Table of Contents

January 6th, 2021
Status vs. Conduct

The Bill of Rights annotated for opinion incorporating each via the Fourteenth Amendment.
GVPT331 Courts, Law and Justice Spring 2023
GVPT432 Civil Rights and the Constitution Spring 2023
GVPT439C Seminar in Public Law; Current Issues in the Supreme Court Autumn 2023
GVPT439M Moot Court Autumn 2023
Players The People and the Players
Supreme Court Case Briefs
There are four paths through which individuals might access the courts in response to state coercion/violence: Section 1983; Bivens rights of action; exclusionary rules; and habeus corpus. Since Burger, the court has repeatedly acted to diminish the scope of each and to create a "fault rule" based set of threshholds/obstacles. See The Collapse of Constitutional Remedies by Aziz Huq.

As time allows:

Ian Millhiser The Case against the Supreme Court of the United States
Read Gorsuch dissent to Haaland v. Brackeen
Find cases decided by the Warren Court on Red Monday June 17th, 1957
Regarding "nationwide" or "absent-party" injunctions: Judicature (2018 explainer) , article from Texas Law Review (2023 defense), article by Edwin Chemerinsky (2022 criticism). Regarding Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA in particular, see Mifepristone and the rule of law by Adam Unikowsky.

"This case should never have been brought. Its inadequacy as a legal claim was evident from the start." Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton (2023) United States District Court, S.D. Florida. "Plaintiff Donald J. Trump and Plaintiff's lead attorney--Alina Habba and Habba Madaio & Associates--are jointly and severally liable for $937,989.39.38" [sic] SIGNED in chambers at West Palm Beach, Florida this 19th day of January, 2023.
A single case in which Diversity Juridiction, Erie Doctrine, 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss, Summary Judgement combine. Donald J Trump v. Cable News Network, Inc.

Supreme Court Case Briefs

Ian Millhiser review of the 2022-2023 term and hopes for the 2023-2024 term, but stay angry.
  1. 1st Amendment, Establishment Clause Arc of 1st Amendment Establishment Clause Jurisprudence
  2. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement by Display Alone: Shurtleff v. City of Boston (2022) written 2023-dd-mm (Need everything) “Christian flag.” raising at Boston City Hall as one of many flown at distinct times.
  3. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement by Display Alone: American Legion v. American Humanist Association (2019) written 2023-03-08 (Need concurrances and dissent) "abandoned Lemon and its endorsement test offshoot." regarding “longstanding monuments, symbols, and practices”.
  4. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement by Display: McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky (2005) written 2023-mm-dd (Need everything) Ten Commandments in courthouses and public schools.
  5. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Rejection by Display Among Others: McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky (2005) written yyyy-mm-dd (Need everything )
  6. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement by Display Among Others: Van Orden v. Perry (2005) written 2023-03-02 (Need some concurrances and Stevens dissent)
  7. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement by Display Among Others: Allegheny County v. ACLU (1989) written 2023-mm-dd (Need everything)
  8. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement by Display Beside Others: Lynch v. Donnelly (1984) written 2023-02-27 (Need concurrances and dissents) Accords with Lemon
  9. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement by Display: Stone v. Graham (1980) written 2023-mm-dd (Need everything) posting of a copy of the Ten Commandments in each public school classroom
  10. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement through Prayer: Kennedy v. Bremerton School District (2022) written 2023-07-25 Overruled Lemon v. Kurtzman ?
  11. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement through Prayer: Town of Greece v. Galloway (2013) written 2023-mm-dd (Need everything)
  12. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement through Prayer: Lee v. Weisman (1992) written 2023-mm-dd (Need everything)
  13. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement through Prayer: Wallace v. Jaffree (1985) written 2023-mm-dd (Need everything) Alabama law authorized teachers to conduct regular religious prayer services and activities in school classrooms during the school day
  14. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement through Prayer: Abington School District v. Schempp (1963) (Need everything) PA law requiring public school students to participate in classroom religious exercises
  15. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Endorsement through Prayer: Engel v. Vitale (1962) written 2023-11-01 "neither the power nor the prestige of the Federal Government would be used to control, support or influence the kinds of prayer the American people can say"
  16. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Funding: St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School (future case 202?) written 2023-xx-yy (Need everything) See NYTimes article
  17. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Funding: Carson v. Makin (2022) written 2023-xx-yy (Need everything) “pays tuition for certain students at private schools — so long as the schools are not religious.” That, he claimed, “is discrimination against religion.”
  18. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Funding: Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue (2020) written 2023-xx-yy (Need everything) Use of scholarships funded by tex credit donation for regligious schooling.
  19. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Funding: Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer (2017) written 2023-??-?? (Need everything)
  20. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Funding: Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002) written 2023-xx-yy (Need everything) states could offer tuition vouchers that fund private religious education if they chose to do so
  21. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Funding: Lemon Test: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) written 2023-02-27 (Need concurrances) Funding secular education in parochial schools. Established Lemon Test. Overruled by Kennedy v. Bremerton School Dist.?
  22. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion, Funding: Everson v. Board of Education (1947) written 2023-xx-yy (Need everything) Funding of buses for parochial schools
  23. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion: McGowan v. Maryland (1961) written 2023-02-xx (Need everything) Blue Laws
  24. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion: Zorach v. Clauson (1952) written 2023-02-xx (Need everything) excusing students to attend religious education outside of school
  25. 1st Amendment, Establishment of Religion: McCollum v. Board of Education (1948) written 2023-02-xx (Need everything) public school facilities for religious education of students
  26. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise Clause: Arc of 1st Amendment Free Exercise Clause
  27. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Religion,: Braidwood Management Inc. et al. v. Xavier Becerra et al. (2022) (Need everything) opinion United States District Court Northern District of Texas Fort Worth Division
  28. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise: Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania(2020) (Need everything)
  29. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise: John Does v. Mills, 595 U. S. ____ (2021) (Need everything)
  30. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise: Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo, (2020) (Need everything) article
  31. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise Closely Held Corporations are Individuals per RFRA : Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. (2014) written 2023-02-xx (Need summaries and dicta of Alito, Ginsburg
  32. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise: City of Boerne v. Flores, 521 U.S. 507 (1997) Held: RFRA exceeds Congress' power.
