern tube to allow space for the stuffing box
- Remove cutlass bearing
- Polysulfide and set screw cutlass bearing into fiberglass stern tube
- Install stuffing box
- Install propeller shaft
- Done
- Good Old Boat has two good DIY articles on how to repair a broken stern tube (Issue 109, Jul/Aug 2016 and Issue 28, Jan/Feb 2003)
- about half way down http://www.lackeysailing.com/archived/hattiemae/june09/62209.htm
- bottom paragraphs of http://www.lackeysailing.com/archived/hattiemae/june09/62309.htm
- first half of http://www.lackeysailing.com/archived/hattiemae/june09/62409.htm
- middle of http://www.lackeysailing.com/archived/hattiemae/june09/63009.htm
- lower portion of http://www.lackeysailing.com/archived/hattiemae/july09/70209.htm
- top half of http://www.lackeysailing.com/archived/hattiemae/july09/70309.htm
- Rebed the upper cutlass bearing housing bolt.
- Check the lower cutlass bearing housing bolt.
- Smooth the deadwood under the cutlass bearing housing.
- Caulk between the cutlass bearing housing and the deadwood.
- Replace the stuffing box hose.
- Remove the Drive-Saver. Install a prop shaft end zinc anode.
- Align the engine, prop shaft, cutlass bearing.
- Investigate what is below the battery storage boxes. Possible integral water tank using E-Bond potable water epoxy. Move batteries to same location as Blue Teal?
- Determine what to do regarding the forward end of the bilge below the engine.
- Shim pulleys on engine/alternator to align them, end side loading and wearing of alternator belt.
- Replace damaged wood to port of engine.
- Install opening ports in v-berth.
- Replace plastic of main cabin deadlights
- Scrape and paint main cabin.
- Scrape and paint cockpit lockers.
- Scrape and paint hanging locker.
- Redo the icebox. Perhaps maintain a deck accessible locker the size of the existing icebox lid in the bridgedeck. See the work done on Blue Teal and Sailor James on Removing the Icebox on an Alberg 30.
Completed Projects
- Scrape and paint head. Started 2019-01-02. Completed 2024-04-25.
- Improve racing bottom through longboarding. Done Winter of 2024. Completed 2024-03-18.
- Replace bottom with a racing bottom. Done Winter of 2022. Completed 2022-04-20.
- Replace propeller with one designed for the Yanmar 2GM20F engine. Done 2022-03-10
- Replace sails with racing main on 2021-03-11, genoa on 2021-02-26, and spinnaker on 2019-12-09. Done.
- Rewire boat -- mast: 2020-05-07, stern light: 2020-12-01, only the blower remains to be rewired.
- Replace standing rigging. See log. Done 2020-05-17
- Install backing plates for stern mooring cleats -- Done 2019-03-15
- Replace compass cover -- Done 2019-02-06
- Refinish coamings and icebox hatch with Cetol Marine Natural Light
See steps -- Completed 2018-04-30
- Refinish cockpit locker lids and companionway trim with Awlwood
. See steps -- Completed 2018-04-29
- Refinish cockpit non-skid with KiwiGrip
. See steps -- Completed 2018-04-23
- Refinish cockpit fiberglass with Brightside
. See steps -- Completed 2018-04-13
- Refinish V-Berth, but for aft bulkhead. Done Spring of 2017
202x - 202x Winter
202x/2x Winterization Task List
- Check and rebed bolts holding cutlass bearing housing.
- Pull rubrail. Check rubrail for rust or trapping water. Inspect hull to deck joint. Remove rust from topsides.
- Fill any gaps between deck and hull flange.
- Relocate engine raw water intake as low as possible in hull to serve as a quasi-garboard drain.
- Replace engine raw water valve. Thruhull replaced at some time before we bought the boat.
- Consider fairing trailing edge of the rudder using a belt sander and re-fiberglassing the trailing edge.
- Sand inside of cockpit lockers.
- Prime and paint inside of cockpit lockers.
- Install LED tape/strip lighting in engine space along top of locker bulkheads. (also in v-berth under shelves and in cabin under lockers)
- Install larger bilge pump.
- Blocks behind locker faces and under sidedecks.
- Replace deck caulking at shrouds and stays.
- Replace plastic in cabin deadlights.
- Install opening portlights (2? 3? 4?) in v-berth, head, hanging locker.
- Duplicate companionway steps.
- Install companionway steps.
- Replace slat in upper companionway board.
- Open up v-berth water tank. Inspect. Repair as needed.
- Line clutches on mast for main and genoa halyards and line clutches on boom for reefing lines.
- Install inspection port opening to space below aft battery.
- Refinish main cabin.
- Refinish head and hanging locker.
- Sand, clean, and Danish Oil
all interior wood.
- Convert icebox to top opening model.
- Attach handles in cabin on either side of the companionway.
- Replace coamings?
- Redo electrical panel to be similar that aboard Charles Pleisse's Sookie.
- Combine GPS, VHF, and instruments onto a single circuit breaker. Add fuse panel to provide a fuse for each item. Such as Blue Sea 5025 or 5045.
- Dedicate a free circuit breaker to house wiring. Add fuse panel to provide a fuse for each item of the house circuit. Such as Blue Sea 5025 or 5045.
- Build shelves/platforms behind the settee backs, port and starboard, fore and aft...eight total. Done May 2023.
- Create fill piece between settees in main cabin with three supports from underneath simiar to that aboard Summit.
- Install LED tape/strip lighting in v-berth under shelves and in cabin under lockers.
2025 -- Eleventh Season
2025 -- Sailing
- 2025-03-09 Moved Constance to Whitehall Marina for haulout.
- 2025-03-04 Exercised engine after recommissioning.
- 2025-02-23 AYC Frostbite 2nd Half. Two races aboard Chicken Little with Americo, his wife Lisa, and Liz Principe.
2025 -- Maintenance
- 2025-03-04 Recommission Engine.
2024 - 2025 Winter
2024/25 Winterization Task List
- 2025-03-11 Begin longboarding the hull. Port bow.
- 2025-03-10 Hauled out at Whitehall Marina. Some slime. A few barnacles. Could have waited a year. Played with 8'x10' tarps, 8' 2"x4"s and paracord to create a quasi-shelter for five hours.
- 2025-02-27 Replaced sail slides on Pandora mainsail with chrome plated bronze slides (similar to these replacing the Bainbridge stainless steel slides (at head and top two battens) and the heavy duty slides (see same site) elsewhere.
2024 -- Tenth Season
2024 -- Sailing
- 2024-11-18 Solo Sail.
- 2024-11-06 Solo Sail.
- 2024-11-05 Solo Sail.
- 2024-10-31 Solo Sail.
- 2024-10-22 Family Sail.
- 2024-10-07 Solo Sail.
- 2024-09-23 Return Constance from Rankin Regatta Sunday race.
- 2024-09-22 Rankin Regatta Sunday Race.
- 2024-09-20 Preposition Constance for Rankin Regatta Sunday race.
- 2024-09-17 Solo Sail.
- 2024-09-16 Solo Sail.
- 2024-09-15 Family Sail.
- 2024-09-06 Solo Sail.
- 2024-09-03 Solo Sail.
- 2024-09-02 Family Sail.
- 2024-08-30 Solo Sail.
- 2024-08-28 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 6. T2P.tv video.
- 2024-08-14 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 4. T2P.tv video.
- 2024-08-07 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 3 cancelled due to threat of impending thunderstorms.
- 2024-08-05 Family Sail.
- 2024-07-31 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 2 cancelled due to impending thunderstorms. Waited to see how the weather would develope and then went out for a night sail.
- 2024-07-28 2024 AYC Annual Regatta
: results. Finishing Order: 17, 197, 262, 562, 247; RET: 272.
- 2024-07-26 Family Sail.
- 2024-07-24 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 1: results. Finishing Order: 550, 262; Ret 247; DNC: 272. T2P.tv video.
- 2024-07-19 Family Sail.
- 2024-07-17 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 6 cancelled due to winds above 20kts at Thomas Point Light and threat of thunderstorms.
- 2024-07-10 Crew Sail after cancellation of 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 5.
- 2024-06-28 Solo Sail.
- 2024-06-26 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 4: results. Finishing Order: 247, 262. DNC: 272, 550. T2P.tv video.
- 2024-06-23 Family Sail.
- 2024-06-19 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 3: results. Finishing Order: 247, 262, 272. DNC: 550. T2P.tv video.
- 2024-06-18 Solo Sail.
- 2024-05-12 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 2 due to Shavuot.
- 2024-06-11 Solo Sail.
- 2024-06-09 Family Sail.
- 2024-06-07 Solo Sail.
- 2024-05-05 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 1: Canceled at 4:15PM due to rain and thunder.
- 2024-06-02 Family Sail.
- 2024-05-31 Solo Sail.
- 2024-05-30 Family Sail.
- 2024-05-29 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 6: Canceled at 4PM due to rain and thunder. Winds from 6PM to 8PM were 5 - 7kts with gusts as much as 13kts.
- 2024-05-28 Solo Sail.
- 2024-05-23 Motored around the harbor for more than half and hour after addressing fuel starvation issue from on 2024-05-22.
/bin/bash: :e: command not found
- 2024-05-15 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 4: results. Finishing Order: 247, 550, 262, 272. T2P.tv video.
- 2024-05-14 Solo Sail.
- 2024-05-08 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 3: results. Finishing Order: 550, 247, 262. Did not compete: 272. T2P.tv video.
- 2024-05-06 Took Candace Akbar and Katie Guido for a boat ride, motoring as there was not wind. (See log)
- 2024-05-05 2024 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
Day Three.
- 2024-05-04 2024 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
Day Two.
- 2024-05-03 2024 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
Day One.
- 2024-05-02 Roller furling practice.
- 2024-05-01 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 2: results. Finishing Order: 247, 550, 262. Did not compete: 272. T2P.tv video.
- 2024-04-28 2024 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 1: results. Finishing Order: 550, 247. Did not compete: 262, 272. T2P.tv video.
- 2024-04-26 Practice for NOOD.
- 2024-04-18 Solo Sail.
- 2024-04-11 Solo Sail.
- 2024-03-26 Launch and return Constance to Yacht Haven Annapolis.
- 2024-03-03 Raced with Pat Seidel and Lisa Finney aboard Lisa's Cal 25 Fahrvergnugen in the second half of the AYC Frostbite Series. Led from start to finish.
2024 -- Maintenance
- 2024-11-20 Several small items such as resealing chainplates, etc.
- 2024-10-15 Applied Danish Oil
to cabin settee fiddles, vertical faces, and drawers after scrubbing with #0 steeel wool. Removed the original chock, attached by two #10 1-3/4"wood screws, from the port bow.
- 2024-09-26 Install replacement bow chocks on the bronze stemhead.
- 2024-09-19 Trip to Anchor & Oars for a pair of bronze Skene chocks.
- 2024-09-12 Replace Aft Cowl Vents.
- 2024-08-17 Check After Heavy Rain.
- 2024-07-25 Re-tuned the rig. Most importantly, tightened the forward lowers.
- 2024-07-23 Replaced all of the bronze slides on the Pandora Doyle mainsail.
- 2024-07-21 Greased all four winches. Replaced nut connecting tiller to rudderhead with a 3/8" nylok.
- 2024-05-23 Addressed fuel starvation issue from on 2024-05-22.
- 2024-05-08 Address issues with portside cabin top line clutches.
- 2024-05-06 Recover from 2024 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
- 2024-04-25 Reassemble head and hanging locker. Start offloading non-racing gear.
- 2024-04-18 Tested newly fabricated tillerhead. Additional coat to areas as needed.
- 2024-04-17 Fabricated a new tillerhead from two pieces of brass bar stock.
- 2024-04-15 Applied the second coat to the flats of the head, hanging locker, and galley dish storage. Used 1-1/2 quarts of High Gloss White
- 2024-04-14 Applied the first coat to the flats of the head, hanging locker, and galley dish storage.
- 2024-04-10 Obtain wood for coamings from Mike Lehman. Continued painting head and hanging locker. Bent on the everyday sails.
- 2024-04-09 Begin painting head and hanging locker.
- 2024-04-08 Prepared the head area for painting. Greased all thru-hulls which have grease nipples.
- 2024-04-05 Prepare to wash down main cabin by removing everything to the v-berth.
- 2024-04-01 Reeve spinnaker halyard, replace reefing hooks, etc.
- 2024-03-27 Replace engine raw water filter.
2023 - 2024 Winter
2023/24 Winterization Task List
- Longboard hull with 120 grit, or 80 grit, till all lows are removed or Petit Protect
is exposed on all sides of an area. Fill such areas with TotalFair
. Longboard again with 120 grit, or 80 grit, till all of the area is evenly sanded. Done 2024-03-10.
- Further fair hull by longboarding, filling as needed, with 120 grit prior to applying bottom paint and burnishing with 320 grit or finer. Done 2024-03-10.
- Remove and inspect rudder shoe. Done 2024-03-12.
- Remove, inspect and correct, cracked fairing on rudder upper pintle starboard side. Done, nothing amiss detected.
- 2024-03-26 Finish re-commissioning and launch.
- 2024-03-25 Continue re-commissioning.
- 2024-03-24 Continue burnishing.
- 2024-03-22 Continue burnishing and re-commisioning.
- 2024-03-20 Continue re-commisioning.
- 2024-03-18 Began re-commisioning. Applied the first coat of Trinidad SR
where jackstands were before being moved.
- 2024-03-17 Burnished front half to two-thirds of hull with 330 grit on a longboard. Cleaned port side of hull with FSR
- 2024-03-14 Applied second coat of Trinidad SR
- 2024-03-13 Applied first coat of Trinidad SR
- 2024-03-12 Re-install rudder shoe. Prepare hull for bottom paint and additional maintenance items.
- 2024-03-10 Jackstands were moved on 2024-03-08, as requested. Longboarded areas previously hidden by jackstands. Longboarded keel and lightly sanded rudder.
- 2024-03-08 Re-installed the mast on Argo and dropped the mast of a Cal 25. So much talking about work compared to the amount of work performed. Five hours.
- 2024-03-07 Longboarded both sides of the bow and keel where filled on 2024-03-04.
- 2024-03-04 Removed the rudder shoe and aft chainplates for inspection. Filled low spots on the hull back to the turn in the leading edge of the keel.
- 2024-02-29 Continue longboarding the hull. Port bow back to the turn in the leading edge of the keel.
- 2024-02-26 Continue longboarding the hull. Leading edge of keel. Starboard bow. Starboard side 1' foot up from keel.
