2022 Winterization
- Winter Location of Items
- Pandora racing mainsail: hanging from floor joists in basement in utility room. Battens on floor behind bookcases in basement.
- Interrupt mainsail bagged and left in v-berth.
- Racing Elliott/Pattison Sailmakers
genoa: hanging from floor joists in basement in utility room.
- 135LP genoa mainsail bagged and left in v-berth.
- North Sails 88LP Lightning jib: on rolling shelves opposite electrical panel.
- Hank-on 77LP jib from John Birch: on rolling shelves opposite electrical panel.
- Interrupt cruising spinnaker: between rolling sets of shelves in utility room.
- Tatus II cruising spinnaker: on rolling shelves opposite electrical panel
- Summit cruising spinnaker: on rolling shelves opposite electrical panel
- Cruising spinnaker with sock from John Beyerlein: between rolling sets of shelves in utility room.
- Spinnaker sheets: in cruising spinnaker bag between rolling sets of shelves in utility room.
- Inflatable lifejackets: in Ronstan bag between rolling sets of shelves in utility room.
- Foul weather gear: on hangers in cedar closet.
- Shoes and shirts: in Ronstan bag between rolling sets of shelves in utility room.
- Charts, books, and papers: in cloth bag with "personal effects containers" from galley.
- Boat cover: in plastic bin between rolling sets of shelves in utility room.
- Engine:
- Changed engine oil (Shell Rotella T
15W40, 1.5 quarts, need another half quart) and filter (Yanmar) 2022-11-16
- Drained heat exchanger 2022-11-23
- Raw water strainer and basket cleaned and removed from engine to prevent the propylene glycol from damaging the plastic. Plastic body and wire strainer in sink. 2021-11-18
- Two raw water pump bolts (12mm heads) removed, greased, and replaced loosely. 2022-11-23
- Removed impeller from raw water pump; impeller in sink. 2022-11-23
- Removed fan belts from engine, set them on the salon table. 2022-11-23
- Sails and Running Rigging:
- Replaced main halyard with 1/4" dacron polyester rope (red whippings). 2022-12-14
- Replaced spinnaker halyard with 1/4" dacron polyester rope (green whippings). 2022-12-14
- Replaced spinnaker topping lift and foreguy with 1/4" dacron polyester rope (white whippings). 2022-12-14
- Unbent Interrupt mainsail. Bagged, left in v-berth. 2022-11-23
- Mainsail cover on port settee. 2021-11-18
- Unbent 135LP genoa. Bagged, left in v-berth. 2022-11-23
- Tied down jib furler upper swivel so that it can't be sky'ed. 2022-11-23
- Removed first reef line and associated blocks; brought home. 2022-11.23
- Removed vang; brought home. 2022-11.23
- Removed spinnaker downhaul; brought home. 2022-11-23
- Brought salon cushions home. 2021-10-26
- Brought v-berth cushions home. 2021-11-02
- Pumped fresh water tank dry. Very little fluid. 2022-11-23
- Pumped out holding tank. 2021-11-16
- Rinsed holding tank with two gallons of bay water and pumped out. 2022-11-16
- Removed plug from aft side of the base of the head to fully drain the bowl. 2022-11-23