  33. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise" Specific Religious Practice Discrimination: Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah (1993) Animus invalidates statute. written 2023-02-24 (Need Souter concurrance)
  34. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise" Paying Taxes: United States v. Lee(1982) (Need everything)
  35. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise, Employment:
  36. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise, Employment: Tingley v. Ferguson (2024)
  37. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise, Employment: Groff v. DeJoy (2023) (Need summaries)
  38. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise, Employment: Employment Division. v. Smith (1990) written 2023-02-26 "obligation to comply with a law that incidentally" [impacts a First Amendment right] compare Masterpiece Cakeshop
  39. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise, Employment: United States v. Lee(1982) (Need everything)
  40. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise, Employment: Trans World Airlines v. Hardison(1977) (Need everything)
  41. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise, Employment: Sherbert v. Verner (1963) written 2023-02-xx (Need everything) could not receive unemployment benefits because her refusal to work on Saturday
  42. 1st Amendment, Free Exercise, Compulsory Education: Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972) written 2023-02-23 (Begun. Douglas dissent done. All else needs work. )
  43. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Association Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights, Inc. (2006) (Need everything)
  44. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Association Hishon v. King & Spalding (1984) (Need everything)
  45. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Association Roberts v. United States Jaycees (1984) (Need everything)
  46. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Association Runyon v. McCrary (1976) (Need everything) "
  47. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Association Norwood v. Harrison (1974) (Need everything) "
  48. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Association Am. Commc’ns Ass’n v. Douds (1950) (Need everything)
  49. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Association R. Mail Ass’n v. Corsi (1945) (Need everything)
  50. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Discrimination Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Group of Boston, Inc. (1994) (Need everything)
  51. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech: Arc of 1st Amendment Free Speech Clause
  52. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Meinecke v. City of Seattle (2024) written 2024-04-21. (Need summaries)
  53. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, True Threats: Counterman v. Colorado (2023) written 2023-07-13.
  54. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Elonis v. United States (2015) (Need everything) [Leave determination to a jury?]
  55. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Reed v. Town of Gilbert (2015) (Need everything)
  56. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Lane v. Franks (2014) (Need everything) [Leave determination to a jury?]
  57. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Snyder v. Phelps (2011) (Need everything) ...the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.”
  58. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : United States v. Alvarez (2011) (Need everything) [Falsity alone does not take speech outside the First Amendment.]
  59. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : United States v. Stevens (2010) (Need everything) [Leave determination to a jury?]
  60. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Funding Terrorism: Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project (2010) (Need everything)
  61. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Virginia v. Black (2003) (Need everything) [Compare with assault.]
  62. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul (1992) (Need everything)
  63. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : PruneYard Shopping Center v. Robins (1992) (Need everything) Shopping center rule against "publicly expressive" activities.
  64. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Rogers v. United States (1975) (Need everything)
  65. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Miller v. California (1975) (Need everything)
  66. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo (1974) (Need everything) Overturn Florida law requiring equal space to respond to editorials.
  67. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Watts v. United States (1969) (Need everything) Defines what takes a threat out of the realm of free-speech protection.
  68. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Public Employee: Pickering v. Board of Education (1968) Speech critical of school board in a teacher letter to the editor is protected.
  69. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Near v. Minnisota (1931) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) End of prior restraint.
  70. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : United States v. Schwimmer (1929) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) End of prior restraint.
  71. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Gitlow v. New York (1925) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  72. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Schaefer v. United States (1920) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  73. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Abrams v. United States (1919) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Holmes breaks ranks with the Court.
  74. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Schneck v. United States (1919) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  75. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Frohwerk v. United States (1919) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  76. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Debs v. United States (1919) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  77. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Patterson v. Colorado (1907) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Blackstonian view of Free Speech.
  78. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance:
  79. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta (2021) (Need everything)
  80. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: Williams-Yulee v. Florida Bar (2015) (Need everything)
  81. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: McCutcheon v. FEC (2014) (Need everything)
  82. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: Bluman v. FEC (2011) Foreign Campaign Spending. Summary affirmation by Supreme Court of DC Circuit Court.
  83. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: Citizens United v. FEC (2010) (Need everything)
  84. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: Davis v. FEC (2008) (Need everything)
  85. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. v. Federal Election Comm'n (2007) (Need everything)
  86. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: McConnell v. FEC (2003) (Need everything)
  87. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: FEC v. Beaumont (2003) (Need everything)
  88. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC (2000) (Need everything)
  89. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Campaign Finance: Buckley v. Valeo (1976) (Need everything)
  90. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech: Coerce someone to violate another's ... National Rifle Association of America v. Vullo (2024) written 2023-mm-dd (Need everything)
  91. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech: Coerce someone to violate another's ... Bantam Books Inc. v. Sullivan (1963) written 2023-mm-dd (Need everything)
  92. 1st Amendment, Compelled Speech,
  93. 1st Amendment, Compelled Speech, License Plates: : Wooley v. Maynard (1977) written 2023-08-03 State mottos on license plates.
  94. 1st Amendment, Compelled Speech Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC (1969) (Need everything)
  95. 1st Amendment, Compelled Speech West Virginia Bd. of Ed. v. Barnette (1943) (Need everything) Reversing Minersville School District v. Gobitis.
  96. 1st Amendment, Compelled Speech Minersville School District v. Gobitis (1940) (Need everything) Authorizing a Pledge of Alligiance requirement of schoolchildren.
  97. 1st Amendment, Compelled Speech Brown v. Walker (1896) (Need everything)
  98. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Association Boy Scouts of America v. Dale (2000) (Need everything) “expressive association” ??
  99. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct
  100. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Website Design: 303 Creative v. Elenis (2023) written 2023-07-04 “pure speech” and wedding websites “will be expressive in nature"
  101. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Flower Arrangement: Arlene’s Flowers Inc. v. Washington (2020) (Need everything)
  102. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Cake Design: Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 584 U.S. ___ (2018) Animus (written 2023-07-06) Animus hostility to religious expression.
  103. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Nude Dancing: Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc. (1991) written 2023-08-10
  104. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Flag Burning: United States v. Eichman (1990) written 2023-08-13
  105. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Flag Burning: Texas v. Johnson (1989) written 2023-08-04
  106. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Picketing: Boos v. Barry (1988) written 2023-08-04 Picketing within 500' of an embassy or like facility.
  107. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct: City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc. (1986) written 2023-08-09
  108. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Affixing Symbol to National Flag: Spence v. Washington (1974) written 2023-08-07
  109. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Burning Draft Card: United States v. O'Brien (1968) written 2023-07-14
  110. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Expressive Conduct, Waving a Red Flag: Stromberg v. California, 283 U. S. 359 (1931) written 2023-07-16
  111. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Fighting Words: Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942) written 2023-02-07
  112. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Forum, Time, Place, Manner:
  113. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: O’Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier (2023/4) written xxxx-yy-zz Need everything)
  114. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: Reed v. Town of Gilbert (2015) written xxxx-yy-zz Need everything)
  115. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: McCullen v. Coakley (2015) written xxxx-yy-zz Need everything) striking down a 35-foot buffer zone at abortion clinics.
  116. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: Hill v. Colorado (2000) written 2023-02-05 upholding a 100-foot buffer zone at abortion clinics.
  117. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: Bray v. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic (1993) (Need everything) Relation to Hill v. Colorado ??