- 2024-02-25 Continue longboarding the hull. Aft of both port and starboard sides. Port side 1' foot up from keel.
- 2024-02-19 Continue longboarding the hull. Port side.
- 2024-02-15 Continue longboarding the hull. Starboard side.
- 2024-02-11 Continue longboarding the hull. Starboard bow.
- 2024-02-08 Begin longboarding the hull. Port bow.
- 2024-02-01 Checked on Constance. Found water and de-watered the boat.
- 2024-01-25 Checked on Constance. Found water and de-watered the boat.
- 2024-01-11 De-watered Constance.
- 2024-01-10 Constance flooded. Fred Alvarado and I removed the water.
- 2023-12-07 Dropped the mast on Argo.
- 2023-12-01 Replaced all halyards and spinnaker topping lift with 1/4" dacron polyester rope. Removed spinnaker downhaul, vang, outhaul, reefing line, mainsheet and traveller. Removed and cleaned engine raw water strainer. Placed in galley sink, as is traditional.
2023 -- Ninth Season
2023 -- Sailing
Remained unseasonably cool in Annapolis and Silver Spring till May with daytime highs in the low to mid-fifties. Weather significantly hampered my efforts to refinish woodwork. Extended, severe pollen season hampered my efforts as well. The prelude to, recovery from, and surgery on April 20th further impeded this Spring's maintenance activities.
- 2023-11-30 Brought Constance to Smith's on the Severn for haul-out and winter work.
- 2023-11-09 Intro Sail for Avi Kotek.
- 2023-11-07 Solo Sail.
- 2023-10-28 Constance serves as committee boat for the Cal 25 Boo Hoo Hoo race with Christian and Meredith aboard.
- 2023-10-25 Solo Sail.
- 2023-09-29 Introduce new crew member: Heather Fettke von-Koeckritz to the crew and the boat.
- 2023-09-26 Refuel and pumpout on a dreary, overcast, intermittently drizzling afternoon.
- 2023-09-10 2023 Hammond Memorial Race
results Finishing Order: 262, 550, 197; Did not compete 247, 460
- 2023-09-09 2023 NASS Race to Oxford
- 2023-09-01 Solo sail.
- 2023-08-30 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 5: results. Finishing Order: 247, 262, 550, 272. Did not compete: 158. T2P.tv video. Very brief Alberg footage at 10:10.
- 2023-08-29 Solo sail.
- 2023-08-23 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 3: results. Did not compete due to flying to see grandchildren. T2P.tv video
- 2023-08-16 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 3: results. Only 272 Rinn Duin raced. Did not compete due to flying to see grandchildren. T2P.tv video
- 2023-08-16 Solo sail.
- 2023-08-11 Solo sail.
- 2023-08-09 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 2: results. Finishing Order: 247, 550, 262. Did not compete: 158, 272. T2P.tv video. Alberg footage at 9:19.
- 2023-08-08 Couples sail.
- 2023-08-03 Solo stern chase of Sultana.
- 2023-08-02 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 2: Canceled due to lack of wind.
- 2023-08-01 Solo sail.
- 2023-07-30 Solo sail after a week of quite high temperatures and disappointment stemming from the 2023 AYC Annual Regatta
- 2023-07-26 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Race 1: results on the 9th of Av. Finishing Order: 247, 550, 272. Did not compete: 158, 262. T2P.tv video.
- 2023-07-23 2023 AYC Annual Regatta
: results. Finishing Order: 460, 247, 550, 562, 272, 262.
- 2023-07-19 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 5: results. Finishing Order: 247, 262. Did not compete: 158, 272, 550. T2P.tv video.
- 2023-07-14 Solo sail.
- 2023-07-12 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 4: results. Finishing Order: 262, 247, 272. Did not compete: 158, 550. T2P.tv video.
- 2023-07-10 Solo sail after more than a week of rather windless high pressure and afternoon/evening thunderstorms.
- 2023-06-30 Solo sail.
- 2023-06-28 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 3: results. Finishing Order: 247, 262. Did not compete: 158, 272, 550. T2P.tv video.
- 2023-06-26 Couples sail.
- 2023-06-21 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 3: Canceled due to gale warnings. From 1800 to 2000, wind of 21-23kts with gusts 26-33kts.
- 2023-06-20 Couples sail.
- 2023-06-14 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 2: results. Finishing Order: 262, 247, 272. Did not compete: 158, 550. T2P.tv video. Alberg 30 footage starts at 7:50.
- 2023-06-13 Solo sail.
- 2023-06-07 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Race 1: results. Finishing Order: 247, 262. Did not compete: 158, 272, 550. T2P.tv video.
- 2023-06-06 Solo sail.
- 2023-06-04 Couples sail.
- 2023-06-01 Solo sail.
- 2023-05-31 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 4: Canceled due to lack of wind.
- 2023-05-30 Couples sail.
- 2023-05-24 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 3: results. Finishing Order: 262, 247. Did not compete: 158, 272, 550. T2P.tv video. See timestamp 5:40 for Alberg 30 footage.
- 2023-05-22 Motor around the harbor after changing fuel filters. Get fuel and pump out holding tank.
- 2023-05-17 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 2: results. Finishing Order: 247, 272. Did not compete: 158, 262, 550. T2P.tv video. Did not race due to 102* fever starting Tuesday afternoon till Thursday afternoon.
- 2023-05-10 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 1: results. Finishing Order: 247, 262, 272. Did not compete: 158, 550. T2P.tv video.
- 2023-05-07 2023 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
Day Three results: 247, 197, 262, 562, 158, 272, DNS: 550.
- 2023-05-06 2023 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
Day Two results: 562, 197, 262, 158, 247, 272, DNS: 550.
- 2023-05-05 2023 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
Day One results: 247, 197, 262, 562, 158; 272, DNS: 550.
- 2023-05-03 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 0: Canceled due to predicted gale force winds.
- 2023-04-26 2023 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Race 0: Skipped the race. One week after surgery. No other Albergs raced. Decided that healing was more important than today's race.
2023 -- Maintenance
- 2023-11-30 Upon reaching Smith's, changed the oil, flushed engine raw water with propylene glycol, un-bent 135LP genoa and Interrupt main.
- 2023-10-12 Rinsed 169 LP Genoa in the backyard by hoisting the sail six feet, rinsing with the hose. Repeat till done.
- 2023-07-23 Various Small Tasks.
- 2023-07-21 Various Small Tasks.
- 2023-07-05 Correct Engine Starter Wiring.
- 2023-07-05 Correct Engine Starter Wiring.
- 2023-06-28 After allowing the paint to dry for a week, drilled mounting holes and attached the vent to the dorade box. Reinstalled aboard.
- 2023-06-19 Continued fixing the head dorade box.
- 2023-06-16 Installed three of the four shelves. Sanded the fourth to fit. Finishing required.
- 2023-06-15 Continued fixing the head dorade box.
- 2023-06-13 Continued fixing the head dorade box.
- 2023-06-12 Continued fixing the head dorade box.
- 2023-06-11 Continued fixing the head dorade box.
- 2023-06-09 Started fixing the head dorade box.
- 2023-06-06 Replaced starboard spring line with 52' of 8mm Samson XLS3
(white with blue) purchased via cut-line discount from APS and previously used for furling line.
- 2023-06-05 Replaced Sta-Set X furling line with softer double braid previously used as 135LP sheet and various other tasks.
- 2023-06-01 Set idle speed.
- 2023-05-24 Refinish teak rails along top edge of settee backs.
- 2023-05-22 Changed both fuel filters.
- 2023-05-21 Maintenance Weekend: helped install replacement deadlight aboard Latika among other small tasks.
- 2023-05-19 Finishing Shelves: after 2023 spring semester finals and two days of 102* fever and sleeping 14 to 18 hours a day, test fit the shelves. The aft end of the starboard forward shelf is tight. Real pressure required to push it the last half-inch down into position. All other shelves fit well. Time for final finishing.
- 2023-05-12 Finishing Shelves: second and last coat on other side.
- 2023-05-12 Finishing Shelves: second and last coat on one side and all edges.
- 2023-05-11 Finishing Shelves: first finish coat done.
- 2023-05-10 Finishing Shelves and various items aboard.
- 2023-05-02 Preparation for AYC WNR and 2023 NOOD.
2022 - 2023 Winter
2022/23 Winterization Task List
2022-2023 Winter Task List
- 2023-04-27 Additional coat of
High Gloss Clear Varnish
thinned 20% with brushing thinner on tiller -- fourth coat. Dropboard still a bit tacky.
- Abdominal surgery on 2023-04-29.
- 2023-04-19 Continued work shelves and tiller.
- 2023-04-18 Continued work shelves. Completed Spring re-commissioning.
- 2023-04-17 Continued work shelves, a coat of primer to undersides. Dropboard too tacky to recoat.
- 2023-04-16 Continued work on replacement upper drop board, first coat varnish, and shelves, a coat of primer to topsides.
- 2023-04-14 Continued work on replacement upper drop board and shelves -- second coat of epoxy. Eye splice in new eain halyard.
- 2023-04-11 Removed winter leader lines and rove running rigging.
- 2023-04-04 Continued work on replacement upper drop board and shelves. Install strap eyes on boom.
- 2023-03-28 Begun work on replacement upper drop board. Begin recommissoning.
- 2023-03-22 Done fitting the port aft shelf. Bought all shelves home for finishing. Washed the winter algae off the decks.
- 2023-03-16 Templated, cut and fitted port aft shelf. Both port shelves need a bit more sanding where they meet the center divider. Then its on to finishing.
- 2023-01-04 Finished fitting the shelf for the area outboard of the starboard settee forward. Templated and cut out shelf for the area outboard of the port settee forward.
- 2022-12-29 Replaced genoa halyard with its winter line. Checked fit of a Hebridean windvane
. Looks workable.
- 2022-12-16 Cut out shelf for the area outboard of the starboard settee forward using same tools and methods as the starboard settee aft section on 2022-12-09.
- 2022-12-14 Replaced main, spinnaker halyards and topping lift with winter dummy halyards.
- 2022-12-09 Cut out shelf for the area outboard the starboard settee aft.
- 2022-12-08 Began installation of shelves outboard of the main cabin settees. Installed cleats in the aft half of the space outboard of the settee. Have to template the space. Nothing is square.
- 2022-11-23 Unbent 135LP genoa and Interrupt main. Folded and set in v-berth. First reef line, vang, spinnaker downhaul removed and brought home. Engine winterized.
- 2022-11-16 Changed engine oil. Pumped out, flushed, and pumped out holding tank. Removed various items.
2022 -- Eighth Season
2022 -- Sailing
- 2022-11-16 Laps of the harbor.
- 2022-10-30 Solo Sail to serve as race committee for the Cal 25 Boo Hoo Hoo race.
- 2022-10-27 Solo Sail to sail a possible course for the Cal 25 Boo Hoo Hoo race on October 30th.
- 2022-10-16 Ted Osius Memorial Regatta
- 2022-10-12 Family Sail.
- 2022-09-20 Return Constance to Annapolis after the Rankin Regatta.
- 2021-09-18 Rankin Regatta Day Two: Finishing order: Lingin, Skybird, Windswept, Laughing Gull, Constance, Rinn Duin, Argo
- 2021-09-17 Rankin Regatta Day One: Finishing order: Lingin, Argo, Skybird, Windswept, Laughing Gull, Rinn Duin, Constance
- 2022-09-15 Preposition Constance for the Rankin Regatta.
- 2022-09-13 Couples Sail.
- 2022-09-09 Solo Sail.
- 2022-09-08 Solo Sail.
- 2022-09-07 AYC WNR Awards Party
- 2022-09-02 Couples Sail.
- 2022-08-31 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
results: Finishing Order: 262, 244, 247, 550. Did not compete: 272, 411; T2P.tv video.
- 2022-08-24 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
results: Finishing Order: 244, 247,262, 550, 272. Did not compete: 411; T2P.tv video. Bit of Alberg 30 video from 9:15 to 9:35.
- 2022-08-23 Solo Sail.
- 2022-08-17 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Canceled due to predicted inclement weather.
- 2022-08-12 Couples Sail.
- 2022-08-11 Solo Sail.
- 2022-08-10 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Canceled due to predicted inclement weather.
- 2022-08-09 Solo Sail.
- 2022-08-08 Solo Sail.
- 2022-08-03 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
results: Finishing Order: 244, 550. Did not compete: 262, 272, 411, 550; T2P.tv video. Bit of Alberg 30 video at 8:40.
- 2022-07-27 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
results: Finishing Order: 244, 247, 550. Did not compete: 262, 272, 411; T2P.tv video. Bit of Alberg 30 video at 7:50, 8:15 with 247 leading.
- 2022-07-20 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
results: Finishing Order: 244, 262. Did not compete: 247, 272, 411, 550; T2P.tv video.
- 2022-07-13 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
results: Finishing Order: 272, 262, 550. Did not compete: 244, 247, 411; T2P.tv video.
- 2022-07-12 Solo Sail. (Average speed 6.1kts. New record.)
- 2022-07-04 Couples Sail.
- 2022-07-01 Solo Sail.
- 2022-06-29 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
results: Finishing Order: 262, 550. Did not compete: 244, 247, 272, 411; T2P.tv video. Alberg 30 video from 5:40 to 6:03
- 2022-06-26 Couples Sail.
- 2022-06-21 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Canceled due to predicted inclement weather.
- 2022-06-20 Solo Sail.
- 2022-06-08 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
results: Canceled
- 2022-06-07 Solo Sail.
- 2022-06-03 Solo Sail.
- 2022-06-01 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
results: Finishing Order: 244, 550, 262. Did not compete: 247, 272, 411; T2P.tv video.
- 2022-05-25 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
results: Finishing Order: 244, 262, 550. Did not compete: 247, 272, 411; T2P.tv video.
- 2022-05-18 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
results: Finishing Order: 244, 550, 262. Did not compete: 247, 272, 411; T2P.tv video. Alberg 30 footage mark "A" at 7:55 to 8:20.
- 2022-05-15 2022 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
Day Three results: 262, 244, 197, 562, 550; DNS: 11. The day's video does not have an Alberg 30 footage.
- 2022-05-14 2022 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
Day Two results: 244, 197, 262, 550, 562; DNS: 11. See timestamps 00:08 to 00:12 in the day's video for Alberg 30 footage.
- 2022-05-13 2022 Annapolis Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta
Day One results: 244, 197, 562, 11, 262; DNS: 550. See timestamps 12:55 to 14:55 and 19:42 to 21:14 in the day's video for Alberg 30 footage.
