2024 Winterization
- Engine:
- Changed engine oil (Shell Rotella T
15W40, ~2.0 quarts, need another half quart) and filter (Yanmar). 7/8 of dipstick show oil. 2024-11-25
- Ran engine after changing oil to verify. 2024-11-25
- Propylene glycol run through heat exchanger. 2024-11-26
- Raw water strainer and basket cleaned and removed from engine to prevent the propylene glycol from damaging the plastic. Plastic body and wire strainer in sink. 2024-12-04
- Two raw water pump bolts (12mm heads) removed, greased, and replaced loosely. 2024-12-10.
- Removed impeller from raw water pump; impeller in North Sail bag in galley sink. 2024-12-10.
- Removed fan belts from engine, set them on the salon table. 2024-12-10.
- Alternator bolts (1/2" heads) removed, greased, and replaced loosely. 2024-12-10.
- Sails and Running Rigging:
- Unbent Pandora mainsail. Brought home. 2024-11-26
- Unbent 135LP genoa. Brought home. 2024-11-26
- Replaced jib halyard with 1/4" dacron polyester rope. 2024-12-04.
- Removed spinnaker downhaul; brought home. 2024-12-04.
- Replaced main halyard with 1/4" dacron polyester rope (red whippings). 2024-12-04.
- Replaced spinnaker topping lift and foreguy with 1/4" dacron polyester rope (white whippings). 2024-12-04.
- Removed vang; brought home. 2024-12-04.
- Removed first reef line and associated blocks; brought home. 2024-12-04.
- Head:
- Rinsed holding tank with bay water and pumped out. 2024-11-18.
- Removed plug from aft side of the base of the head to fully drain the bowl. Placed in the North Sail bag in galley sink. 2024-12-04
- Hull:
- Replace chainplate sealant. 2024-11-20.