  118. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: United States v. Kokinda (1990) written 2023-02-06
  119. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: Ward v. Rock Against Racism (1989) (Need everything)
  120. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence (1984) (Need everything)
  121. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: Pacific Electric Co. v. Public Utilities Comm'n (1986) (Need everything)
  122. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: United States v. Grace (1983) (Need everything)
  123. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: Heffron v. Krisha Consciousness (1981) written 2023-02-05
  124. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Time, Place, Manner: Cohen v. California (1971) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  125. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Incitement:
  126. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Incitement: belongs here? United States v. Hansen (2023) (Need everything) See Hasen's 2023-08-03 article and Illusion of Coherence.
  127. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Incitement: NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co. (1983) (Need everything)
  128. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Incitement: Hess v. Indiana (1973) (Need everything)
  129. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Incitement: Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) (Need everything)
  130. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Incitement: Feiner v. New York (1951) (Need everything)
  131. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Incitement: Terminiello v. Chicago (1949) written 2023-08-15
  132. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Incitement: Schenck v. United States (1919) written 2023-08-14 Clear and Present Danger Abridges First Amendment.
  133. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Common Carrier:
  134. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Common Carrier: Verizon v. FCC (2014) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  135. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Common Carrier: McKay v. Public Utilities Commission (1939) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  136. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Common Carrier: Nebbia v. New York (1934) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  137. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Common Carrier: Budd v. New York (1892) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  138. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Common Carrier: Munn v. Illinois (1887) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  139. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Internet:
  140. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Lindke v. Freed (2024) (Need everything) A public official who prevents someone from commenting on the official’s social-media page engages in state action under §1983 only if ... (two conditions)
  141. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Internet: Moody v. NetChoice (11th Circuit) (2024) (Need everything) See article
  142. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Internet: NetChoice v. Paxton (5th Circuit) (2024) (Need everything) See article. Seeks to impose common-carrier regulation on social media platforms.
  143. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Internet: Gonzalez v. Google LLC (2023) (Need everything)
  144. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Internet: Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh et al. (2023) (Need everything)
  145. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Internet: Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union (1997) (Need everything)
  146. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Students: Arc of 1st Amendment Free Speech Clause
  147. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Students, Limits on Restrictions: Mahanoy Area School District v B.L. (2021) written 2023-02-12
  148. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Students, Illegal Drugs: Morse v. Frederick (2007) written 2023-02-09 (Need: Breyer, and Thomas responds to Tinker)
  149. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Students: Hazelwood School Dist. v. Kuhlmeier (1988) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  150. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Students: Bethel School Dist. No. 403 v. Fraser (1986) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  151. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Students, Substantial Disruption: Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) written 2023-02-07
  152. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Terrorism: Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project (2010) (Need everything)
  153. 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Whistle Blowers: Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006) (Need Souter dissent only)
  154. 2nd Amendment Arc of 2nd Amendment Jurisprudence
  155. 2nd Amendment, Definition of Machinegun: Garland v. Cargill (2024) written 2024-06-14 -- Bump Stocks as not machine guns.
  156. 2nd Amendment, Disarming Citizen: United States v. Rahimi, (2024) written 2024-06-21 Domestic Violence Restraining Orders 922(g)(8)(C)(i)
  157. 2nd Amendment: National Association for Gun Rights v. City of Naperville, (2023) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  158. 2nd Amendment "May-Issue" Regime Unconstitutional: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, (2022) written 2023-02-21 (Need Breyer's dissent) Silently overturned by United States v. Rahimi, (2024) .
  159. 2nd Amendment: Caetano v. Massachusetts, (2016) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  160. 2nd Amendment: McDonald v. City of Chicago,(2010) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  161. 2nd Amendment, Individualized Right: District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) written 2023-02-21 (Need Breyer's dissent.)
  162. 2nd Amendment: Muscarello v. United States, (1998) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  163. 2nd Amendment: ,United States v. Lopez (1990) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything) Gun-free school zones.
  164. 2nd Amendment: United States v. Miller, (1939) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  165. 2nd Amendment, State May Ban Private Militia: Presser v. Illinois, (1886) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  166. 2nd Amendment: United States v. Cruikshank, (1876) written 2023-xx-xx (Need everything)
  167. 4th Amendment Arc of 4th Amendment Jurisprudence
  168. 4th Amendment, Geofenced Data: United States v. Chatrie (2024) 4th Circuit Court (Need everything)
  169. 4th Amendment, Mosaic Theory: Carpenter v. United States (2018) (Need everything)
  170. 4th Amendment, : Utah v. Strieff (2016) (Need everything)
  171. 4th Amendment, : Riley v. California, 573 U.S. 373 (2014) (Need everything)
  172. 4th Amendment, DNA Testing Compelled: Maryland v. King, (2013) (Need everything)
  173. 4th Amendment, Drug Dog Sent to Home: Florida v. Harris (2013) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  174. 4th Amendment, Drug Dog Sent to Home: Florida v. Jardines (2013) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  175. 4th Amendment, Blood Test: Missouri v. Tyler G. McNeely (2013) (Need everything)
  176. 4th Amendment, GPS Tracker: United States v. Jones (2012) written 2023-03-12 (Need concurrances)
  177. 4th Amendment, Exclusionary Rule Exception: Herring v. United States (2009) written 2023-03-12 (Need everything)
  178. 4th Amendment, Search of Joint Property: Georgia v. Randolph (2006) written 2023-03-12 (Need everything)
  179. 4th Amendment, Drug Detection Dog: Illinois v. Caballes (2005) written 2023-03-12 (Need everything)
  180. 4th Amendment, Infra-red Camera: Kyllo v. United States (2001) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  181. 4th Amendment, Pre-textual Stops: Whren v. United States (1996) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  182. 4th Amendment, Refuse for Pickup: California v. Greenwood (1988) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  183. 4th Amendment, Curtilage: United States v. Dunn (1987) written 2023-??-?? (Need everything)
  184. 4th Amendment, Aerial Observation: California v. Ciraolo (1986) written 2023-03-12
  185. 4th Amendment, Open Fields: Oliver v. United States (1983) written 2023-??-?? (Need everything)
  186. 4th Amendment, Basis for Traffic Stops: Delaware v. Prouse (1979) written 2023-??-?? (Need everything)
  187. 4th Amendment, Exclusionary Rules not applying to agency regulations: United States v. Caceres (1979) written 2023-??-?? (Need everything)
  188. 4th Amendment, Wiretapping, Katz Test: Katz v. United States (1967) written 2023-03-12 (Need concurrances and dissent)
  189. 4th Amendment, Blood Test: Schmerber v. California (1966) (Need everything)
  190. 4th Amendment, : Mapp v. Ohio (1961) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Right to Privacy. Overrules Wolf v. Colorado.