- 2022-05-11 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
results: Finishing Order: 244, 262. Did not compete: 247, 272, 411, 550; T2P.tv video. Constance and LinGin footage at 8:34 to 8:56.
- 2022-05-10 Practiced estimating time required to arrive at a mark.
- 2022-05-04 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Retired. See write up of the evening. Finishing Order: 244. Retired: 262. Did not compete: 247, 272, 411, 550; T2P.tv video. LinGin footage at 8:36.
- 2022-05-02 Family Sail.
- 2022-04-29 Solo Sail.
- 2022-04-27 2022 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Did not compete. See write up of the evening. Finishing Order: 244. Did not compete: 247, 262, 272, 411, 550; T2P.tv video. LinGin footage at 8:36.
- 2022-04-20 Return from Smith's Marina to Yacht Haven Annapolis.
- 2022-03-20 Raced with Pat Seidel, Skip Seidel, Alisa Finney, and TC Williams aboard Alisa's Cal 25
Fahrvergnügen in the AYC Frostbite Series - Second Half. Finished second.
2022 -- Maintenance
- 2022-11-23 Continued winterization.
- 2022-11-16 Changed the engine oil. Pumped out, flushed, and pumped out holding tank. Removed various items from the boat.
- 2022-11-10 No wind. 60 to 70 degrees. Lightly ScotchBrite'd the handrails and the inboard side of the toerails. Wiped down with acetone. Applied one coat of Cetol Marine Natural Teak
- 2022-11-02 Prepared the cockpit coamings and the inside surface of toe rail for another coat of Cetol Marine Natural Teak
using heavy duty ScotchBrite throughout and a scraper as needed. From 1400 to 1630.
- 2022-10-26 Helped Pat Seidel adjust the stuffing box and change the engine anti-freeze aboard Laughing Gull. Removed the racing spinnaker and cabin, not v-berth, cushions from Constance.
- 2022-10-07 Restored Constance to sailing configuration after the remants of Hurricane Ian lasted from Friday (2022-09-30) till Wednesday (2022-10-05).
- 2022-09-30 Prepared Constance for the remants of Hurricane Ian. Removed sails. Check and re-checked docklines. Pumped bilge (no water). Tightened backstay.
- 2022-09-15 Continued reconfiguring Constance for racing in the 2022 Rankin Regatta.
- 2022-09-14 Reconfigured Constance for racing in the 2022 Rankin Regatta. Sails. Weight. Bottom cleaned. Racing provisions.
- 2022-08-11 Retied the traveler controls lines so that the line exits from the lower of the paired blocks rather than the from the upper. The traveler has had a problem of hanging up with one loop of line trapping/pinching the other. Perhaps this change will ameleriorate the issue.
- 2022-08-05 Replaced Forespar steaming light lens with cap lost a some point. Secured in place with 2mm halyard leader around the base of the lens, back through the gap between the fixture and the mast, and tied around the front of the deck light housing. Should prevent the lens from rotating the few degress needed to unlock and fall off. Far to hot and humid and stagnant to sail.
- 2022-07-22 Various. Replaced bow dock lines. Repaired port settee access panel. Replaced main halyard shackle.
- 2022-07-21 Replaced the two stern dock lines with New England Ropes 1/2" black double braid nylon lines. Wanted to sail, but too little wind, at least at the dock.
- 2022-07-20 Replaced the RF41100 40mm single swivel block
with a Harken Carbo Air 57mm Swivel
- 2022-05-31 Spinnaker Pole Topping Lift and Downhaul.
- 2022-05-29 Replaced Ronstan RF41100 40mm single swivel block
damaged on 2022-05-25 with another RF41100 40mm single swivel block
- 2022-05-22 All three racing sails (mainsail, EP genoa, EP spinnaker) measured and signed by Lanny Helms.
- 2022-05-20 Washed cabin with Solution B. Re-installed 200 S
drum shroud.
- 2022-05-12 Preperation for the NOOD.
- 2022-05-10 Installed newly drilled tiller.
- 2022-05-09 Replaced tiller.
- 2022-05-04 D-rings on spinnaker pole and two small clean-up items.
- 2022-04-26 Continued preparing the boat to sail and to race.
- 2022-04-25 Continued preparing the boat to sail and to race.
- 2022-04-21 Began preparing the boat to sail and to race.
2021 - 2022 Winter
2021-2022 Pre-launch Task List
- Galley comb, reinstall. Done 2022-03-01.
- New zinc on prop shaft. Currently zinc is sitting on shelf above icebox. Done 2022-03-18.
- Port side under settee drawer, return to boat from shed at house. Done 2022-04-14.
- Reeve all running rigging but for the genoa halyard. Done 2022-04-15.
- Replace stuffing in stuffing box. See write up. Begun on 2021-12-13. Done 2022-04-19.
- Engine exhaust: iron pipe stub, exhaust hose, waterlift muffler, reassemble. Done 2022-04-19.
- Re-install raw water impeller and fan belts. Done 2022-04-19.
- Bilge pump hose to thruhull, reconnect with new hose clamps. Done 2022-04-19.
- Reconnect engine electrial harness, support and secure in place. Done 2022-04-19.
2021-2022 Post-launch Task List
- Climb mast to
- Replace spinnaker halyard cotter pin with one that does not extend past the masthead.
- Check length of all other (genoa halyard and main topping lift) cotter pins. Replace if too long.
- Reeve genoa halyard.
- Replace main topping lift block with free swivel 40mm block. Long shackle may be required.
2021/22 Winterization Task List
2021-2022 Winter Task List
- Remove the damaged winch from the port side of the mast. Begun on 2021-12-13. Done 2022-03-18.
- Remove the existing depthsounder, grind out and patch hole. Done 2022-03-14 and 2022-03-25.
- Repair small crack in rudder along bottom of aperature and damage to rudder. Sanded and fiberglassed on 2021-12-16 Done
- Replace 12"x7" prop with an appropriately sized propeller. See Mechanical Propulsion. Ordered Michigan Wheel
13RH12 Sailer 2 with 7/8" bore, just like Laughing Gull, on 2022-01-13 from New England Propeller, Inc.
. Delivered 2022-01-18. Installed 2022-03-10.
- Sand bottom to remove all paint. Begun on 2021-11-29. First pass over the hull completed 2012-12-09. Continued throughout February 2022. Completed paint removal sanding 2022-03-18 after 60 hours of sanding.
- Faired bottom using TotalFair
and longboarding. Begun on 2022-03-21 and finished on 2022-04-06 after 26 hours of fairing and longboarding. 86 hours of sanding and longboarding so far.
- Fair forward edge of keel where two hull halves meet. Done on 2022-03-18 and 2022-03-21
- Barrier coat bottom with Petit Protect
. Done on 2022-04-06 and 2022-04-08. (but for area under jackstands)
- Fair barrier coat by longboarding. Begun on 2022-04-10 and finished on 2022-04-12 after 7 hours of longboarding. 93 hours of sanding and longboarding so far.
- Paint bottom with Trinidad Pro
Done on 2022-04-12, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-15, and 2022-04-19.
- Burnish bottom paint by longboarding with 320 grit. 2 hours on 2022-04-20. 95 hours of sanding and longboarding all told.
- Create access panel in port cockpit locker. Panel cut 2022-04-13.
- Replace stuffing in stuffing box. See write up. Done 2022-04-19.
- Shorten spinnaker pole downhaul bridle. Done 2022-05-31
- Fabricate a new tiller using 1/2" threaded silicon bronze rod and wheelbarrow handle -- rod, washers, and nuts ordered from Fawcett's 2021-11-19, picked up 2021-11-26, test fit rod on 2021-11-29. Done 2022-05-10
- 2022-04-20 Burnished hull (details of preparing hull for racing). Launch. Adjusted the stuffing box. 2 hours burnishing; 95 hours of sanding and longboarding.
- 2022-04-19 Final Preparations for Launch.
- 2022-04-15 Applied one coat of Trinidad Pro
to the areas under the jackstands. Rove running rigging.
- 2022-04-14 Applied two coats of Petit Protect
to the areas under the jackstands. Painted boot stripe.
- 2022-04-13 Applied second coat of Trinidad Pro
, less than one-half gallon. Cut access panel from port cockpit locker to engine space.
- 2022-04-12 Longboard second coat of Petit Protect
(white) continued. Satisfied with the result. Applied first coat of Trinidad Pro
, less than one-half gallon. 93 hours of sanding and longboarding so far.
- 2022-04-11 Longboard second coat of Petit Protect
(white) continued. Satisfied with the result. Trinidad Pro
- 2022-04-10 Longboard second coat of Petit Protect
(white). Not satisfied with the result.
- 2022-04-08 Second coat of Petit Protect
- 2022-04-06 Final fairing. First coat of Petit Protect
(gray). 26 hours of fairing and longboarding. 86 hours of sanding and longboarding
- 2022-04-05 Continued fairing and more.
- 2022-04-04 Continued fairing and more.
- 2022-04-03 Continued fairing by applying filler to the portside of the hull, rudder, bottom and front of the keel.
- 2022-04-01 Continued fairing. Applied FSR
to topsides.
- 2022-03-31 Faired by longboarding the starboard side filled yesterday. Filled all the thruhulls thruhulls.
- 2022-03-30 Filled starboard side of hull from the bow to a couple feet aft the forefoot most thruhulls.
- 2022-03-25 Finished patching depthsounder hole. Fairing by longboarding continues. Entire hull has been longboarded at least once.
- 2022-03-24 Fairing delayed due to weather. Various shopping tasks done.
- 2022-03-23 Fairing by longboarding continues.
- 2022-03-22 Fairing by longboarding and filling continues.
- 2022-03-21 Sanded and filled front edge of keel. Began filling low spots on the hull.
- 2022-03-18 Various tasks including the an exploratory longboarding of the bow back to the turn of the forefoot. 60 hours of sanding.
- 2022-03-15 All paint removal sanding but for the bottom of the keel.
- 2022-03-14 Remove depthsounder and fairing block. Fill hole in hull. Sanded starboard from galley sink discharge to the stern.
- 2022-03-11 Sanded starboard from the bow to the galley sink discharge, aft of the from midships jackstand.
- 2022-03-10 Sanded port from midships jackstand to bow. Started using the fourth R26011
. Propeller installed.
- 2022-03-08 Sanded port from stern to midships jackstand. This portion of the hull is done but for under the jackstands. Started using the second Stinger Wet-Dry Vac
- 2022-03-07 Ordered one gallon TotalFair
while in Highland Park, NJ with grandchildren.
- 2022-03-04 Sanded starboard midships on aft to "get the red out".
- 2022-03-03 Sanded the bow and starboard midships to "get the red out".
- 2022-03-02 Completed the second pass over the hull. Re-sanded the rudder and the bow to "get the red out". Started using the third R26011
- 2022-03-01 Continued sanding hull, today on the port side "knock the red back".
- 2022-02-28 Continued sanding hull, today on the port side "knock the red back", after being on antibiotics for a week.
- 2022-02-18 Continued sanding hull, today on the starboard side "knock the red back". Started using the replacement R26011
for the one purchased in 2015, which burned out.
- 2022-02-17 Continued sanding hull, today on the starboard side "knock the red back".
- 2022-02-16 Continued sanding hull, today on the starboard side "knock the red back". Started using the new Stinger Wet-Dry Vac
- 2022-02-11 Continued sanding hull, today on the starboard side "knock the red back".
- 2022-02-10 Continued sanding hull, today on the starboard side "knock the red back".
- 2022-02-09 Continued sanding hull, port side "get the red out".
- 2022-02-02 Continued sanding hull, port side "get the red out".
- 2022-02-01 Continued sanding hull, port side aft forward stand to "knock the red back". Started using a R26011
- 2022-01-25 Continued sanding hull, starboard side from depthsounder aft, below waterline.
- 2022-01-19 Continued sanding hull, starboard bow to depthsounder, below waterline.
- 2022-01-18 New Michigan Wheel
13R12 Sailer 2
#370328 propeller arrived.
- 2022-01-14 Continued sanding hull, port bow, below waterline.
- 2022-01-12 Started the second pass sanding hull, both sides of the bow, below waterline.
- 2022-01-09 Checked both propeller and gear ratio on Laughing Gull #197: Michigan Wheel
Sailer 2
#370330 13" x 12" Right hand. Gear ratio 2.62:1 (See Mechanical Propulsion).
- 2021-12-29 Various small items.
- 2021-12-16 Rudder repair and other items.
- 2021-12-13 Begin replacing stuffing in stuffing box. Pulled aluminum bracket below waterlift muffler.
- 2021-12-09 Continued sanding hull below waterline. Completed the first pass.
- 2021-12-01 Continued sanding hull below waterline.
- 2021-11-29 Begun the first pass sanding hull below waterline.
- 2021-11-26 Completed winterization.
2021 -- Seventh Season
2021 -- Sailing
- 2021-11-17 Sail to Smith's Marina for haulout.
- 2021-11-08 Family Sail
- 2021-10-27 Solo Sail
- 2021-10-21 Family Sail
- 2021-10-20 Solo Sail
- 2021-10-14 Solo Sail
- 2021-10-10 Family Sail
- 2021-10-06 Solo Sail from Alberg 30 Association Fall Cruise in Kerwin Creek to Annapolis.
- 2021-10-05 Solo Sail from Annapolis to Alberg 30 Association Fall Cruise in Kerwin Creek.
- 2021-10-01 Solo Sail
- 2021-09-27 Leah and Yoni Bresler. Added three gallons of diesel. No track. Appears that eithier iOS or app update turned off "Background recording".
- 2021-09-20 Return Constance to Annapolis after the Rankin Regatta
- 2021-09-19 Rankin Regatta Day Two
- 2021-09-18 Rankin Regatta Day One: Finishing order: Lingin, Laughing Gull, Windswept, Constance, Latika, Argo, Skybird
- 2021-09-17 Pre-position Constance for the Rankin Regatta
- 2021-09-12 2021 TAYC Hammond Memorial Race
- 2021-09-11 2021 NASS Race to Oxford
- 2021-09-06 Bow aboard Cal 25 Fahrvergnügen skippered by Pat Seidel for the third and final day of the Nationals. Three races.
- 2021-09-03 Solo Sail
- 2021-09-01 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Canceled due to gale warning and tornado watch resulting from Hurricane Ida
- 2021-08-25 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Finishing Order: 244, 262, 411, 550, 272, Did not start: 197, 247; T2P.tv video. Few seconds of Kahawai at 9:22.