  191. 4th Amendment, : Wolf v. Colorado (1949) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Overruled by Mapp v. Ohio.
  192. 4th Amendment, Wiretapping: Oldstead v. United States (1928) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Overruled by Mapp v. Ohio.
  193. 4th Amendment, : Boyd v. United States (1886) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  194. 4th Amendment, False Imprisionment Sosa v. Martin County, Florida (2024?) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  195. 4th Amendment, False Imprisionment Baker v. McCollan (1979) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  196. 5th Amendment, Self-Incrimination: Salinas v. Texas (2013) (Need everything)
  197. 5th Amendment, Self-Incrimination: Griffin v. California (1965) (Need everything)
  198. 5th Amendment, Double Jeopardy:
  199. Double Jeopardy: McElrath v. Georgia (2024) Certiorari DENIED. Georgia Supreme Court reversed and remanded. written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  200. Double Jeopardy: United States v. Dixon (1993)
  201. Double Jeopardy: Blockburger v. United States (1932)
  202. Double Jeopardy: Palko v. Connecticut (1937) written 2023-0x-yy
  203. 6th Amendment: Confrontation Clause
  204. 6th Amendment: Confrontation Clause Smith v. Arizona (2024)
  205. 6th Amendment: Confrontation Clause Samia v. United States (2023) (Need everything including an amici brief.)
  206. 6th Amendment: Confrontation Clause Melendez–Diaz v. Massachusetts (2009) (Need everything)
  207. 6th Amendment: Confrontation Clause Gray v. Maryland (1998) (Need everything)
  208. 6th Amendment: Confrontation Clause Richardson v. Marsh (1987) (Need everything)
  209. 6th Amendment: Confrontation Clause Bruton v. United States (1968) (Need everything)
  210. 6th Amendment: Garza v. Idaho (2019) (Need everything)
  211. 6th Amendment, Ineffective Counsel: Thornell v. Jones (2024) (Need everything)
  212. 6th Amendment, Ineffective Counsel: Shinn v. Ramirez (2022) (Need everything)
  213. 6th Amendment, Ineffective Counsel: Trevino v. Thaler (2013) (Need everything)
  214. 6th Amendment, Ineffective Counsel: Martinez v. Ryan (2012) (Need everything)
  215. 6th Amendment, Ineffective Counsel: Strickland v. Washington (1984) (Need everything)
  216. 6th Amendment: Confrontation Clause Melendez–Diaz v. Massachusetts (2009) (Need everything)
  217. 6th Amendment, Prior Acquittal Sentencing Dayonta McClinton v. United States (2023)
  218. 6th Amendment, Prior Acquittal Sentencing United States v. Booker (2005) (Need everything)
  219. 6th Amendment, Prior Acquittal Sentencing Alabama v. Shelton (2002) (Need everything)
  220. 6th Amendment, Prior Acquittal Sentencing Jones v. United States (1999) (Need everything)
  221. 6th Amendment, Prior Acquittal Sentencing United States v. Watts (1997) (Need everything)
  222. 6th Amendment, Speedy Trial Barker v. Wingo () (Need everything)
  223. 6th Amendment, Right to Counsel:Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) (Need everything)
  224. 6th Amendment, Unanimous Jury: Ramos v. Louisiana (2020) (Need everything) Kavanaugh Concurrance contains explanation of stare decisis
  225. 6th Amendment, Venue: Smith v. United States (2023) (Need everything)
  226. 7th Amendment Pizza Hut, Inc. v. Pandya (2023) Fifth Circuit refuses to apply 2nd Amendment "history and tradition" to requirements for jury trials.
  227. 8th Amendment Arc of 8th Amendment Jurisprudence
  228. 8th Amendment: Johnson v. Prentice (2024) (Need everything)
  229. 8th Amendment: Hope v. Harris (2021) 5th Circuit (Need everything)
  230. 8th Amendment: Ewing v. California (2003) (Need everything)
  231. 8th Amendment: Lockyer v. Andrade (2003) (Need everything)
  232. 13th Amendment, Involuntary Servitude: Bailey v. Alabama, (1911) written 2023-xx-yy (Need everything)
  233. 14th Amendment, Section 3:
  234. 14th Amendment, Section 3: 2024-03-04: Trump v. Anderson (2024) written 2024-06-25 the Constitution makes Congress, rather than the States, responsible for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates.
  235. in re Griffen (1869) (Need everything)
  236. 14th Amendment, Section 3: Cummings v. Missouri (1867) (Need everything) an oath that they have never given aid to the rebellion and secession
  237. 14th Amendment, Section 3: Bas v. Tingy, 4 U.S. 37 (1800) (Need everything) giving aid and comfort to the ‘enemies’ of the United States
  238. 1983: Absolute Immunity Price v. Montgomery County, Kentucky (2024) (1) Whether absolute immunity is unavailable under 42 U.S.C § 1983 where a prosecutor knowingly destroys exculpatory evidence; and (2) whether absolute immunity is unavailable under Section 1983 where a prosecutor defies a court order that compels specific action, leaving no room for the exercise of discretion.
  239. 1983: Graham v. Connor (1989) Officer's subjective intent (beliefs, biases, animus) to be excluded from consideration.
  240. Appropriations
  241. Appropriations Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) v. Community Financial Services Association of America, Limited (CFSAA) (2024) (Need everything)
  242. Appropriations Clinton v. City of New York (1988) (Need everything)
  243. Appropriations Train v. City of New York (19xx) (Need everything)
  244. Debt Perry v. United States (19xx) (Need everything)
  245. Civil Forfeiture
  246. Civil Forfeiture Culley v. Marshall (2023) (Need everything)
  247. Civil Forfeiture Timbs v. Indiana (2019) (Need everything)
  248. Civil Forfeiture United States v. Bajakajian (1998) (Need everything)
  249. Civil Forfeiture Bennis v. Michigan (1996) (Need everything)
  250. Civil Forfeiture United States v. Ursery (1996) (Need everything)
  251. Civil Forfeiture Austin v. United States (1993) (Need everything)
  252. Civil Forfeiture J.W. Goldsmith-Grant Co. v. United States (1921) (Need everything)
  253. Corruption including bribery
  254. Corruption, Gratuities: Snyder v. United States (2024)> (Need everything) Whether section 18 U.S.C. § 666(a)(1)(B) criminalizes gratuities, i.e., payments in recognition of actions a state or local official has already taken or committed to take, without any quid pro quo agreement to take those actions. 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 11th criminalize; 1st and 5th exonerate.
  255. Corruption, Wire Fraud: Kelly v. United States (2019) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) could not have violated the federal-program fraud or wire fraud laws because the scheme did not aim to obtain money or property.
  256. Corruption, Official Act Fraud McDonnell v. United States (2016) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) arranging a meeting, contacting another official, or hosting an event -- on its own -- is not sufficient to rise to the level of an “official act” for the purpose of federal bribery statutes.
  257. Corruption, Honest Services Fraud: Skilling v. United States (2010) (Need everything) "the intangible right of honest services," is properly confined to cover only bribery and kickback schemes.
  258. Corruption, Bribery: United States v. Sun-Diamond Growers of California (1999) (Need everything) requires clear quid pro quo link between the gratuity received and performance of a specific past, present, or future "official" act.
  259. Discrimination
  260. Discrimination, ADA: Acheson Hotels v. Laufer (2023) (Need everything) 2023-12-05: This case is vacated as moot. opinion
  261. Discrimination, Housing: Havens Realty Corp. v. Coleman (1982) (Need everything) overruled by Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA (2024)
  262. Discrimination, Geduldig v. Aiello (1974) (Need everything) permitted to exclude coverage for pregnancy-related disabilities from a state disability insurance system.
  263. Discrimination Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises (1968) (Need everything)
  264. Discrimination Bell v. Maryland (1964) (Need everything)
  265. Discrimination Bouie v. City of Columbia, South Carolina (1964) (Need everything)
  266. Discrimination Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States (1964) (Need everything)
  267. Discrimination Katzenbach v. McClung (1964) (Need everything)
  268. Discrimination Robinson v. Florida (1964) (Need everything)
  269. Discrimination Griffin v. Maryland (1964) (Need everything)
  270. Discrimination Civil Rights Cases (1883) (Need everything) 14th Amendment Self-Executing (cmp Trump v. Anderson)
  271. Due Process:
  272. Due Process: Campos-Chavez v. Garland (2024) (Need everything) Notice of proceeding.
  273. Due Process and Criminal Justice:
  274. Due Process and Criminal Justice: Alderman v. United States (1968) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Suppression of the product of a Fourth Amendment violation can be successfully urged only by those whose rights were violated by the search itself,
  275. Due Process and Criminal Justice Brooks v. Florida (1967) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) "sweatbox" punishment cell held involuntary confession
  276. Due Process and Criminal Justice Terry v. Ohio (1967) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) searches undertaken were limited in scope and designed to protect the officer's safety
  277. Due Process and Criminal Justice Miranda v. Arizona (1966) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) defendant was required to be warned before questioning regarding Fifth Amendment
  278. Due Process and Criminal Justice Mathews v. Eldridge () written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) statutorily granted property right in Social Security benefits. Court's leading procedural Due Process precedent.
  279. Equal Protection
  280. Equal Protection, Gender: Steve Vladeck Two Theories of Equal Protection
  281. Equal Protection, Employment Discrimination, Sexual Orientation: Bostock v. Clayton County (2020) written 2023-10-02 (Need Alito)
  282. Equal Protection, Gender: United States v. Virginia (1996) written 2023-04-30 (Need bulk of Scalia's dissent)
  283. Equal Protection, Gender: Mississippi Univ. for Women v. Hogan (1982) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  284. Equal Protection, Gender: Craig v. Boren (1976) written 2023-04-25 (Need concurrances)
  285. Equal Protection, Marriage: United States v. Windsor (2013) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  286. Equal Protection, Public Education: Charter Day Sch. Inc. v. Peltier (1974) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  287. Equal Protection, Public Education: Milliken v. Bradley (1974) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  288. Equal Protection, Public Education: San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez (1973) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  289. Equal Protection, Selective Prosecution: Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886) (Need everything) As applied challenge to facially neutral law.
  290. Equal Protection, Race:
  291. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Coalition for TJ v. Fairfax County School Board (2024) Certiorari DENIED
  292. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. University of North Carolina (2023) written 2023-12-05 (Need Thomas, Gorsuch, and finish Sotomayor) article Overruling Regents of the University of California v. Bakke ??
  293. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin (Fisher II) (2016) written 2023-04-19 (Need rest of Kennedy, Alito)
  294. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  295. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Graetz v. Bollinger(?) (2003) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  296. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Rice v. Cayetano (2000) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  297. Equal Protection, Race, : Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Peña (1995) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) overruling Metro Broadcasting. all racial classifications must pass strict scrutiny review
  298. Equal Protection, Race, : Metro Broadcasting v. FCC (1990) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) minority preference policies are constitutional
  299. Equal Protection, Race, : McClesky v. Kemp (1987) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) statistical demonstration of discrimination not applicable to a particular trial.
  300. Equal Protection, Race, Jury Selection : Broadnax v. Texas>/i> (2025) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Cert. denied racial discrimination in the selection of jurors.
  301. Equal Protection, Race, Jury Selection : Batson v. Kentucky (1986) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) racial discrimination in the selection of jurors.
  302. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Regents of Univ. of California v. Bakke (1978) written 2023-04-19 (Need rest of Powell and all others) Diversity confirmed. Overruled by Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard ???
  303. Equal Protection, Race, : Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development Corp. (1977) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  304. Equal Protection, Race, Education: DeFunis v. Odegaard (1974) written 2023-mm-yy (Need everything) start of diversity in place of ending discrimination
  305. Equal Protection, Race, : Washington v. Davis (1976) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  306. Equal Protection, Race, Marriage: Loving v. Virginia (1966) written 2023-06-21 Interracial marriage.
  307. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Green v. School Bd. of New Kent Cty (1968) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) School choice violates Brown
  308. Equal Protection, Race, : McLaughlin v. Florida (1964) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  309. Equal Protection, Race, : Gayle v. Browder (1956) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Access to buses.
  310. Equal Protection, Race, : Mayor and City Council of Baltimore v. Dawson (1955) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Access to beaches.
  311. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School Dist. No. 1 (2007) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Resegregation
  312. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Brown v. Bd. of Education (1954) written 2023-05-14
  313. Equal Protection, Race, Education: Bolling v. Sharpe (1954) written 2023-05-14
  314. Equal Protection, Race: Shelley v. Kraemer (1948) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) Housing covenants.
  315. Equal Protection, Race, : Pace v. Alabama (1883) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  316. Equal Protection, Race, Marriage: Cumming v. County Board of Education (1899) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  317. Equal Protection, Race: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Excerpts on ELMS written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  318. Equal Protection, Race: Strauder v. West Virginia (1880) (Need everything) Jury duty cannot be reserved to whites only.