- 2021-08-23 Solo Sail
- 2021-08-19 Solo Sail
- 2021-08-18 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
"Canceled due to current forecast" -- sent at 1520 by the AYC Race Committee
- 2021-08-15 Solo Sail
- 2021-08-11 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
"Canceled for tonight due to current prediction for t-storms" -- sent at 1704 by the AYC Race Committee
- 2021-08-04 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
results Finishing Order: 244, 550, 197, 262, 411. Did not start: 247, 272. T2P.tv
- 2021-08-02 Solo Sail attempt after week at the Outer Banks. Wind fades away as soon as I reached the river. Decided upon maintenance instead.
- 2021-07-28 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
Canceled due to lack of wind.
- 2021-07-22 Solo Sail
- 2021-07-21 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Canceled about 6:20pm.
- 2021-07-14 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Canceled due to expected thunder, lightning, and rain.
- 2021-06-29 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
results. Finishing Order: 244, 262, 550. Did not finish: 411, Did not start: 247, 272; T2P.tv video Alberg footage at 5:54 and 6:25.
- 2021-06-23 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Abandoned due to lack of wind. T2P.tv video
- 2021-06-23 Solo Sail
- 2021-06-17 Solo Sail
- 2021-06-16 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Abandoned due to lack of wind. T2P.tv video
- 2021-06-14 2021 Ted Osius Memorial Regatta
Canceled due to only ten boats registering.
- 2021-06-13 Leah and Yoni Bresler
- 2021-06-09 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Canceled due to expected thunder, lightning, and rain.
- 2021-06-04 Solo Sail
- 2021-06-02 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
results. Finishing Order: 244, 262, 550. Did not start: 247, 272, 411. T2P.tv
- 2021-05-31 Family Sail
- 2021-05-28 Solo Sail
- 2021-05-26 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Canceled due to expected thunder, lightning, and rain.
- 2021-05-26 Pat Seidel took Constance out with family and friends to watch the Blue Angels demonstration. Engine 303.4 to 303.9
- 2021-05-25 Solo Sail
- 2021-05-23 Leah and Yoni Bresler
- 2021-05-19 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
results. Finishing Order: 244, 262, 411. Did not start: 247, 272, 550. T2P.tv Alberg 30 footage at 6:00 for a moment and a bit more at 6:12.
- 2021-05-12 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Canceled. Spinnaker Practice with Meredith on bow.
- 2021-05-05 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
results. Finishing Order: 244, 262, 272. Did not start: 247, 411, 550. T2P.tv only Alberg 30 footage is a bit of Rinn Duin filmed (8:10) while chasing the J boats upwind.
- 2021-05-02 2021 Annapolis NOOD
Day Three.
- 2021-05-01 2021 Annapolis NOOD
Day Two.
- 2021-04-30 2021 Annapolis NOOD
Day One. Canceled due to high winds. See 2021-04-30. Sailing World report.
- 2021-04-28 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
results. Finishing Order: 244, 262, 411. Did not start: 247, 272, 550. T2P.tv (see 7:09 to 7:40)
- 2021-04-27 Familiarize Jonathan Adams with Constance.
- 2021-04-23 Meredith Glacken, Christian Douglas, and Yoni
- 2021-04-21 2021 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
Canceled due to high winds. Force 6 in the slip. Chatted with Jonathan, Meredith, Christian, and Helen in the newly painted cabin with the cushions in place. Rather cozy. A fire would have completed the scene due to the fifteen degreee drop in temperature, from the mid-sixties to high forties, associated with the cold front rolling in from the northwest.
- 2021-03-11 Pat Seidel and Yoni
2021 -- Maintenance
- Move Alberg 30 Association equipment from Sue Barrett's house to Meredith Glacken's Public Storage unit
- 2021-11-18 Winterization after haulout at Smith's Marina.
- 2021-11-17 Prepare for haulout at Smith's Marina.
- 2021-11-12 Replace several blocks on mast. Begin removing items for the winter.
- 2021-11-07 Continued work on Summit #123, abandoned at Ferry Point Marina which obtained title to the boat. With TC Williams removed the coamings, winches, and just about everything else but for furniture glassed to the hull, the stemhead fitting, mast base, and access plate in the cockpit. Took the sails to be evaluated and either saved for others or donated to Re-Sails Annapolis.
- 2021-11-05 Summit #123, abandoned at Ferry Point Marina which obtained title to the boat. With John Malizsewski, Mike Lehman, TC Williams, and Pat Seidel removed the mast, boom, rudder, rudder shoe, and a number of Alberg 30 small parts. TC and Pat will continue demolition on Saturday. May pick up the task on Sunday. Josh Davidson of Anchor and Oars in Graysonville will haul the boat on Monday, November 8th for demolition. Got a winch handle, companionway screen, steps with hooks, and a few sundries from the effort.
- 2021-10-08 Various Tasks. See Loos Gauge readings in Standing Rigging.
- 2021-10-04 Cleaned and lubricated primary winches
- 2021-08-04 Replaced the Selden snap shackle at the tack of the genoa with a D shackle in order to lengthen the hoist. Now the genoa luff can be tightened fully.
- 2021-08-02 Replaced Harken 57mm block jib halyard block that was getting twisted and stuck with a Dymeema loop larks headed around an Antal 14x10 low friction ring and the shackle from the Harken block.
- 2021-06-21 Applied one coat of Cetol Marine Natural Teak
to the coamings and a second coat the starboard toerail back to the first scupper. Second coat on inboard side of port toerail back to the first scupper, as well. Stopping point determined by running out of Cetol in temp container and rising heat from 0900 to 1115.
- 2021-06-16 Applied one coat of Cetol Marine Natural Teak
to the toerail (prep'ed yesterday).
- 2021-06-15 Teak Trim and other cosmetics.
- 2021-06-13 Refinished the three fiddles of the hanging locker (one teak, two red oak) with Danish Oil
after having sanded with 220 and 400 grit.
- 2021-06-08 Installed Dual USB Charger / Voltmeters.
- 2021-06-01 During yesterday's sail, the lens fell off the tachometer. Cleaned and resecured with DAP silicone.
- 2021-05-26 Added 5 gallons of diesel and pumped out the holding tank.
- 2021-05-21 Various Tasks.
- 2021-05-13 Various Tasks.
- 2021-04-30 Various Tasks.
2020 - 2021 Winter
2020/21 Winterization Task List
- 2021-04-23 Clean Up for Start of Season.
- 2021-04-21 Finish Cabin Painting Project for this Year.
- 2021-04-20 Finish the Cabin Top. Prepare for Racing.
- 2021-04-19 Rig Some Lines and Electricals, Finish Coat on Locker Faces.
- 2021-04-18 Sand and First Finish Coat on Locker Faces. Final Finish Coat in Cabin (lockers and settees).
- 2021-04-16 Final coat of High Gloss White inside Cabin under winches, line clutches, and deck organizers. Replaced starboard spring line. All after driving back from New York.
- 2021-04-15 Start First Finish Coat of the Cabin.
- 2021-04-14 Continued Priming the Cabin.
- 2021-04-13 Started Priming the Cabin.
- 2021-04-12 Final Sanding and Washing the Cabin prior to Painting.
- 2021-04-11 Faired and Masked Parts of the Cabin.
- 2021-04-09 Sanded and Faired Parts of the Cabin.
- 2021-04-08 Faired Cabin and Other.
- 2021-04-07 Washed Cabin after Sanding.
- 2021-04-06 Sanded Port Side of Cabin for Painting.
- 2021-04-05 Sanded Starboard Side of Cabin for Painting (Intervening period was Passover.)
- 2021-03-31 Assembled cummingham using 1/8" Amsteel Blue
, Clamcleat trapeze/vang cleat CL253
, Harken 22mm Block — Swivel
, and 7mm(?) control line.
- 2021-03-23 Installed Ronstan RF718 Backstay Adjuster.
- 2021-03-19 Scraped cabin overhead and walls before sanding.
- 2021-03-16 Pandora mainsail taken to Ullman Sails Annapolis
for foot rope installation and racing numbers ($240)
- 2021-03-11 Received a Doyle
mainsail from Pat Seidel. Formerly the sail belonged to Brooke Harwood and Pandora #8.
- 2021-03-12 Additional preparations for refinishing cabin.
- 2021-03-09 Removed items from the deck and cabin before sanding.
- 2021-03-04 Assembled engine: installed impeller, raw water hoses, raw water strainer, raw water pump belt, alternator belt. Ran a section of luff tape, sprayed with MacLube, up and down each groove in the furler repeatedly. Have not test filled the raw water strainer or fired engine as the temperature last night was 26*F. Tested all navigation lights.
- 2021-03-02 Rigging main halyard, vang, and outhaul. Took Interrupt mainsail, 135LP, and 169LP genoas aboard.
- 2021-02-26 Fixed starboard cockpit locker lid. The lid was splitting at the outboard forward end creating a triangular piece about an inch thick tapering aft. Removed the lid. Drilled three holes in the width of the lid, the first less than an inch aft of the forward edge. Injected epoxy into the split using a syringe. Drove three 1-1/2" bronze wood screws to hold the triangular piece to the rest of the lid. Less than two hours work.
- 2021-02-25 New racing genoa arrived (169LP) from Elliott/Pattison Sailmakers
. $2,369.60
- 2021-02-23 Washed/scrubbed every surface in the main cabin but for the area outboard of the icebox, under the galley, and under the settees using Formula B (Good Old Boat)
. About two hours of work.
- 2021-02-22 Ordered a YakBitz
to WiFi bridge to convert SeaTalk data into NMEA 0183 broadcast via WiFi. $69.00
- 2021-01-18 Moved dinghy brought back from New Bedford MA from Rockville to Yacht Haven Annapolis
2020 -- Sixth Season
2020 -- Sailing
- 2020-12-11 Solo Sail
- 2020-12-01 Moved Constance to Muller Marine for repairs from the NASS Race to the Lighthouses on 2020-09-12
- 2020-11-26 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2020-11-20 Solo Sail
- 2020-11-15 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2020-11-13 Solo Sail
- 2020-11-10 Solo Sail
- 2020-11-05 Solo Sail
- 2020-10-28 Group Sail
- 2020-10-23 Solo Sail
- 2020-10-21 Solo Sail
- 2020-10-19 Solo Sail
- 2020-10-15 Solo Sail
- 2020-10-05 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2020-10-03 2020 Rock Hall Race
- 2020-09-27 Rankin Regatta Day Two
- 2020-09-26 Rankin Regatta Day One
- 2020-09-22 Moved the boat to the
Potapskut Sailing Association
in preparation for the 2020 Rankin Regatta.
- 2020-09-12 2020 NASS Race to the Lighthouses
Shabbat race. Constance retired after being hit by Sly, an XP-44
- 2020-09-06 AYC Labor Day Regatta aboard Pat Seidel's Capri 30
3-6-9. Three races, three firsts.
- 2020-09-02 2020 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
results. Finishing Order: 262, 197, 550, 411, 244 Did not start: 272 T2P.tv
- 2020-08-30 2020 Annapolis NOOD
Day Three on Constance #262. TC Williams, David Butta, Christian Douglas, Meredith Glacken, and Jonathan Bresler.
- 2020-08-29 2020 Annapolis NOOD
Day Two on Constance #262. TC Williams, David Butta, Christian Douglas, Meredith Glacken and Russ Wesdyk.
- 2020-08-28 2020 Annapolis NOOD
Day One on Constance #262. TC Williams, David Butta, Christian Douglas, Meredith Glacken, and Jonathan Bresler.
- 2020-08-26 2020 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
results. Finishing Order: 550, 262, 244, 411 Did not start: 197, 272 T2P.tv
- 2020-08-25 Solo Sail
- 2020-08-21 Solo Sail
- 2020-08-19 2020 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Abandoned about 7:30. results. Finishing Order: None. Participants: 197, 244, 262, 411; Did not start: 272, 550 T2P.tv timestamp 09:11
- 2020-08-17 Motored around the harbor on #148 PERFECT Intentions.
- 2020-08-14 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2020-08-12 2020 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
- 2020-08-05
2020 AYC WNR
Not aboard due to family vacation in the Outer Banks. results. Engine: 265.7 - 266.4. Finishing Order: 262, 197, 411; Did not start: 244, 272, 550 T2P.tv (No Alberg footage)
- 2020-07-29 2020 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
Not aboard due to it being the night of the 9th of Av. results. Engine: 264.8 - 265.7. Finishing Order: 244, 262, 197, 411; Did not start: 272, 550 T2P.tv (No Alberg footage)
- 2020-07-28 Solo Sail
- 2020-07-24 Moved Argo from Eastport to Whitehall Marina under engine the entire way. 5.03nm, 4.4kts, 1:09hrs, track
- 2020-07-22 2020 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
- 2020-07-17 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2020-07-16 Solo Sail
- Aboard Woodwind
II with Leah (GPX track) in Force 5 winds from the east.
- 2020-07-10 Family Sail
- 2020-07-08 2020 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
on Constance #262. results Finishing Order: 197, 262; Did not start: 244, 272, 411, 550 T2P.tv (No Alberg footage)
- 2020-07-06 Family Sail
- 2020-07-02 Family Sail
- 2020-06-24 2020 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
on Constance #262. results Finishing Order: 262, 244; Did not start: 272, 411, 550 T2P.tv
- 2020-06-23 Solo Sail
- 2020-06-21 2020 Ted Osius Memorial Regatta
on Constance #262. Finishing Order: All boatts (11, 244, 262) DNF due to lack of wind
- 2020-06-15 Solo Sail (Average speed 5.7kts. New record.)
- 2020-06-14 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2020-06-12 Solo Sail
- 2020-06-10 2020 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
on Constance #262. results Finihing Order: 244, 262, 272; Did not start: 411, 550 T2P.tv
- 2020-06-07 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2020-06-03 Solo Sail (Average speed 5.6kts. New record.)
- 2020-05-31 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2020-05-24 Leah and Yoni Sail
2020 -- Maintenance
- 2020-12-24 Changed engine coolant. Winterized engine. Pumped out holding tank and head.
- 2020-12-22 Re-installed stern light after stern rail replacement earlier this month. Tested and confirmed working. Replaced main and spinnaker halyards, spin topping lift and foreguy with 1/4" dacron polyester rope.
- 2020-12-13 Removed main and genoa. Removed main reefing lines and hardware; stored with battens in mainsail bag. Spinnaker sheets stored in spinnaker bag.