  319. Equal Protection, Public Education:
  320. Equal Protection, Selective Prosecution United States v. Armstrong (1996)
  321. Federal Officer Removal Statute (FORS):
  322. Federal Officer Removal Statute: Meadows v. Georgia (2023) 11th Circuit Court denied removal on 2023-12-18. Request for en banc denied on 2024-02-28
  323. Federal Officer Removal Statute: Willingham v. Morgan (1969)
  324. Federal Officer Removal Statute: Johnson v. Maryland (1920)
  325. Federal Officer Removal Statute: in Re Neagle (1890)
  326. Habeas Corpus: ex Parte Milligan (1866)
  327. Immigration: Ilya Somin article in The Atlantic regarding the immigration double standard.
  328. Immigration, Non-citizen spouse: Department of State v. Munoz (2024) (Need everything) written 2023-mm-dd
  329. Immigration, Travel ban: Trump v. Hawaii, 585 U.S. ___ (2018) Animus
  330. Immigration, Non-citizen spouse: Kerry v. Din (2015) (Need everything) written 2023-mm-dd
  331. Incorporation: Duncan v. Louisiana (1968) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  332. Incorporation: Gitlow v. New York (1925) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  333. Major Questions Doctrine See Barrett Concurrance in Biden v. Nebraska. article: article 2023-07-17; article 2022-06-30; article 2024-01-10
  334. Major Questions Doctrine Relentless v. Department of Commerce (2024)
  335. Major Questions Doctrine Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo (2024) Overturns Chevron (1984) decision.
  336. Major Questions Doctrine Biden v. Nebraska (2023) (Need everything)
  337. Major Questions Doctrine National Federation of Independent Business v. OSHA (2022) (Need everything) Gorsuch Concurrance joined by Thomas and Alito
  338. Major Questions Doctrine West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency (2022) (Need Kagan dissent)
  339. Major Questions Doctrine Alabama Assn. of Realtors v. Department of Health and Human Servs (2021) (Need everything)
  340. Major Questions Doctrine Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA (2014) (Need everything)
  341. Major Questions Doctrine Collins v. Yellen (2012) (Need everything)
  342. Major Questions Doctrine Gonzales v. Oregon (2006) (Need everything)
  343. Major Questions Doctrine Whitman v. American Trucking Associations, Inc. (2001) (Need everything)
  344. Major Questions Doctrine Food and Drug Administration v. Brown & Williamson Tabacco Corp. (2000) (Need everything)
  345. Major Questions Doctrine Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council (1984) (Need everything)
  346. Necessary and Proper Clause McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
  347. Nondelegation
  348. Nondelegation: SEC v. Jarkesy (2024); Fifth Circuit opinion for Jarkesy based on non-delegation. Constitutionality of administrative law judges and proceedings. article.
  349. Nondelegation: Mistretta v. United States (1989)
  350. Nondelegation: A. L. A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States (1935)
  351. Presidential Immunity Steve Vladeck article
  352. Presidential Criminal Immunity Trump v. United States (2024) written 2024-07-xx (Need Sotomayor, Jackson)
  353. Presidential Immunity Blassingame v. Trump (2023) written 2024-mm-xx (Need eveything)
  354. Presidential Immunity Clinton v. Jones (1997) written 2024-mm-xx (Need eveything)
  355. Presidential Immunity Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982) (Need everything) Steve Vladeck article
  356. Presidential Immunity United States v. Nixon (1974) (Need everything)
  357. Qualified Immunity
  358. Qualified Immunity Hope v. Pelzer (2002) (Need everything) Qualified Immunity. No previous case of being chained to a hitching post.
  359. Qualified Immunity Anderson v. Creighton (1987) (Need everything) Qualified Immunity extended to all but previously adjudicated cases.
  360. Qualified Immunity Malloy v. Briggs (1985) (Need everything) Qualified Immunity extended to all but plainly incompetent or knowingly violate the law.
  361. Qualified Immunity Harlow v. Fitzgerald (1982) (Need everything) First full blown statement of Qualified Immunity. Reasonable person standard.
  362. Qualified Immunity Wood v. Strickland (1975) (Need everything)
  363. Qualified Immunity Pierson v. Ray (1967) (Need everything) Introduction of the "fault rule" -- acted in a blatantly and manifestly unconstituational way (See The Collapse of Constitutional Remedies by Aziz Huq page 109
  364. Reproductive Rights: Arc of Reproductive Rights Jurisprudence
  365. Reproductive Rights: Moyle v. United States (2024) written 2024-06-30 Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act ( EMTALA )
  366. Reproductive Rights: Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA (2024) written 2024-06-14
  367. Reproductive Rights: ACLU of Arkansas v. Griffin () written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  368. Reproductive Rights: Slattery EMC v. Hochul (2023) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) 2nd women who have had abortions or engage in extra-marital sex
  369. Reproductive Rights: Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (2022) written 2023-04-09 (Need rest of Alito) changes from draft to opinion.
  370. Reproductive Rights: Texas SB8 (2021)
  371. Reproductive Rights: June Medical Services v. Russo (2020) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  372. Reproductive Rights: Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt (2016) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  373. Reproductive Rights: Gonzales v. Carhart (2007) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  374. Reproductive Rights: Stenberg v. Carhart (2000) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  375. Reproductive Rights: Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network of Western N. Y. (1997) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  376. Reproductive Rights: Madsen v. Women's Health Center (1994) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  377. Reproductive Rights: Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) written 2023-04-09 (Blackmun and Scalia)
  378. Reproductive Rights: Thornburgh v. Amer. Coll. of Obstetricians (1986) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  379. Reproductive Rights: Carey v. Population Services Int'l (1977) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) minors have a constitutional right to contraception
  380. Reproductive Rights: Geduldig v. Aiello (1974) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  381. Reproductive Rights: Roe v. Wade written 2023-04-02 (Need Burger concurrance)
  382. Reproductive Rights: Abele v. Markle (1972) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  383. Reproductive Rights: Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  384. Reproductive Rights: Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) written 2023-04-02 (Need Stewart dissent)
  385. Reproductive Rights: Poe v. Ullman (1961) written 2023-0x-xx (Need everything) See Dissents setting stage for Roe
  386. Sex and Marriage:
  387. Sex and Marriage, Gay Marriage: Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) written 2023-04-17 (Full opinion, dissents.)