- 2020-12-11 Changed the engine oil and filter at 294.4 hours. Added two quarts of Rotella 4 15w40. When starting the engine after the change, the "Oil Low" light came on for a couple seconds before going out, as it should.
- 2020-12-03 Repairs at Muller Marine following NASS Race on 2020-09-12: New stern pulpit installed. Missing attachment points for lifelines. Muller Marine will install SailRite Hinged Jaw Slides Stainless Steel for 1" Tubing. Port end of taffrail rebedded.
- 2020-12-01 Replace stern light heater cord (CSA UL-9) with Ancor 16AWG grey and yellow inside shrink tubing. Emptied boat before moving to Muller Marine for stern pulpit replacement.
- 2020-11-04 Plumbed Starboard Side Cockpit Locker Drain (assembly).
- 2020-10-21 Plumbed Port Side Cockpit Locker Drain (assembly).
- 2020-10-09 Blocked Cockpit Locker Drain (disassembly).
- 2020-10-02 Prep for 2020 Rock Hall Race and Various.
- 2020-09-24 Install strap eye to protect main halyard.
- 2020-09-23 Main halyard has been getting trapped by the genoa block pressing down on the line. Tried to reinstall the strap eye that was at the top of the mast. Need different screws.
- 2020-09-17 Rebuilt the Harken non-captive ball traveler car using the Midrange Non-captive Bearing Car Rebuild Kit (HMR99)
ordered from Defender
. No wind. Force 1 per Eastport Yacht Club weather gauges. No sailing.
- 2020-09-09 Order replacement main halyard, 90' of 3/8" red fleck Sta-Set
, and replacement genoa block, a Carbo Air 40mm Swivel
for just over $110 from Defender
- 2020-08-21 Installed Dr. LED
replacement stern light bulb. Tried the same at the bow, but the lens pushes against the bulb assembly, disconnecting the light.
- 2020-08-12 Routine Maintenance.
- 2020-07-21 Installed Harken Sail Chafe Protector
due to the five year old existing chafe protection on the starboard shroud unwrapping from the spreader.
- 2020-07-01 Address fuel issues.
- 2020-06-19 Traveler Lead and Prepare for 2020 Ted Osius Memorial Regatta
- 2020-06-17 New House Battery and Various Tasks.
- 2020-06-12 Various Tasks.
- 2020-06-09 Continue Re-wiring.
- 2020-06-05 Begin Re-wiring.
- 2020-06-04 Racor 110A Fuel Filter. Clean and Grease Primaries.
- 2020-06-02 Preparations for Sailing. Cable Clam.
- 2020-05-27 Cabin Cosmetics.
- 2020-05-26 Preparations for Sailing. Clean Up. Test fit Sails.
2019 - 2020 Winter
2019/20 Winterization Task List
- 2020-05-21 Preparations for Sailing. Tune the mast.
- 2020-05-19 Preparations for Sailing. Reeve lines.
- 2020-05-17 Raise the Mast.
- 2020-05-15 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Assemble headstay.
- 2020-05-14 Continue Refurbishing Mast.
- 2020-05-13 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Inspected and polished lower forward port chainplate.
- 2020-05-12 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Cut and filed the C S Johnson
Stay Extender
to have only three holes in place of five. Minimum needed to allow a toggle at the top of the forestay.
- 2020-05-07 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Masthead lights, Windex, and VHF.
- 2020-05-05 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Mainsail halyard sheave.
- 2020-05-04 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Many smaller tasks.
- 2020-05-01 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Replace jib halyard block.
- 2020-04-29 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Purchased North Sails working jib. Mast Base and Stays.
- 2020-04-26 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Cut and assemble all shrouds.
- 2020-04-20 Continue Refurbishing Mast. Deck Plate.
- 2020-04-17 Continue Refurbishing Mast.
- 2020-04-06 Continue Refurbishing Mast.
- All recreational boating suspended by Maryland Department of Natural Resources until further notice due to COVID-19.
- 2020-03-31: Sheer Legs Fallen.
- 2020-03-30: Continue Refurbishing Mast.
- 2020-03-29: Picked up replacement mast base from Eastport Spar & Rigging
. Looks great. CNC'ed from a single block of T6061(?). Test fit on boat. Slots need to be widened about 1/16" on the outboard sides to accomdate bolts. John of ESR verified in person. Marked the mast base for the through bolt hole. The two holes in the mast are not square to the mast. Will need to extend on hole a bit fore and aft to receive bolt.
- 2020-03-27: Received new main halyard sheave, axle and compression tube from Zephyrwerks
- 2020-03-18: Dropped off mast base at Eastport Spar & Rigging
for replacement.
- 2020-03-17: Reviewed rigging order with Jonathan Adams. Submitted to SailingServices
for quote.
- 2020-03-13 Continue Refurbishing Mast.
- 2020-03-11 Continue Refurbishing Mast.
- 2020-03-05 Begin Refurbishing Mast.
- 2020-03-04 Lower the mast.
- 2020-03-02 Begin preparations to lower the mast (continued).
- 2020-02-28 Begin preparations to lower the mast.
- 2020-02-24 Cabin: Began scraping port side of the cabin.
- 2020-01-28 RF718: Ran the screw out. Washed off with Palmolive OXY. Coated with Liquid Wrench. Run in and out. Repeat three times. Still dragging out extremely fine black powder, but less than before.
- 2020-01-26 RF718: Able to run the adjusting screw all the way in and out. Applied PB Blaster liberably to screw and bushing. Starting to drag extremely fine black powder out the bushing. The screw will spin freely through section of its travel. Applied more PB Blaster.
- 2020-01-24 RF718: Able to run the adjusting screw all the way out. Still too stiff. Applied more PB Blaster.
- 2020-01-23 RF718: Day after purchase,able to move the screw a bit, with difficulty. Applied more PB Blaster.
- 2020-01-22 Purchased Ronstan RF718 backstay adjuster (frozen, does not move at all) from Anchor and Oars in Grasonville for $80. Originally marked $140. Found frozen and reduced to $115. Stated to be working, found frozen again. Offered $80. Done. PB Blaster
applied on day of purchase.
- 2020-01-22 Moved Harken traveler cam cleats from coaming retaining bolt aft the forward winch pedestals to forward most coaming retaining bolt. Need 39' line for travelver.
- 2019-12-09 Received tha new spinnaker made of Bainbridge
600 ordered on 2019-11-21 from Elliott/Pattison Sailmakers
2019 -- Fifth Season
2019 -- Sailing
- 2019-10-23 Solo Sail
- 2019-10-18 Leah and Yoni Sail (Average speed 5.2kts. New record.)
- 2019-10-13 Solo Sail
- 2019-10-11 Solo Sail
- 2019-10-07 Solo Sail
- 2019-10-04 Solo Sail
- 2019-10-03 Solo Sail
- 2019-09-25 Solo Sail
- 2019-09-24 Solo Sail
- 2019-09-22 Rankin Regatta Day Two
- 2019-09-21 Rankin Regatta Day One
- 2019-09-20 Solo Sail
- 2019-09-18 Solo Sail
- 2019-09-13 Solo Sail
- 2019-09-08 2019 TAYC Hammond Memorial Race
- 2019-09-07 2019 NASS Race to Oxford
- 2019-08-30 Solo Sail
- 2019-08-29 Solo Sail
- 2019-08-28
2019 AYC WNR
Canceled. Bad call. A bit of rain, good winds after the rain. Seventh cancellation overall. More than one-third of the races.
- 2019-08-23 Solo Sail
- 2019-08-21
2019 AYC WNR
on Constance #262. results Canceled just before the start: 244, 262, 484. Did not start: 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-08-14
2019 AYC WNR
on Constance #262. results Time limit exceeded: 244, 262. Did not start: 197, 484, 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-08-09 Solo Sail
- 2019-08-08 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2019-08-07
2019 AYC WNR
- 2019-07-31
2019 AYC WNR
- 2019-07-25 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2019-07-24 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 3
on Constance #262. results 244, 197, 262. Did not start: 484, 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-07-17
2019 AYC WNR
- 2019-07-10 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
on Constance #262. results 262, 244, 484. Did not start: 197, 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-07-02 Solo Sail
- 2019-06-30 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2019-06-26 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
on Constance #262. results 244, 197, 262. Did not start: 484, 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-06-23 Ted Osius Memorial Regatta on Constance #262. results 62, 262, 17.
- 2019-06-19 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
on Constance #262. results 262. Did not start: 197, 244, 484, 550 T2P.tv (See 6:06 in the video)
- 2019-06-16 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2019-06-12 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
on Constance #262. results 244, 197, 262. Did not start: 484, 550 T2P.tv (See 9:39 in the video)
- 2019-06-05 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 2
- 2019-06-03 Solo Sail
- 2019-05-30 Solo Sail
- 2019-05-29 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
- 2019-05-26 Leah and Yoni Sail
- 2019-05-24 Solo Sail
- 2019-05-22 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
on Constance #262. results 244, 262, 197, 484. Did not start: 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-05-21 Solo Sail
- 2019-05-20 Solo Sail
- 2019-05-15 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
on Constance #262. results 244, 262. Did not start: 197, 484, 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-05-08 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
on Constance #262. results 244, 197, 262. Did not start: 484, 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-05-05 2019 Annapolis NOOD
Day Three on Constance #262. TC Williams, Debbie McKean, David Butta, and Jonathan Bresler.
- 2019-05-04 2019 Annapolis NOOD
Day Two on Constance #262. TC Williams, John Donegan, Debbie McKean, David Butta.
- 2019-05-03 2019 Annapolis NOOD
Day One on Constance #262. TC Williams, Rick Chambers, Debbie McKean, David Butta, and Jonathan Bresler.
- 2019-05-01 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
on Constance #262. results 197, 262. Did not start: 244, 484, 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-04-24 2019 Wednesday Night Races Series 1
on Constance #262. results Retired: 244, 262; Did not start: 197, 484, 550 T2P.tv
- 2019-04-10 TC Williams and Yoni Bresler -- Introduce TC to Constance before the 2019 Annapolis NOOD
- 2019-04-08 Solo Sail
- 2019-04-03 Yoni Bresler (return from Smith's Marine to Yacht Haven Annapolis)
2019 -- Maintenance
- 2019-12-08 Removed sails, vang, and spinnaker foreguy. Replaced halyards and spinnaker topping lift with halyard leader.
- 2019-12-06 Changed the oil in the engine.
- 2019-11-26 Applied the second coat of Cetol Marine Natural Light
to the outboard face of both the starboard and port toe rails. Applied a coat of Interlux Pre-Kote to the compass cover as UV protection.
- 2019-11-24 Removed the covers from the salon and v-berth cushions. Washed them in the washing machine. Recovered the open cell foam cushions.
- 2019-11-20 Cleaned the outboard face of the toe rail with acetone. Applied the first coat of Cetol Marine Natural Light
to the outboard face of both the starboard and port toe rails.
- 2019-11-19 Lightly scrapped and sanded with 220 grit paper, as needed, the outboard side of starboard and port toe rails.
- 2019-11-17 Additional winterization tasks done. Still hoping for a bit more sailing this year.
- 2019-11-07 Replaced automatic bilge pump with a Rule LoPro900S
and began emptying the boat for the winter.
- 2019-10-07 Replaced both fuel filters.
- 2019-09-05 Replaced genoa lashings with shackles. Replaced mainsheet block with Garhauer
40-04 UAG fiddle block with snap shackle and becket
for the bottom and Garhauer 40-05 UAG fiddle block with cam cleat and shackle
. Additional items to prepare for Oxford and Hammond Races.
- 2019-09-03 Replaced furling line. Stored items. Lashed 170LP to furler with 52' of white with blue 8mm Samson XLS3
purchased at APS (Annapolis Performance Sailing)
at for $22.00, 40% off sale.
- 2019-08-29 Fixed GPS antenna connection. Disconnected at the BNC due to the angle. Need to drill a new hole in the fiberglass and a hole in the Garmin mounting bracket for the antenna conection.
- 2019-08-20 Third and last coat of Cetol Marine Natural Light
on inboard side of toe rail. Touch ups on coamings. About 90 minutes.
- 2019-08-16 Second coat of Cetol Marine Natural Light
. About two hours. Replaced split Vetus LP40
- 2019-08-14 Attached seats to the coamings forward of the winch pedestals installed this year.
- 2019-08-06 First coat of Cetol Marine Natural Light
on inboard side of toe rail. Touch ups on coamings. About three hours. Replaced cowl in forepeak with blanking plate. Cowl placed in port side under settee drawer.
- 2019-08-05 Lightly scrapped, as needed, the inboard side of the toe rail and cabin top hand rails, scuffed both with ScotchBrite in preparation for refinishing. About two hours.
- 2019-07-26 Fashioned a seat and support to attach to the port coaming forward the newly installed winch pedestal. About three hours.
- 2019-07-26 Fashioned a seat and support to attach to the starboard coaming forward the newly installed winch pedestal. About three hours.
- 2019-07-19 Installed Openplotter
headless with GPS at home.
- 2019-07-17 AYC WNR Canceled due to thunderstorms. Moved traveler cam cleats forward onto the coamings, just aft the forward winch pedestals..
- 2019-07-15 Remounted factory winch pedestals. Measured for coaming seats, 6' x 12" board required as raw material.
- 2019-07-10 Attempted repair of broken 3" AFI Day/Night Plus Vent Stainless - N20703S
- 2019-07-09 Installed Forward Port Winch Pedestal. Installed Winches on Forward Pedestals.
- 2019-07-08 Installed Forward Starboard Winch Pedestal.
- 2019-07-01 Installed lazarette hatch. Jonathan Adams looked at rust on swages. Not an issue. Re-installed furler drum. Bent on 150LP genoa hoisted to max position about 8.5" above furler shackle. Need to install pendant.
- 2019-06-28 Sanded with 400 grit and applied eight and final coat of Awlwood to underside and vertical sides of lazarette hatch.
- 2019-06-27 Sanded with 400 grit and applied seventh coat of Awlwood to underside and vertical sides of lazarette hatch.
- 2019-06-26 Applied sixth coat of Awlwood to underside and vertical sides of lazarette hatch. Measured all sails from Interrupt.
- 2019-06-25 Applied fifth coat of Awlwood to underside and vertical sides of lazarette hatch. Replaced genoa halyard block with Garhauer
single block with shackle {25,27,30}-13US.
- 2019-06-24 Sanded lazarette hatch with 220 grit and applied fourth coat of Awlwood to underside of lazarette hatch. Inspected rig. Many measurements.
- 2019-06-21 Sanded lazarette hatch with 220 grit and applied third coat of Awlwood to underside of lazarette hatch. Trimmed newly added fiberglass from forward winch pedestals and sanded.
- 2019-06-20 Forward Winch Pedestals and Lazarette Hatch.
- 2019-06-19 Sanded lazarette hatch with 220 grit and applied first coat of Awlwood
to underside of lazarette hatch.
- 2019-06-18 Sanded winch pedestals with 220 grit and applied second coat of Brightside
. Applied Awlwood primer to underside of lazarette hatch.
- 2019-06-17 Final coat of Awlwood after sanding with 400 grit. Sanded winch pedestals. Applied final coat of Pre-Kote
. At dusk, sanded with 220 grit and applied the first coat of Brightside
- 2019-06-16 Seventh coat of Awlwood after sanding with 400 grit. Sanded winch pedestals. Found a jagged edge of fiberglass -- fixed. Applied first coat of Pre-Kote
- 2019-06-14 Lazarette Hatch and Winch Pedestals.
- 2019-06-13 Fifth coat of Awlwood on lazarette hatch. Trimmed and trial placed pedestals. Bought swivel snap shackle, shackle guard ring, and 60' of red 5/16" Sta-Set
. Spliced swivel snap shackle onto Sta-Set for replacement port spinnaker sheet.
- 2019-06-12 Trimmed to final shape, washed, scrubbed, and added two more layers of 1708 bi-axial cloth
to inside surface of the forward winch pedestals. Used about 17 fluid ounces of epoxy for 5.4 square feet of 1708. Fourth coat of Awlwood on the lazarette hatch.
- 2019-06-06 Fabricate Forward Winch Pedestals.
- 2019-06-04 thru 2019-06-07 Refinish lazarette hatch with Awlwood
. Primer and first three coats on the top and four sides.
- 2019-05-29 Got repaired tillerhead from John Kucha of Metalcraft Engineering. AYC WNR Canceled due to "unstable weather". Jon Anthony flipped Lola. Annapolis weather buoy reported gusts about 25 knots, certainly less than 30 knots.
- 2019-05-27 Rebuilt the each 150 Cam-Matic cam cleat
on the 27mm traveler using 150 Cam-Matic cam cleat
purchased from APS yesterday. Supplemented the springs in the rebuild kits with the springs already in the cam cleats.
- 2019-05-20 Replaced 6 AWG cable from start battery to alternator with a 4 AWG cable, and replaced MRBF Terminal Fuse - 100A
with a MRBF Terminal Fuse - 150A
on that one battery.
- 2019-05-17 Installed used tillerhead purchased at Anchor and Oars in Grasonville yesterday
- 2019-05-15 Tiller, Ignition, and Icebox.
- 2019-05-09 Replaced Damaged Fuel Line and Clean and Lubricate Cockpit Winches.
- 2019-05-07 Changed Fuel Filters, Cleaned and Lubricated Cabin Top Winches.
- Assisted Christian Douglas to raise the mast on Kittiwake #76.
- 2019-05-02 Various Items to Prepare for the Racing Season (continued).
- 2019-05-01 Various Items to Prepare for the Racing Season (continued).
- 2019-04-30 Various Items to Prepare for the Racing Season (continued).
- 2019-04-29 Various Items to Prepare for the Racing Season (continued).
- 2019-04-25 Final fitting of head floor. Cut wood for shelf in icebox. Purchased fiddle block with cam cleat and becket for vang.
- 2019-04-24 Removed 135LP. Bent on the Tatus II genoa. Fashioned single release line for spinnaker pole from the two 1/16" stainless steel lines previously installed.
- 2019-04-23 Various Items to Prepare for the Racing Season (continued).
- 2019-04-22 Various Items to Prepare for the Racing Season (continued).
- 2019-04-19 Various Items to Prepare for the Racing Season (continued).
- 2019-04-18 Various Items to Prepare for the Season.
- 2019-04-17 Tried lashing the 170LP from Interrupt to the roller furler. No good.
- 2019-04-16 Installed cleats for the floor to the head. Fashioned and install floor of the head. Reinstalled head door. Install receiver for head door lock.
- 2019-04-15 Removed lazy jacks, added numbers to Interrupt spinnaker.
- 2019-04-12 Continued preparing Constance to sail in the 2019 Annapolis NOOD. Up the mast to re-route genoa halyard. Still short and more.
- 2019-04-11 Continued preparing Constance to sail in the 2019 Annapolis NOOD. Spinnaker pole work.
- 2019-04-10 Begin preparing Constance to sail in the 2019 Annapolis NOOD
- 2019-04-09 Install spinnaker turning block pads and other items.
- 2019-04-04 Variety of items to prepare for sailing. Too little wind to sail.
- 2019-04-03 Variety of items connected to the return from Smith's Marine to Yacht Haven Annapolis.
2018 - 2019 Winter
2018/9 Winterization Task List
- 2019-04-02 Final preparations for launch including painting underside of keel and zinc coating the prop.
- 2019-04-01 Paint hull, second coat. Awlwood companionway frame trim, second coat. Fourth coat on companionway sill. Reeve main and genoa halyards. General cleanup.
- 2019-03-29 Paint boot stripe, two coats. Paint hull, first coat. Awlwood cockpit locker seats and companionway frame trim and sill.
- 2019-03-28 Prepared engine for the season. Replace prop with two blade. Awlwood cockpit locker seats and companionway sill.
- 2019-03-27 Fiberglass'ed the bilge (See the start and finish of work done on Blue Teal regarding the bottom of the bilge.) Applied seventh coat of Awlwood. First coat the companionway sill.
- 2019-03-26 Scrubbed boot stripe. Took sails to the boat. Sanded fiberglass applied to forefoot of keel. Scrubbed boot stripe. Applied sixth coat of Awlwood.
- 2019-03-25 Applied fifth coat of Awlwood.
- 2019-03-24 Sanded and applied fourth coat of Awlwood.
- 2019-03-22 Removed loose, damaged fiberglass from keel forefoot. Applied new fiberglass. Installed aft mooring cleats.
- 2019-03-21 (Purim) Rained all day.
- 2019-03-20 (Tzom Gedaliah) Sanded and applied third coat of Awlwood to the companionway hatch, lower companionway board, icebox hatch, spinnaker block pads, and fuel fill pad.
- 2019-03-19 Sanded port side of hull. Washed entire hull. Found delaminated fiberglass patch placed over bottom paint at bottom of fore foot. Removed delaminated glass. Sanded in prepatation for laminating.
- 2019-03-17 Finished re-wiring Latika: Ran wire from starter solenoid hot terminal to ignition switch with fuse. Got fuel gauge working. Installed new wire for engine temp gauge.
- 2019-03-15 Reinstalled dorade vent. Installed valve for head overboard discharge. Reinstalled batteries. Drilled mounting holes for aft mooring cleats. Left the butyl tape at home, so did not install the cleats.
- 2019-03-15 Second coat of Awlwood.
- 2019-03-14 Began to apply Awlwood finish to wood stripped and sanded earlier. Installed backing plates for aft mooring cleats. Began building the sump in the boat to close the hole in bilge floor.
- 2019-03-13 Primed the companionway hatch, lower companionway board, icebox hatch, spinnaker block pads, and fuel fill pad ... one and one-half hours.
- 2019-03-12 Scraped and sanded starboard side of hull and rudder using Bosch 3017DVS with replacement pad RS031 ... two hours.
- 2019-03-11 Stripped and sanded lower companionway board, forward hatch, and icebox hatch ... three hours.
- 2019-03-07 Began sanding hull using a Bosch 3017DVS. Flexible pad split. Ordered new, arriving 2019-03-10. Cut head discharge thruhull fitting to match Groco
1-1/4" flanged ball valve
. Brought icebox hatch home.
- 2019-02-26 Stripped and sanded using 120 grit paper the companionway hatch, the spinnaker blocks, and the fuel filler block.
- 2019-02-24 rewiring Latika #11 nearly completed. Two wires in aft lazarette and blower need to be connected.
- 2019-02-18 Filled the reliefs of the aft lazarette cover with black SIS 440
from Teakdecking Systems
- 2019-02-17 Filled the open seams of the aft lazarette cover with epoxy. Epoxy coated one side of the piece of 1/4" ply for bilge.
- 2019-02-15 Removed and brought home for refinshing the companionway hatch and hanging locker door. Cut and fit a piece of 1/4" ply for bilge. Removed aft mooring cleats.
- 2019-02-06 Removed and brought home for refinshing the forward hatch, the fuel fill wood block, the spinnaker turning block wood blocks.
- 2019-02-05 Ordered a 135LP genoa from Bacons
. Test fit bilge pan and cut to fit very easily. Removed batteries and cleaned hull. Measured dead space blow batteries.
- 2019-02-04 Sanded the recesses of the aft lazarette hatch. Filled the two separations with WestSystem 105/205 thickened with collidial silica.
- 2019-02-01 Using three layers of 6oz glass and WestSystem 105/205 created a ??"x??"x??" pan to go into the opening under the engine in the bilge.
- 2019-01-31 Stopped by Bacons
to finalize order for 135LP genoa. Gary not available. Picked up "original 165LP". Measured bottom of bilge for pan to fill opening under the engine. Opening is larger than 9"x4"x1-1/2"
- 2019-01-27 Begin rewiring Latika #11 after electrical fire due to unfused inverter at Tidewater Marina in Havre de Grace, MD.
- 2019-01-25 Clean the bilge. Spun engine. LiDiVi reading 13.0V
- 2019-01-22 Build QLC1. Connected to OpenCPN on Raspberry Pi. Verified GPS working and displaying on Raspberry Pi.
- 2019-01-20 Remeasured for new headsail based upon Bacons
Sails measuring guide.
- 2019-01-03 Measure for new headsail based upon the guide from Mack Sails. Measure for seahood.
- 2019-01-02 Continue refurbishing head. Spun engine.
- 2018-12-20 Begin refurbishing hanging locker. Stopped charging batteries with LiDiVi reading 13.2V.
- 2018-12-18 Begin refurbishing head. Spun engine. Started charging batteries.
2018 -- Fourth Season
2018 -- Sailing
- 2018-11-27 Yoni Bresler (to Smiths for Haulout)
- 2018-11-08 Solo Sail
- 2018-11-01 Solo Sail
- 2018-10-30 Solo Sail
- 2018-10-29 Solo Sail
- 2018-10-19 Solo Sail
- 2018-10-18 Day Sail with Paul Berner
- 2018-10-16 Solo Sail
- 2018-10-12 Solo Sail with "photo" by Anne Delano Weathersby
- 2018-10-05 Solo Sail
- 2018-09-28 Family Sail
- 2018-09-27 Solo Sail
- 2018-09-23 2018 Bruce H Rankin Memorial Regatta
- 2018-09-21 Solo Sail
- 2018-09-16 Night Sail with Leah Bresler
- 2018-09-14 Solo Sail in weather influenced by the very edges of Hurricane Florence
- 2018-09-13 Solo Sail in weather influenced by the very edges of Hurricane Florence
- 2018-09-05 Evening sail on Argo with TC, Kim Magrine, her friend from Lithuania, and Yoni Bresler
- 2018-08-29 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 244, 197, 550, 247, 484 T2P.tv Nice footage of Second-2-Nun starting at 08:14
- 2018-08-23 Solo Sail
- 2018-08-22 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 244, 550, 247, 197, 484 T2P.tv
- 2018-08-09 Solo Sail
- 2018-08-08 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 244, 550, 247, 484, 197(DNC) T2P.tv
- 2018-08-02 Solo Sail
- 2018-08-01 2018 Wednesday Night Races
Canceled due to debris in the Bay as a result of water released from the Congowingo Dam.
- 2018-07-25 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 244, 247(DNF), 197(DNC), 550(DNC), 448(DNC)) T2P.tv
- 2018-07-19 Leah and Yoni Day Sail
- 2018-07-18 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 244, 197, 247, 550, 448) T2P.tv
- 2018-07-17 Leah and Yoni Day Sail
- 2018-07-11 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 247, 550, 197, 448, 244(DNC) T2P.tv
- 2018-07-10 Solo Day Sail
- 2018-07-08 Leah and Yoni Day Sail
- 2018-07-05 Leah and Yoni Day Sail
- 2018-06-27 2018 Wednesday Night Races
Canceled due to a excess of wind. AYC claimed thunderstorms. None till after 10PM.
- 2018-06-26 Anthony and Yoni Day Sail
- 2018-06-25 Leah and Yoni Day Sail
- 2018-06-24: Ted Osius Memorial Regatta on Argo #247. Three boats: 247, 484, 550. Results: 247, 550, 484
- 2018-06-20: 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. Canceled due to a lack of wind. T2p.tv
- 2018-06-13 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 244, 247, 550, 448, 197(DNC) T2P.tv See 9:05
- 2018-06-07 Solo Day Sail
- 2018-06-06 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 244, 247, 197, 448, 550(DNC) T2P.tv
- 2018-06-05 Solo Day Sail in Strong Winds (Force 5, gusts into Force 6)
- 2018-05-30 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 247, 244, 448, 197(DNC), 550(DNC) T2P.tv See 6:05, 7:50 and 9:10
- 2018-05-24 Solo Day Sail
- 2018-05-23 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 244, 247, 197, 448, 550(DNC) T2P.tv
- 2018-05-22 Solo Day Sail
- 2018-05-16 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. Canceled due to a lack of wind. Replaced two portlights in main cabin.
- 2018-05-15 Solo Day Sail
- 2018-05-10 Solo Day Sail
- 2018-05-09 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 247, 484, 197(DNC), 244(DNC), 550(DNC) T2P.tv
- 2018-05-06 Last Day of 2018 Annapolis NOOD
on Argo #247. TC, Liz, David Butta, and Jonathan Bresler results (562, 11, 197, 11, 247, 484)
- 2018-05-04 First Day of 2018 Annapolis NOOD
on Argo #247. TC, Liz, John Donegan, David Butta, Debbie Kean, and Jonathan Bresler results (562, 197, 11, 484, 247)
- 2018-05-02 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results 244, 197, 247, 484, 550(DNC) T2P.tv
- 2018-04-25: 2018 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. Canceled due to a lack of wind.
2018 -- Maintenance
- 2018-11-27 Moved the boat to Smith's Marina. Changed engine and transmission oil and engine filter. Removed main and jib. Fully charged batteries. Propylene glycol in heat exchanger and exhaust.
- 2018-11-20 Intended to sail, but 15 gusting to 23 in the slip combined with 50 degree tempuratures deterred me. Removed cushions, spinnakers, and some other items in preparation for winter.