  388. Sex and Marriage, : United States v. Windsor (2013) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  389. Sex and Marriage, Sodomy: Lawrence v. Texas (2003) written 2023-04-10 (Need everything)
  390. Sex and Marriage, : Romer v. Evans (1996) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  391. Sex and Marriage, Sodomy: Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) written 2023-04-10
  392. Sovereign Immunity
  393. Sovereign Immunity Tennessee v. Lane (2004) (Need everything)
  394. Sovereign Immunity Garrett v. University of Alabama (2001) (Need everything)
  395. Sovereign Immunity Kimel v. Florida Board of Regents (2000) (Need everything)
  396. Sovereign Immunity Alden v. Maine (1999) (Need everything)
  397. Sovereign Immunity Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education Board v. College Savings Bank (1999) (Need everything)
  398. Sovereign Immunity Seminole Tribe v. Florida (1996) (Need everything)
  399. Sovereign Immunity Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Federal Agents (1971) (Need everything)
  400. Standing
  401. Standing, 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech, : Murthy v. Missouri (2024) (Need everything)
  402. Standing, Associational Standing: Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA (2024) written 2024-06-14
  403. Standing, Associational Standing: Acheson Hotels, LLC v. Laufer (2024) (Need everything)
  404. Standing, Informational Injury TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez (2021) (Need everything)
  405. Standing, Informational Injury Federal Election Commission v. Akins (1998) (Need everything)
  406. Standing, Informational Injury Public Citizen v. Department of Justice (1989) (Need everything)
  407. Standing, Informational Injury Havens Realty Corp. v. Coleman (1982) (Need everything) overruled by Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA (2024)
  408. Standing: Health and Hospital Corporation v. Talevski (2023) (Need everything)
  409. Standing: Mallory v. Norfolk Southern Railway (2023) (Need everything)
  410. Standing: United States v. Texas (2023) (Need everything) states lack Article III standing to sue on behalf of citizens
  411. Standing: Carney v. Adams (2020) (Need everything)
  412. Standing: Lack Thereof: Hernadez v. Mesa (2020)
  413. Standing: Gil v. Whitford (2018) (Need everything)
  414. Standing: Spokeo v. Robins (2015) (Need everything)
  415. Standing: Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus (2014) (Need everything)
  416. Standing, Lack Thereof: Dennis Hollingsworth v. Kristin M. Perry (2013) written 2023-02-13 Schubert p. 191
  417. Standing, Lack Thereof: Clapper v. Amnesty International (2012) “[t]he assumption that if respondents have no standing to sue, no one would have standing, is not a reason to find standing.” -- Alito
  418. Standing, Lack Thereof: Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn (2011)
  419. Standing: Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., (2007) (Need everything)
  420. Standing: Ashcroft v. Iqbal (2006) (Need everything)
  421. Standing: Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly (2006) (Need everything)
  422. Standing: Hein v. Freedom from Religion Foundation (2006) (Need everything)
  423. Standing: Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife (1992) Note: not assigned "sufficient risk of future injury"
  424. Standing: City of Los Angeles v. Lyons (1982) (Need everything)
  425. Standing: Doran v. Salem Inn, Inc. (1975) (Need everything)
  426. Standing: Huffman v. Pursue, Ltd. (1975) (Need everything)
  427. Standing: Steffel v. Thompson (1974) (Need everything)
  428. Standing: United States v. Richardson (1973) (Need everything)
  429. Standing: Schlesinger v. Reservists Committee to Stop the War (1973) (Need everything)
  430. Standing: Younger v. Harris (1971) (Need everything)
  431. Standing: Flast v. Cohen (1968) (Need everything)
  432. Statute of Limitations: Corner Post, Inc., Petitioner vs. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2024) (Need everything)
  433. Substantive Due Process
  434. Substantive Due Process: Procreation Skinner v. Oklahoma (1942) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything) sterilization for three or more times of crimes "amounting to felonies involving moral turpitude." excluding certain offenses, including embezzlement
  435. Substantive Due Process: Mugler v. Kansas (1887) written 2023-0x-yy (Need everything)
  436. (Non-)Incorporation, Right of Contract: Lochner v. New York (1906) written 2023-02-02
  437. (Non-)Incorporation, Takings Clause: Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore (1833) written 2023-02-02
  438. Takings Clause, : DeVillier v. Texas (2024) (Need everything)
  439. Takings Clause, : Sheetz v. County of El Dorado (2024) (Need everything)
  440. Takings Clause, : Koontz v. St. John’s River Water District Management (2013) (Need everything)
  441. Takings Clause, Public Purpose: Kelo v. City of New London (Need: Kennedy concurrance and Thomas dissent)
  442. Takings Clause, Permitting, Proportionality: Dolan v. City of Tigard (1994) (Need everything)
  443. Takings Clause, Permitting, Nexus: Nollan v. California Coastal Commission (1987) (Need everything)
  444. Takings Clause, Public Purpose: Fallbrook Irrigation Dist. v. Bradley, 164 U.S. 112 (1896) (Need everything)
  445. Takings Clause, Public Use: Davidson v. New Orleans, 96 U.S. 97 (1878) (Need everything)
  446. Voting Rights
  447. Voting Rights: Arkansas State Conference NAACP v. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Need everything) No private law suits under the VRA contra Morse v. Republican Party of Va., 517 U.S. 186 (1996). article.
  448. Voting Rights: Alexander v. South Carolina Conference of the NAACP (2024) Reversing Cooper v. Harris (2017) (Need everything) SCOTUSBlog article 2024-03-21. Alito 6-3 decision in favor of South Carolina Republicans.
  449. Voting Rights: Robinson v. Ardoin (2024) (Need summarization) Louisana Redistricting details
  450. Voting Rights: Hopkins, et al. v. Hosemann (2023) (MS) (Need summarization) 5th Circuit determines voter "disenfranchisement for life under Section 241 is unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment"