- 2018-10-29 Starboard side genoa track, all three but for the last one of the last four screws did not have nuts! Added washers and nylock nuts: 1/4"-20's. Tightened 3/4" bronze bolt securingrudder. It has wored its way loose. Needs washer and lock washer.
- 2018-10-19 Replaced the existing, original?, genoa cars and Selden 60 mm plain bearing block
blocks with Garhauer 40-40 US track car single block
s. Bolts at the aft end of the genoa tracks are 7/16".
- 2018-10-16 Installed 14mm Antal
low friction ring for the second reef with a 2.5" 5/16" soft shackle. Replaced the four #8 1-1/2" square drive screws that were no longer holding the starboard portion of the engine box frame to the galley fore-n-aft bulkhead with #10 1-1/2" Philips drive screws (FAS SM 10112 P) that I had aboard. Cleaned engine raw water strainer, very little material or growth.
- 2018-10-14 Worked on Latika, Woody's boat, from noon till five pm, repairing damage to the wiring due to an unfused inverter catching fire. Removed wiring with all the insulation burned off. Got the engine running again. Woody can now take the boata home and continue the re-wiring there.
- 2018-10-09 Second reef and jib halyard.
- 2018-09-04 Tried to remove bronze link at bottom of Selden roller furler. Even with the Selden rigging screw fully extended and the backstay loosened so that the screws where just a few turns into the turnbuckle body, not the hollow, still needed half an inch more. Fit to the third hold back on the stem, but not the first. Reinserted the bronze link.
- 2018-08-28 Replaced red tape marked black battery cable from Aft #2 House battery to Guest switch with red cable salvaged from Interrupt #367. Moved alternator connection to Fore #1 Start battery.
- 2018-08-22 Installed LiDiVi Dual USB Charger and Voltmeter
- 2018-08-21 Salvaged additional items from Interrupt #367.
- 2018-08-07 Removed existing genoa and attempted to bend on the genoa from Interrupt #367. The luff aat 34.0 feet is about 14 inches too long. If the halyard shackle is removed and the halyard tied directly to the upper swivel, it would be possible to gain as much as seven inches of hoist. Not enough. Rather disappointing. Returned the borrowed v-berth cushions to Argo. Low 90's, quite humid, little wind. No sailing today.
- 2018-08-03 Hull Cleaned by Patrick McMahon, Diver for Hire
- 2018-08-01 Removed existing mainsail and bent on the main from Interrupt #367. Had to modify the outhaul and the tack attachments. Took nearly three hours. Hot (90), humid day, sweat dripping freely.
- 2018-07-30 Salvaged Various Items from Interrupt #367.
- 2018-07-02 Various Items for Cruising.
- 2018-06-26 Cleaned main cabin with TSP solution. Emptied storage areas in galley. Cleaned galley and sink. Test rigged the sunshade without the dodger by adding to grommets to the front of the shade. and running lines to the forward lower shrouds. Test rigged the Breeze Bandit
using wood scraps to hold the base and line from starboard to port forward lowers.
- 2018-06-19 Installed fiddles on the shelves either side of v-berth.
- 2018-06-15 Cleaned Gusher Galley Pump
- 2018-06-14 Installed ceiling on port side of v-berth.
- 2018-06-12 Installed ceiling on starboard side of v-berth.
- 2018-06-10 Hull Cleaned by Patrick McMahon, Diver for Hire
- 2018-06-04 TSP cleaned v-berth, head, and cabin overhead. Started ceiling of v-berth.
2017 - 2018 Winter
2017/8 Winterization Task List
- 2018-05-02 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- More Reassembly -- Continue Awlwood treatment of companionway trim bunged surface.
- 2018-05-01 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Complete Reassembly -- Begin Awlwood treatment of companionway trim bunged surface.
- 2018-04-30 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Continue Reassembly -- Final Cetol.
- 2018-04-29 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Continue Wood Refinishing -- Eighth and Final Awlwood.
- 2018-04-27 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Continue Wood Refinishing -- Seventh Awlwood.
- 2018-04-26 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Continue Wood Refinishing -- Sixth Awlwood.
- 2018-04-24 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Continue Wood Refinishing -- Fifth Awlwood.
- 2018-04-23 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Continue Wood Refinishing -- Fourth Awlwood, Apply KiwiGrip.
- 2018-04-22 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Continue Wood Refinishing -- Third Awlwood.
- 2018-04-20 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Continue Wood Refinishing -- Second Awlwood.
- 2018-04-19 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Continue Wood Refinishing -- First Awlwood.
- 2018-04-18 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Resume Wood Refinishing -- Awlwood Primer.
- 2018-04-17 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Begin Reassembly.
- 2018-04-13 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Sand and apply third topcoat.
- 2018-04-12 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Sand and apply second topcoat.
- 2018-04-11 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Sand and apply first topcoat.
- 2018-04-10 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Sand QuikFair and apply second undercoat.
- 2018-04-09 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Sand undercoat and fill.
- 2018-04-08 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Prepare coamings for Cetol.
- 2018-04-04 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Apply first layer of undercoat.
- 2018-04-03 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Sand. Too cold to paint.
- 2018-03-29 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Additional sanding of cockpit, vacuumed, and washed cockpit. Pre-Kote on indent lid. Final fairing.
- 2018-03-28 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Fill all diamond pattern on seats and the edge of the cockpit floor, additional fairing.
- 2018-03-27 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Sand fairing, wash cockpit.
- 2018-03-26 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Strip companionway trim, fair coaming lands.
- 2018-03-23 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Close holes, fair surfaces of cockpit.
- 2018-03-19 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Strip locker lids.
- 2018-03-15 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Sanding cockpit, scraping inside surface of cabin aft bulkhead.
- 2018-03-08 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Sanding cockpit.
- 2018-03-05 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Remove companionway trim, fiberglass wash.
- 2018-02-27 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Begin cleaning and scraping surfaces, remove traveller.
- 2018-02-21 Continue Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Remove cockpit wood, etc.
- 2018-02-20 Begin Cockpit Refinishing Project -- Remove cockpit instruments, etc.
- 2018-01-07 Adjust Lines and General Check.
2017 -- Third Season
2017 -- Sailing
- 2017-11-29 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-11-28 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-11-21 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-11-09 Solo Motor -- No wind. Glassy water. Oil change.
- 2017-11-02 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-10-31 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-10-27 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-10-24 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-10-23 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-10-19 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-10-16 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-10-04 Sail with Amishav and Azriel
- 2017-09-28 Fill the Diesel Tank
- 2017-09-24 2017 Bruce H Rankin Memorial Regatta. Results: (247 & 267, 244 & 11, 197 & 550. No Canadian Team)
- 2017-09-20 Father and Son Sail
- 2017-09-19 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-09-18 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-09-10 2017 Hammond Memorial Regatta . Results: (247, 267, 197)
- 2017-09-08 Solo Day Sail up the Severn River
- 2017-09-05 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-09-03 Night Sail with Leah
- 2017-08-31 Fun Sail with Hank and Drew
- 2017-08-30: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (247, 244, 197, 267,550, 484) T2P.tv
- 2017-08-28 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-08-25 Easy Daysail with Avi Freidenreich
- 2017-08-24 Easy Daysail with Gigi and Dodge Kingsland
- 2017-08-23: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. Race Canceled. No results.
- 2017-08-21 Solo Day Sail with surf at 9.1 knots and highest masthead reading of 26 knots of wind.
- 2017-08-18 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-08-16: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Wicked #267. Race Canceled. No results.
- 2017-08-13 Couple Sails Beyond the Bay Bridge
- 2017-08-09: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. Race Canceled. No results.
- 2017-08-08 Couple Crosses the Bay
- 2017-08-02: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. Race Canceled. No results.
- 2017-07-27 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-07-26: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (197, 244, 267, 247, 484) T2P.tv see 8:20
- 2017-07-25 Couple's Cookout
- 2017-07-24 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-07-20 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-07-19: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (244, 247, 267, 550, 484) T2P.tv see 8:20
- 2017-07-10 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-07-07 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-07-05 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-06-29 Family Sail
- 2017-06-28: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (247, 244, 197, 267, 550, 308, 484) T2P.tv see 7:13, Brian Palmer Instagram video of the start, on the first leg, in the harbor, at the finish
- 2017-06-25: Ted Osius Memorial Regatta on Argo #247. Four boats: 247, 267, 484, 550. All scored as "Time Limit Exceeded".
- 2017-06-23 Solo Day Sail to Thomas Point with high force 5 winds
- 2017-06-21: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (247, 244, 267, 197, 308, 550, 484) T2P.tv
- 2017-06-20 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-06-19 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-06-18 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-06-14: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (247, 267, 244, 197, 308, 550, 484) T2P.tv See 8:00 timestamp
- 2017-06-12 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-06-11 Leah, Tal, and Yoni
- 2017-06-08 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-06-04 Sail with Spouse
- 2017-06-02 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-05-30 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-05-24: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (267, 197, 247, 308, 550, 244, 484) T2P.tv
- 2017-05-23 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-05-07 Final Day of 2017 Annapolis NOOD
on Argo #247. TC, Liz, John Donegan, and Jonathan Bresler results (247, 11, 244, 197, 562, 550, 484, 267, 308)
- 2017-05-05 Canceled 2017 Annapolis NOOD
on Argo #247. TC, Liz, John Donegan, Debbie Keen, David Butta, and Jonathan Bresler
- 2017-05-04 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-05-03: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (197, 267, 550, 308, 484, DNC: 244, 247) T2P.tv
- 2017-04-30 Prepare for 2017 Annapolis NOOD
on Argo #247. TC, Liz, Austin, and Jonathan Bresler
- 2017-04-27 Solo Day Sail
- 2017-04-26: 2017 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (244, 197, 267, 247, 550, 484, 308) T2P.tv
- 2017-04-19 Launch and Return to Yacht Haven Annapolis
2017 -- Maintenance
- 2017-12-12 Winterization completed.
- 2017-12-05 Winterization continued.
- 2017-11-14 Winterization and shim tiller head.
- 2017-10-30 Install Blue Sea Systems
and other tasks.
- 2017-10-22 Bench Test Autohelm 2000
- 2017-09-27 Redo Diesel Fuel Lines (2 of 2)
- 2017-09-25 Redo Diesel Fuel Lines (1 of 2)
- 2017-09-12 Various items: high temp light, engine control panel light, and telltale compass
- 2017-08-28 Reattach Boom End Cap.
- 2017-08-17 Reduce Mast Rake and Retune Rig.
- 2017-08-14 Took jib, which had ripped on the port spreader tip, to Quantum Annapolis
for repair. Completed installtion of BelowDeck 12V Socket and Dual USB Charger
and Rule 41
Bilge Pump Switch.
- 2017-08-11 Install, without wiring up, a BelowDeck 12V Socket and Dual USB Charger
and Rule 41
Bilge Pump Switch.
- 2017-08-09 Connect Alternator Directly to Battery Using 6AWG Cable. Replace Screws in V-Berth.
- 2017-08-03 Fix Bow Navigation Light. Seize Jib Halyard. Lubricate Upper Swivel.
- 2017-07-28 Replace Spreader Boots.
- 2017-07-24 Used plumbers putty to secure the drain to the sink. Plumbed the drain to the thru-hull. Tested and verified.
- 2017-07-20 Scrubbed below the galley: inside of hull, shelf, walls. Test fit GC2 batteries, three will fit in forward battery compartment.
- 2017-07-17 Finish V-Berth Painting. Eye Splice Reefing Line.
- 2017-07-14 Third and Final coat of paint on the same items. Began work on the galley.
- 2017-07-13 Applied second coat of paint to the same items. Measured and purchased 50 feet of 5/16" New England Ropes
green 3/8" Sta-Set
for the reefing line from Bacons
at $0.77 per foot.
- 2017-07-12 Applied first coat of paint to vertical panel aft of integral water tank in v-berth, to the cleats that will support the panels providing access to the space under the berths, and to the cleats to support the panel covering the holding tank. Rigged a block to the underside of the boom for the reefing line. Secured the block in place with dacron double braid running around the boom just aft the gooseneck and around the mast.
- 2017-07-10 Due to PB Blaster Penetrant was able to open the water deck fill. Its a Wilcox Crittenden 1-1/2" diameter, four screw, bronze fill that requires a 1-1/2" hose to the tank; does not have a washer or o-ring. Filled and emptied the tank into the bilge four times. Emptied the tank via siphon from the top mounted pick up tube.
- 2017-07-07 Sanded vertical panel aft of integral water tank in v-berth. Masked for final painting of vertical panel and starboard flat. Drained water tank in v-berth. Ran a quantity of fresh water through the tank. Removed the Whale Galley Gusher Mk3 and water filter under the galley sink.
- 2017-07-03 Cheek blocks at base of mast.
- 2017-06-20 Replaced bolts securing the forward hatch hinges to the deck. Sealed with butyl tape.
- 2017-06-18 Installed solar vent sealed with butyl tape. Replace element in Racor 110A fuel filter.
- 2017-06-16 Applied sixth coat to the chinmey teak trim ring. Second coat of field areas in v-berth.
- 2017-06-14 Applied fifth coat to the chinmey teak trim ring. First coat of field areas in v-berth.
- 2017-06-12 Applied fourth coat to the chinmey teak trim ring.
- 2017-06-09 Continued refinishing the chimney and teak trim pad -- third coat. Continue painting v-berth.
- 2017-06-08 Replaced element of the on-engine fuel filter. Applied second coat of Cetol Marine Natural Light
to the chinmey teak trim ring.
- 2017-06-07 Continue refinishing the chimney and teak trim pad. Continue painting v-berth.
- 2017-06-06 Begin refinishing the chimney and teak trim pad. Begin painting v-berth.
- 2017-06-05 Prepare V-Berth for Painting. Removed chimney and teak trim pad.
- 2017-06-02 Removed charlie noble. Removed chimney. Test fit 3" AFI Day/Night Plus Vent Stainless - N20703S
. Fits! Reinstalled charlie noble.
- 2017-05-26 Meant to Sail, but Force 5, and Singlehanded
- 2017-05-02 Meant to Sail, but Force 6, and Singlehanded
- 2017-04-30 Main Halyard Slides
- 2017-04-25 Refinishing V-Berth
- 2017-04-24 Tune the Rig
- 2017-04-20 Adjust Docklines, Check Starboard Cockpit Scupper
2016 - 2017 Winter Projects
2016 - 2017 Winter
2017 Recommissioning Task List
2016/7 Winterization Task List
- 2017-04-16 Prepare for Launch
- 2017-04-14 Paint Parts of Hull and Cockpit
- 2017-04-13 Install Manual Bilge Pump Thruhull, Paint Filled Holes, etc.