  451. Voting Rights: Roberts v. McDonald (2023) Certiorari denied despite Hunter v. Underwood (Need everything)
  452. Voting Rights: Moore v. Harper (2023) (Need summarization)
  453. Voting Rights: Harness v. Watson (2023) (Need everything) Certiorari denied. Jackson and Sotomoyor dissent.
  454. Voting Rights, Race and Redistricting: Allen v. Milligan aka (Merrill) (2023) written 2023-06-18. details
  455. Voting Rights: Wisconsin Legislature, et al. v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, et al. (2022) (Need everything)
  456. Voting Rights: Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee (2021) (Need everything)
  457. Voting Rights: Department of Commerce v. New York (2019)) (Need everything)
  458. Voting Rights: Rucho v. Common Cause (2019) (Need everything)
  459. Voting Rights: Abbott v. Perez (2018) (Need everything)
  460. Voting Rights: Gill v. Whitford (2018) (Need everything)
  461. Voting Rights: North Carolina v. Covington (2018)) (Need everything)
  462. Voting Rights: Cooper v. Harris (2017)) (Need everything) Reversed by Alexander v. South Carolina Conference of the NAACP (2024)
  463. Voting Rights: Evenwel v. Abbott (2016)) (Need everything)
  464. Voting Rights: Alabama Legislative Black Caucus v. Alabama (2015) (Need everything)
  465. Voting Rights: Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission (2015) (Need everything)
  466. Voting Rights: Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Ariz., Inc. (2013) (Need everything)
  467. Voting Rights: Bartlett v. Strickland (2013) (Need everything)
  468. Voting Rights: Shelby County v. Holder (2013) (Need everything)
  469. Voting Rights: League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry (2006) (Need everything)
  470. Voting Rights: Purcell v. Gonzalez (2004) (Need everything)
  471. Voting Rights: Vieth v. Jubelirer (2004) (Need everything)
  472. Voting Rights: Bush v. Gore (2000) (Need Souter, Ginsberg, Breyer dissents)
  473. Voting Rights: Shaw v. Hunt (2000) (Need everything) Does North Carolina's redistricting plan constitute racial gerrymandering
  474. Voting Rights: Morse v. Republican Party of Va. (1996) (Need everything) Does North Carolina's redistricting plan constitute racial gerrymandering
  475. Voting Rights, Racial Gerrymanders: Bush v. Vera (1996) (Need everything)
  476. Voting Rights, Racial Gerrymanders: Miller v. Johnson (1995) (Need everything)
  477. Voting Rights, Term Limits: U.S. Term Limits, Inc v. Thornton (1995) (Need everything)
  478. Voting Rights: Johnson v. De Grandy (1994) (Need everything)
  479. Voting Rights: Growe v. Emison (1993) (Need everything)
  480. Voting Rights, Racial Gerrymanders: Shaw v. Reno (1993) (Need everything)
  481. Voting Rights: Chisom v. Roemer (1991) (Need everything)
  482. Voting Rights: Thornburg v. Gingles (1986) (Need everything)
  483. Voting Rights: Davis v. Bandemer (1985) (Need everything) mere demonstration of dilution of a particular group's voting strenght was no longer enough
  484. Voting Rights: Hunter v. Underwood (1985) (Need everything)
  485. Voting Rights: Karcher v. Daggett (1983) (Need everything)
  486. Voting Rights: Rogers v. Lodge (1982) (Need everything)
  487. Voting Rights: City of Mobile v. Bolden (1980) (Need everything)
  488. Voting Rights: City of Rome v. United States (1980) (Need everything)
  489. Voting Rights: City of Richmond v. United States (1975) (Need everything)
  490. Voting Rights: Chapman v. Meier (1975) (Need everything)
  491. Voting Rights: Richardson v. Ramirez (1974) (Need everything) disenfranchising convicted felons who have completed their sentences and paroles, does not violate the Equal Protection Clause. Pp. 418 U. S. 41-56.
  492. Voting Rights: (1973) (Need everything) approved of a gerrymandering scheme explicitly designed to produce safe districts for incumbents
  493. Voting Rights: White v. Regester (1973) (Need everything)
  494. Voting Rights: Whitcomb v. Chavis (1971) (Need everything)
  495. Voting Rights: Hadley v. Junior Coll. Dist. (1970) (Need everything)
  496. Voting Rights: Moore v. Ogilvie (1969) (Need everything)
  497. Voting Rights: Kirkpatrick v. Preisler (1969) (Need everything)
  498. Voting Rights, Congress Excluding a Member: Powell v. McCormack (1969) (Need everything)
  499. Voting Rights: Avery v. Midland Cty. (1968) (Need everything)
  500. Voting Rights: Fortson v. Morris (1966) (Need everything)
  501. Voting Rights: Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections (1966) (Need everything)
  502. Voting Rights: Fortson v. Dorsey (1965) (Need everything)
  503. Voting Rights: South Carolina v. Katzenbach (1964) (Need everything) 15th Amendment Self-Executing (compare Trump v. Anderson 14th not self-executing)
  504. Voting Rights: Reynolds v. Sims (1964) (Need everything)
  505. Voting Rights: Wesberry v. Sanders (1964) (Need everything)
  506. Voting Rights: Gray v. Sanders (1963) (Need everything)
  507. Voting Rights: Baker v. Carr (1962) written 2023-10-05 (Need Clark concurrance and Frankfurter dissent) -- Refusal to reapportion as directly the the Constitution of the State of Tennessee for 60 years. (TN) -->
  508. Voting Rights: Gomillion v. Lightfoot (1960) (Need everything)
  509. Voting Rights: South v. Peters (1950) (Need everything)
  510. Voting Rights: MacDougall v. Green (1948) (Need everything)
  511. Voting Rights: Colegrove v. Green (1946) (Need everything)
  512. Voting Rights: Smith v. Allwright (1944) (Need everything)
  513. Voting Rights: Snowden v. Hughes (1944) (Need everything)
  514. Voting Rights: United States v. Saylor (1944) (Need everything)
  515. Voting Rights: United States v. Classic (1941) (Need everything)
  516. Voting Rights: Grovey v. Townsen (1935) (Need everything)
  517. Voting Rights: Nixon v. Condon (1932) (Need everything)
  518. Voting Rights: Nixon v. Herndon (1927) (Need everything)
  519. Voting Rights: United States v. Mosley (1915) (Need everything)
  520. Voting Rights: Giles v. Harris (1903) (Need everything) (refusing to intervene in Alabama's scheme for disenfranchisement of African-Americans).
  521. Voting Rights: Swafford v. Templeton (1902) (Need everything) (TN denial of right to vote?)
  522. Voting Rights: McPherson v. Blacker (1892) (Need everything)
  523. Voting Rights: Reynolds v. United States (1878) (Need everything)
  524. Voting Rights: Minor v. Happersett (1875) (Need everything)
  525. Willful Blindess: Global-Tech Appliances v. SEB (2011) (Need everything)
  526. Austin v. US Navy SEALs 1-26 (2022) Collins v. Yellen (2021) legal arguments that, if taken seriously, would have invalidated every single action taken by the FHFA in its 13 years of existence.
  527. Gilligan v. Morgan (1973) Kent State Massacre
  528. Physician Assisted Suicide: Gonzales v. Oregon, 546 U.S. 243 (2006) Need everything
  529. Physician Assisted Suicide: Washington v. Glucksberg (1979) Need concurrences
  530. Cooper v. Aaron (1974) States cannot nullify decisions of the federal courts. Federal Supremacy Clause.
  531. Newell-Davis v. Phillips (2023) George Will article
  532. Shapiro v. Thompson (1969) for the right of interstate movement
  533. Federal Tax Power, Attribution of income : Need entry for Moore-United States Realization as explained by Ian Millhiser. Written 2024-06-20
  534. Federal Tax Power: Helvering v. Horst (1940) Realization adopted.
  535. Federal Tax Power: Helvering v. Griffiths (1943) Limits Eisner v. Macomber to benefits from a stock split.
  536. Federal Tax Power: Eisner v. Macomber (1920) Investment gain is not income.
  537. Federal Tax Power: Pollock v. Farmer’s Loan & Trust (1895) Taxes must be apportioned by population till overruled by the 16th Amendment (1913).
  538. Federal Tax Power: Collector v. Hubbard (1871) Tax on unrealized gains.
  539. First Amendment: School Book Bans: Island Trees School District v. Pico (1982)
  540. Obstructing an Official Proceeding: Fischer v. United States (2024) Written 2024-07-xx Need opinion of the court (16 pages).
  541. 14th Amendment, Substantive Due Process, Civil Commitment, Double Jeopardy: Kansas v. Hendricks 1997
  542. Civil vs Criminal: Kennedy v. Mendoza-Martinez (1963)
  543. Faithless Electors: Chiafolo v. Washington
  544. Sleeping in Public City of Grants Pass v. Johnson (2024)
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