- 2017-04-09 Sand Filled Holes, Test Fire Engine, etc.
- 2017-04-05 Seal Chainplates, Affix Registration Numbers, etc.
- 2017-04-04 Install Alternator, Raw Water Pump, Chainplates
- 2017-04-02 Fair Manual Bilge Pump Opening, Close Number Cockpit Holes, Third Coat of Paint on Aft Knees
- 2017-03-29 Fair Manual Bilge Pump and Cockpit Openings, Second Coat of Paint on Aft Knees
- 2017-03-28 Fill Manual Bilge Pump Opening
- 2017-03-27 First Coat of Paint on Aft Knees
- 2017-03-23 Third Coat of Paint on Forward Knees and Bulkhead
- 2017-03-21 Filled Holes in Deck and Cabintop
- 2017-03-20 Second Coat of Paint on Forward Knees and Bulkhead
- 2017-03-08 First Coat of Paint on Forward Knees and Bulkhead
- 2017-03-07 Cleaned to Prepare for Painting Knees and Bulkhead behind Chainplates and Backing Plates.
- 2017-03-05 Removed Various Deck Items and V-Berth.
- 2017-03-29 Fair Manual Bilge Pump and Cockpit Openings, Second Coat of Paint on Aft Knees
- 2017-03-02 Removed Manual Bilge Pump Thruhull and Began Preparing the V-Berth for Painting.
- 2017-02-20 Finished Installing Backing Plates for Chainplates. Looked at Autohelm 2000.
- 2017-02-13 Reinstalled the Navigator Bulkhead Mount compass
- 2017-02-12 Chainplates and Backing Plates.
- 2017-02-05 Forward and Aft Lower Chainplates and Backing Plates.
- 2017-01-25 Alternator
- 2017-01-22 Forward Lower Chainplates and Backing Plates.
- 2017-01-16 Trim v-berth hole and panel.
- 2017-01-12 Clean v-berth and various measurements.
- 2017-01-02 Continued work on the v-berth.
- 2016-12-26 Continued work to shift mast forward as much as possible.
- 2016-12-13 Continued work to shift mast forward as much as possible.
- 2016-12-11 Began work to shift mast forward as much as possible.
- 2016-12-08 Continued work on the v-berth.
- 2016-12-07 Mustang Survival
HIT inflatable PDF with sailing harness (MD3184)
arrived from Landfall Navigation. Cost $220, about $40 less than list.
- 2016-12-07 Began work on the v-berth.
- 2016-11-30 Charged batteries, cleaned out battery boxes, verifed that the 1-1/2" Nozall
fits the waste pumpout opening.
- 2016-11-23 Cover boat using the three section cover that came with the boat.
- 2016-11-16 Toe rail outboard side second coat.
- 2016-11-13 Toe rail inboard side second coat. Outboard side first coat.
- 2016-11-07 Toe rail inboard side -- Scotch-Brite, scrape as needed, blow dust, acetone, and apply one coat of Cetol Marine Natural Teak
- 2016-11-06 Continue winterization -- engine raw water, unload boat, and waterlift muffler, lead jib halyard aft in place of XXX
- 2016-10-31 Begin winterization -- engine oil and filter, tranmission oil sails, and head
2016 -- Second Season
2016 -- Sailing
- 2016-10-31 Yoni Bresler (to Smiths for Haulout)
- 2016-10-23 Yoni Bresler (pump out run)
- 2016-10-21 Leah and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-10-20 Avi and Hava Freidenreich, and Yoni Bresler (first night sail)
- 2016-10-16 Arzriel and Devorah Gold, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-10-07 Yoni Bresler (seventh solo sail)
- 2016-09-25 Leah and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-09-23 Yoni Bresler (sixth solo sail)
- 2016-09-18 2016 Bruce H Rankin Memorial Regatta . Results: (244 & 267, 247 & 484, 272 & 308, 197 & 562 (Canadian), 550, paired with 484 by lottery.)
- 2016-09-15 Yoni Bresler (fifth solo sail)
- 2016-09-11 2016 Hammond Memorial Regatta . Results: (267, 247, 244, 197)
- 2016-09-08 Hank Greene, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-09-04 Leah, Tal, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-09-02 Yoni Bresler (fourth solo sail)
- 2016-08-31 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (244, 267, 247, 550, 484, 197) T2P.tv
- 2016-08-24 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (267, 247, 244, 550, 484, DNC: 197) T2P.tv
- 2016-08-22 Yoni Bresler (third solo sail)
- 2016-08-17 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (244, 267, 247, 550, 484, DNC: 197) T2P.tv
- 2016-08-12 Yoni Bresler (second solo sail)
- 2016-08-10 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (267, TLE: 247, 550, 197, 484, DNC: 244) T2P.tv
- 2016-08-07 Leah and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-08-03 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (197, 267, 247, 244, DNC: 484, 550) T2P.tv
- 2016-08-02 Yoni Bresler (first solo sail)
- 2016-07-27 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (267, 247, 484, DNC: 197, 244, 550) T2P.tv see timestamp 7:35 and 9:50
- 2016-07-20 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (267, 247, 244, 197, 484, DNC: 550) T2P.tv
- 2016-07-19 Hank, Dexter, Kathy Greene, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-07-17 Leah and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-07-13 Hank Greene, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-07-10 Leah, Tal, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-07-06 Hank Greene, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-07-01 Hank Greene, Sazzy, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-06-10 Hank, Drew Greene, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-06-06 Leah, Amishav, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-06-01 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. results (244, 247, 197, 267, 484, DNC: 550) T2P.tv
- 2016-05-30 Leah, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-05-22 Leah, Tal, and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-05-18 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. Finished second. results (244, 247, 267, 197, DNC: 484, 550) T2P.tv
- 2016-05-08 Leah and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-05-04 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. Finished first. results (247, 267, 484, DNC: 197, 244, 550) T2P.tv
- 2016-05-01 2016 Annapolis NOOD
on Argo #247. TC, Liz, Dave Schiedt, Debbie Chambers, and Jonathan Bresler
- 2016-04-27 2016 Wednesday Night Races
on Argo #247. Did not start due to difficulties detailed results (244, 197, 484, DNC: 247, 267, 550) T2P.tv
- 2016-04-25 Avi and Aliza Freidenreich, Tal and Yoni Bresler
- 2016-04-21 Hank Greene and Yoni
- 2016-04-17 Prepare for 2016 Annapolis NOOD
on Argo #247. TC, John Donegan, Dave Schiedt, Dave Butta, and Jonathan Bresler
- 2016-04-04 Launch and Return to Yacht Haven Annapolis
2016 -- Maintenance
- 2016-10-09 Replace jibsheet blocks and depth sounder check.
- 2016-09-01 Replace automatic bilge pump.
- 2016-08-22 Recoat taffrail and aft end piece of companionway hatch. Second coat on outboard side of coamings.
- 2016-08-17 Recoat taffrail and companionway hatch. First coat on outboard side of coamings.
- 2016-08-12 Stuffing Box and Tiller Extension
- 2016-08-04 Helped Mike Nikolich put Skybird back together, and went up the mast using a REI Black Diamond Harness to affix the windex.
- 2016-07-31 Various small jobs
- 2016-07-29 Clean Head, Hanging Locker, Area Outboard Icebox.
- 2016-07-18 Recoat cockpit woodwork, but for companionway. First coat on companionway, trim, and taffrail.
- 2016-07-11 Cetol cockpit woodwork, but for companionway
- 2016-07-05 Clean Port Side of Main Cabin
- 2016-07-04 Clean Starboard Side of Main Cabin
- 2016-07-01 Service Furlex Upper Bearing
- 2016-06-08 2016 2016 Wednesday Night Races
Canceled. Various items addressed
- 2016-06-01 MMSI
338-214-522 for VHF obtained from BoatUS
and recorded in VHF 600
- 2016-05-23 2016 Vessel Safety Check
- 2016-05-11 2016 2016 Wednesday Night Races
Canceled. Improve Electical Sysytem, Prepare for Vessel Safety Check
- 2016-05-09 Repair Steaming Light
- 2016-05-05 Steaming Light Wiring
- 2016-04-18 Service Furlex Lower Bearings
- 2016-04-18 Battery Negative, Alternator, Engine Oil, Transmission Oil
- 2016-04-17 Examine Electrical Panel, Secure Temporary Rear Lazarette Hatch
- 2016-04-14 Routine Check, Examine Electrical Panel
- 2016-04-11 Routine Check, Verify Operation of Bow Navigation Light
- 2016-04-05 Adjust Lines, Check Heat Exchanger, Replace Bulb in Bow Navigation Light
2015 - 2016 Winter
2016 Recommissioning Task List
2015/6 Winterization Task List
- 2016-04-03 Prepared for Launch -- many small tasks
- 2016-03-30 Paint bottom, selected areas, and Stow Lifejackets and Sails
- 2016-03-28 Head and Galley Thruhulls, Paint
- 2016-03-27 Ken Geissler Paints Propeller
- 2016-03-25 Paint Bottom second coat, Transom, and Propeller
- 2016-03-24 Paint Bottom and Transom. Replace Stern Light
- 2016-03-22 Redo Raw Water Hose from Strainer to Raw Water Pump
- 2016-03-17 Replace raw water strainer and hoses. Recommission Engine
- 2016-03-16 Winter Projects: Fitting head raw water thruhull, attach backing place to hull
- 2016-03-15 Winter Projects: Fitting head raw water thruhull, prepare backing plate and hole in hull
- 2016-03-13 Winter Projects: Finish machine sanding hull, hand sand, remove head 1/2" raw water thruhull
- 2016-03-06 Winter Projects: Machine sand hull
- 2015-02-15 Ullman Sails Annapolis
Replace worn out and discolored UV panels on roller furling jib
- 2016-02-28 Winter Projects: Various Items including removing some unused wiring, some with insulation melted/burnt from the engine space
- 2016-02-07 Winter Projects: Refinish aft lazarette hatch
- 2016-01-31 Winter Projects: Removed broken lock from top dropboard
- 2016-01-28 Winter Projects: 20+" of snow fell on January 22nd thru January 24th
- 2016-01-14 Winter Projects: Covered boat with the winter cover that came with her
- 2016-01-10 Winter Projects: Replace 1/2" galley raw water thruhull with 3/4"
- 2016-01-10 Winter Projects: Replace 1-1/4" gate valve at engine exhaust thruhull
- 2015-12-21 Winter Projects: Temporarily Seal Beer Hatch
- 2015-12-21 Recharge batteries
- 2015-12-20 Winter Projects: Make port cockit scupper drain properly
- 2015-11-26 Continue Winterization
2015 -- First Season
2015 -- Sailing
- 2015-11-24 Haul out at Smith's Marina and Begin Winterization
- 2015-11-15 Leah and Yoni
- 2015-10-25 Leah and Yoni
- 2015-09-30 Tal and Yoni
- 2015-09-27 Devorah and Yoni
- 2015-09-20 Bruce Rankin Memorial Regatta on Argo #247. TC, John Donegan, Debbie Chambers and I.
- 2015-09-13 Hammond Regatta on Argo #247. Finished 1st of 2. TC, Nick, John Donegan, and I.
- 2015-09-06 Leah, Tal, and and Yoni
- 2015-09-02 AYC WNR Series 3 on Argo #247. Finished 3rd of 4. Hank, Ed, and I drove.
- 2015-09-01 Paul Berner and Yoni
- 2015-08-27 Paul Berner and Yoni
- 2015-08-26 AYC WNR Series 3 on Argo #247. Finished 2nd of 4. John, Hank, Ed, and I drove.
- 2015-08-19 AYC WNR Series 3 on Argo #247. Finished 3rd of 3. TC, ... and I drove.
- 2015-08-16 Leah, Devorah, Tal and Yoni
- 2015-08-14 Hank, Mark, and Yoni
- 2015-08-12 AYC WNR Series 3 on Argo #247. Finished 2nd of 4
- 2015-07-31 Leah, Elisheva, Hayyim, Hava, Aliza and Yoni
- 2015-07-29 AYC WNR Series 3 on Argo #247. Finished 3rd of 3
- 2015-07-24 Hank and Yoni
- 2015-07-23 Hank, Drew, Dexter Mike, and Yoni
- 2015-07-22 AYC WNR Series 2 on Argo #247. Finished 3rd of 4
- 2015-07-17 Dan, and Yoni
- 2015-07-15 AYC WNR Series 2 on Argo #247. Finished 2nd of 4
- 2015-07-10 Hank, Rosario and Yoni
- 2015-07-01 Hank and Yoni
- 2015-06-28 Ted Osius Memorial Regatta 2015 on Argo #247. Finished 1st and 1st of 4. 1st overall.
- 2015-06-21 Family sail (Leah, Tal, Yoni)
- 2015-06-17 AYC WNR Series 2 on Argo #247. Finished 2nd of 5
- 2015-06-12 Dan, and Yoni
- 2015-06-10 AYC WNR Series 2 on Argo #247. Finished 1st of 3
- 2015-06-07 Family sail with Tali Orner
- 2015-06-05 Hank, Dan, and Yoni
- 2015-06-03 AYC WNR Series 2 on Argo #247. Finished 2nd of 4
- 2015-05-31 Family sail (Leah, Tal, Yoni)
- 2015-05-27 AYC WNR Series 1 on Argo #247. Finished 3rd of 5
- 2015-05-22 Hank and Yoni
- 2015-05-20 AYC WNR Series 1 on Argo #247. Finished 2nd of 5
- 2015-05-17 Delivery of #262 from Solomons Island to Annapolis
- 2015-05-13 AYC WNR Series 1 on Argo #247. Finished 2nd of 4
- 2015-05-03 NOOD Annapolis 2015 on Argo #247. Finished 1st and 2nd of 6. 2nd place overall.
- 2015-05-01 NOOD Annapolis 2015 on Argo #247. Finished 1st, 3rd, 2nd and 2nd of 7
2015 -- Maintenance
- 2015-10-27 Winch Pedestals
- 2015-09-09 Exterior Woodwork Maintenance -- Second Coat
- 2015-09-08 Exterior Woodwork Maintenance -- First Coat
- 2015-09-07 Exterior Woodwork Maintenance -- Preparation
- 2015-08-11 Alerted by Mike Nikolich #550 to Alarm Sounding on #262
- 2015-06-30 Winch Maintenance